Naruto: Start with the Seventh Generation Reward

Chapter 103 The Unruly Citizens of Konoha (1st and 2nd update)

Sarutobi Hijiro was ready to teach Danzo a hard lesson.

As a branch of the Anbu, Danzo, as an elder, would actually do such a thing. It seems that I have been too indulgent to him over the years.

So much so that he doesn't even take me seriously.

If this continues, I, the Hokage, will be worse than Danzo.

He dared to do this despite his explicit prohibition. He knew that Danzo's ambition could no longer be suppressed.

This time, he not only had to reduce 90% of the funds of the Root, but also to transfer out the personnel of the Root!

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured again in a low voice: "The Root has no need to exist anymore."

No one wants his subordinates to disobey orders, or even blatantly disobey themselves, and he is no exception.

On the other side, Yuichi Yuuki and others had no idea about the game between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo.

After eating barbecue, they returned to school.

The afternoon class was still no different from before.

However, students had to listen more seriously than usual.

It seems that the final exam that Ikkaku Umino mentioned in the morning has worked.

Taking the exam together with the second-year students has put a lot of pressure on them.

Looking at Ikkaku Umino who was teaching seriously on the podium, Yuichi Yuuki supported his chin with his right hand and looked out through the window.

"Yuichi, are we really going to Kai's house later?"

Kurenai Yuhi's voice was a little erratic.

Hearing this, Yuichi Yuuki turned his head and looked at her, and said, "Of course we have to go."

A few unruly people dared to attack Might Guy.

Don't you know that he is protected by himself?

These unruly people in Konoha are very explosive in any world.

As civilians, they dared to speak rudely to ninjas and even dared to bully the eldest daughter of the ninja clan.

It is said that poor mountains and bad waters produce unruly people, but Konoha, a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, also produces unruly people.

Noticing what they said, Kakashi Hatake, who was sitting in front, turned his head and looked at the two of them, and asked, "Are you going to Might Guy's house?"

"Yes." Yuki Yu nodded.

"What are you going to do at his house?" Kakashi Hatake was puzzled. He came a little late in the morning, and he didn't mention this matter when he had barbecue at noon.

Seeing his appearance, Yuki Yuichi smiled and said, "Of course, we are going to the homes of those troublemakers near him!"

Hearing this, Kakashi Hatake was stunned, and then looked at Might Guy in surprise.

"So, the injuries on his face were not caused by his own exercise?"

"But he was beaten by someone?"

"Yeah." Yuhi Kurenai nodded beside him, "So we thought about finding those people near his house after school."

"And then beat them up!" Yuhi Kurenai said, waving her little fist, with some excitement in her red eyes.

Seeing her look, Kakashi Hatake nodded, "I'll go with you too."

Yuuki Yuichi heard this, turned his head to look at Might Guy who was drowsy because of Ikkaku Umino's class, and then looked at Kakashi Hatake.

"I thought you wouldn't get involved in this kind of thing."

Kakashi Hatake just looked at him with dead eyes, and then said with some tsundere: "We are friends"

After that, he turned his head and sat back.

His voice was very low, but Yuuki Yuichi still caught it accurately.

Seeing his look, Yuuki Yuichi smiled.

His existence has not changed anything.

At least, Kakashi Hatake, who should have graduated long ago, is still in school.

And it can make this tsundere guy say such words.

However, he is right, they are friends.

The afternoon passed quickly.

Ikkaku Umino stood on the podium, looking at the students below, and then looked at the two students who did not refine chakra with some regret, but did not say anything.

Most people in the ninja world can refine chakra, it's just a matter of talent.

But there are still a small number of people who can't refine chakra.

And obviously, these two students who can't refine chakra are such people.

But he didn't say anything. The inability to refine chakra is a problem of students' talent, not these two students' problem.

On the contrary, the two of them are much more studious than others.

Thinking of this, Kaino Ikkaku said loudly: "School is over now!"

As he said that, he walked out of the classroom first.

He stayed in class before because he wanted to teach them how to refine chakra and write as soon as possible. Now that it is not necessary, he will not stay in class.

As he said this, Yuichi Yuuki glanced at Might Guy and then went out directly through the window.

Although they can also go out through the gate, as a ninja reserve,

I can only say that a ninja who doesn't go out through the window is not a good Hokage.

For ninjas, there is actually no difference between windows and gates.

At least that's what Yuichi Yuuki thinks.

Seeing Yuichi Yuu rushing out, Kurenai Yuhi followed closely, followed by Hatake Kakashi and others.

When the other students saw them, they were envious.

During this period of time, they also knew who were the geniuses in the class.

And there were many people who wanted to join Yuichi Yuu's small team.

After all, the most talented Yuichi Yuki and Kakashi Hatake, who are the most talented in the whole age group, are among them.

It is human nature to admire the strong.

After leaving the ninja school, Asuma Sarutobi was about to go home, and Uchiha Obito was about to go eat with Nohara Rin.

Then he saw Hatake Kakashi and Yuichi Yuki looking at Might Guy.

He immediately stopped and looked at them with some confusion.

"What's wrong?" Uchiha Obito spoke first.

Kakashi Hatake just glanced at him and didn't say anything.

Yuichi Yuki saw his look and shrugged, "Gai was beaten."

Then he pointed to the injury on Might Guy's face.

"Huh?" Nohara Rin looked at Might Guy in a daze, "Isn't this the injury caused by Kai's training?"

Because of his physical training, Might Guy often fights with his father.

And physical battles are bound to get injured, so Might Guy often has wounds on his body, and they are not surprised.

What they didn't expect was that the wound was caused by someone beating him.

"How can I repair it!" Uchiha Obito clenched his hands, "My friend was actually bullied!"

"Kai! Where is the person who bullied you! I'll go and avenge you!"

Uchiha Obito's voice was very angry.

Might Guy saw his look and scratched his head, "Let it go?"

"They have real ninjas."

"Genin?" Yuichi Yuuki asked.

Might Guy nodded, "Yeah."

When he heard Might Guy say there were real ninjas, the first thing he thought of was Genin.

Because the people who can become ninjas will not live to become Chunin.

Being able to become Chunin means that the person's brain will not have any problems, and even if they are brainwashed by the Will of Fire, they will not become more stupid.

Yuichi Yuuki thought about it, looked at Might Guy, and then said, "Do you remember what I told you?"

Might Guy nodded, and then said, "Of course I remember!"

"Peace will survive if you fight for it, and peace will die if you compromise for it."

After hearing this, not only Hatake Kakashi, but everyone else looked at him.

Finally, they turned their attention to Yuichi Yuuki.

Even a poor student like Uchiha Obito could feel the value of this sentence.

Peace will survive if you fight for it...

Kakashi Hatake thought about this sentence in his heart and felt it was very useful.

Yuichi Yuuki didn't care about their attention, but patted Might Guy on the shoulder.

Except for Kurenai Yuhi, he and Might Guy have known each other the longest.

At the age of five, he followed Might Guy and Might Guy to practice.

If it was other sarcasm, it would be fine, but this time they actually took action.

Might Guy could tolerate it, but he couldn't.

Even if there were Genin, they were not afraid.

Let alone Genin, even if it was Chunin, they could beat him up together.

Thinking about it, he said, "Kai, lead the way?"

"Let me see what those stupid bastards are made of!"

Hearing his words, Uchiha Obito did the same, shouting, "Let me see what those stupid bastards are like!"

"And me!" Sarutobi Asuma also spoke.

After staying with Yuichi Yuu for a long time, they also learned some words.

For example, idiot.

Seeing their firm attitude, Might Guy did not continue to insist.

Instead, he scratched his head and said, "Okay then."

"But, really don't mess with them, there is a Genin among them."

"We might get beaten up."

Might Guy did not have a clear idea of ​​his own strength and the strength of everyone else.

However, Yuichi Yuu and Kakashi Hatake did have some.

Genin was really vulnerable in their hands.

Even if it was Might Guy, as long as he burst out with all his strength, Genin was not enough.

Seeing that Might Guy was not leading the way, Uchiha Obito urged: "Hurry up!"

"I can't wait to beat those guys up!"

Seeing his look, Nohara Rin pulled him helplessly, "Obito, don't say that."

Uchiha Obito's switch was Nohara Rin.

After hearing her words, Uchiha Obito suddenly calmed down.

Might Guy was leading the way, and Yuichi Yuki and others followed behind him.

"Yuichi, I will use the tree binding to control them later!" Yuhi Kurenai quietly spoke to Yuichi Yuki, with a little pride in her tone.

She has been learning the illusion of tree binding for a long time!

When she first started learning, she didn't learn it because this ninjutsu was too difficult.

When she concentrated on learning the spirit transformation technique later, she found that tree binding was not particularly difficult.

With this idea, she quickly learned tree binding.

This ninjutsu is the type that can be used for simple control or simple killing, and can be used to kill people in the illusory spiritual world through illusion.

Looking at Yuhi Kurenai, Yuichi Yuki knew that she wanted to praise her, so he immediately said: "Kurena is awesome."

"Hehe." Yuhi Kurenai smiled innocently, "I want to learn the spirit transformation technique quickly, so that I can chat with Yuichi in my mind again."

Is the spirit transformation technique used for you to chat with yourself in your mind?

However, seeing her like this, Yuichi Yuki still smiled helplessly.

At the same time, he decided to teach Kurenai the three skills of Kimono Kurenai after she learned the art of spiritualization.

By then, with the three ninjutsu of Kimono Kurenai, plus the S-level forbidden art of spiritualization, the safety and strength of Yuhi Kurenai will be qualitatively improved.

She can fight and escape, attack from a distance, and attack at close range.

The three skills on the template are skills for him, and he can use them with a thought, but for others, this is ninjutsu.

It is a ninjutsu that needs to be learned.

The template he extracted is not just about giving three skills and bloodline.

It also includes the method of cultivation.

Although he may not understand this method of cultivation, there are many professional terms and acupuncture points and meridians.

Thinking about it, the group soon arrived near Might Guy's house.

As soon as he arrived, Uchiha Obito spoke in a hurry.

"Where it is!" As he said that, his eyes showed two magatama Sharingan, "My eyes are already impatient!"

"Obito, you don't have to show your Sharingan every time." Yuichi Yuuji looked at him and couldn't help but speak.

Every time Uchiha Obito encountered such a thing, he would show his Sharingan, which made him a little nervous.

Hearing his words, Uchiha Obito shook his head and said confidently: "If I don't show my Sharingan, who would know that I am a genius?"

Everyone: "."

Hatake Kakashi twitched the corner of his mouth, and then moved away from Uchiha Obito.

"Okay, as long as you are happy." Yuichi Yuuji was silent by his words.

Might Guy pointed to a row of houses not far ahead and said: "That's it."

As he said that, he was still a little hesitant. After thinking about it, he was still a little dejected and didn't say anything to let them give up.

He actually knew that Yuichi Yuuji and the others came to help him, but he was really worried that everyone would be beaten up at that time.

If this happens, he will feel guilty for a long time.

Seeing his expression, Yuichi Yuki knew what he was thinking, but he did not say anything else, but walked towards the direction where Might Guy pointed.

There was a group of people playing ninja games there.

Seeing Yuichi Yuki and others coming over, one of them scratched his head, and then saw Might Guy among them, and immediately showed a sarcastic look.

"Hey, the idiot from the Might family actually came here on his own initiative!" He said, making exaggerated movements.

When the people around heard what he said, they all laughed.

In their eyes, Might Guy was a weirdo, and as the son of a weirdo, Might Guy was naturally a weirdo.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with bullying weirdos.

They even felt that they were the righteous side.

Looking at them, Yuichi Yuki couldn't help but frowned.

I can't bear it anymore. I've been changing my schedule these two days. I slept until ten o'clock without paying attention. I rushed to write 4,000 words, and I will update 12,000 tomorrow to make up for the remaining 4,000 words. Sorry, sorry

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