Naruto: Start with the Seventh Generation Reward

Chapter 104 From now on, my name is Yuuji Yuuki! (Update 1)

Perhaps Might Guy and Might Dai have good tempers. When they saw Yuichi Yuuki and his group, they didn't take them seriously at all.

They even wanted to ridicule Yuichi Yuuki and his group.

The people who were with Might Guy must be the last ones.

Seeing Yuichi Yuuki frown, a slightly older boy who looked eight or nine years old stood up and said arrogantly: "Are you here to cause trouble for us?"

"Even if you are students of the Ninja School, we are not easy to bully!"

As he said, he took a step forward and stepped on the ground that was not covered with stone slabs, leaving a shallow footprint.

"You must be useless if you can hang out with a loser like Might Guy, right? Hahaha!"

"That's right! If you hang out with someone like Might Guy, they must be useless!"

"Yeah, yeah! Damn you, you dare to come and cause trouble for us! Don't think we're afraid of you just because you're reserve ninjas!"

Hearing their words, Yuichi Yuuki frowned even deeper.

I still underestimated these Konoha's unruly people.

However, Might Guy said there was another Genin among them, but he didn't see it this time.

Thinking about it, he immediately said, "Don't you have another weak Genin? Where is he?!"

"And! If you kneel down now and slap yourself a hundred times, I'll let you go."

Yuichi Yuuki's voice gradually turned cold from the initial inquiry.

"Asshole! We didn't do anything wrong, you want us to apologize? Dream on!"

"Stop talking nonsense, everyone come together!"

As he said, a group of little brats gathered here rushed towards Yuichi Yuuki.

The people behind Yuichi Yuuji heard their words and saw their looks, and they were immediately furious.

Uchiha Obito and Sarutobi Asuma looked at each other, then stepped forward.

Hatake Kakashi glanced at Kurenai Yuhi and Rin Nohara, and said, "You guys just watch from behind, leave this to us boys."

Hearing this, Kurenai Yuhi and Rin Nohara looked at each other, then Kurenai Yuhi nodded, then shook her head and said, "Then we'll be in the back, but I'll use illusion to teach them a lesson."

As Kurenai Yuuji said this, there was still some anger on her face. Obviously, she had never met such an unreasonable person.

Originally, she just wanted to come over and teach them a little lesson, but now it seems that they will be miserable.

She knows Yuichi Yuuji very well. Although he looks very calm now, the calmer he is, the more ruthless he will be.

When he is playful, he can do anything, but when he is serious, he is very fierce.

Kurenai Yuhi has seen it before.

Yuichi Yuichi, who was at the front, laughed when he saw them rushing towards him.

He had been fighting and playing in the streets since he was a child. Except for someone who wanted to bully him at the beginning, no one dared to do this to him!

Every person who did this to him was pressed to the ground and beaten many times by him.

I didn't expect that someone would dare to do this this time.

Thinking about it, Yuichi Yuichi looked back at Hatake Kakashi and the other two and nodded slightly, then he took the lead and rushed towards the group of unruly teenagers.

Uchiha Obito and the other two followed closely behind.

Might Guy looked at them nervously, but at the moment they rushed out, he gritted his teeth and rushed out too.

The speed of this group of unruly teenagers was not fast, after all, they had no real training and no chakra in their bodies.

Even if they rushed towards Yuichi Yuichi first, they saw Yuichi Yuichi moving like a crazy rabbit before they were halfway through the journey and rushed directly into their midst.

His goal was very simple, the leading teenager, he must beat him until he could not take care of himself!

Thinking of this, Yuichi Yuki rushed to his side. Before he could react, a whip kick mixed with chakra and emitting a blue glow in the sun appeared directly in his field of vision and approached quickly.

With just a whip kick, the leading teenager felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and the whole person flew backwards four or five meters.

When flying out, he even knocked down two people. The three of them rolled on the ground together, wailing.

Seeing this scene, the other teenagers stopped and looked at Yuichi Yuki with horror.

They didn't expect that this person would dare to take action and even beat people out.

"You!" They were shocked and angry, pointing at Yuichi Yuki with a trembling hand, and slowly stepped back, "You will definitely pay the price!"

"Humph!" Hearing their words, Yuichi Yuki snorted coldly, "I don't know if I will pay the price, but I am your price!"

Just as he was saying this, Hatake Kakashi and others also rushed up, and Yuichi Yuki saw this and also rushed over.

There is a big gap between ordinary people and ninjas. Although Yuichi Yuuichi and his friends did not become ninjas, to some extent, they are at least at the level of Genin.

Beating up such a group of unruly people can be done by one person.

Looking at the people lying on the ground wailing, Uchiha Obito laughed and stepped on the chest of one of them.

"That's all you can do!"

"Didn't you say you would take revenge on us?!"

"Remember! My name is Uchiha Obito!"

"If you want revenge, just come!"

Looking at Uchiha Obito's appearance, Yuuki Yuichi said silently from the side, "Obito, isn't there someone in your family who works in the security force?"

"When the time comes, let them remember these people and target them. They won't be able to survive."

Yuuki Yuichi said, looking at the boys on the ground who turned pale after hearing his words.

They never thought about how they could become like this when they just bullied the son of a genin who had been a genin for ten thousand years.

After hearing Yuki Yuichi's words, Uchiha Obito was about to retort that he only had one grandma in his family. Hatake Kakashi stood up and said, "Yes, Obito, there is someone in your family who is in the security team. Come on." Let’s say it now and let their whole family starve to death.”

Although he didn't know what Yuichi Yuichi and Kakashi Hatake were doing, they both said so, and he didn't expose it, but nodded and said: "Okay! My uncle works in the security force. He is the best If he likes me, I’ll tell him when the time comes!”

Seeing his appearance, Yuuki Yuichi smiled, but this smile looked like a devil in the eyes of the people lying on the ground.

In fact, Uchiha Obito, who has not turned black, is a kind-hearted and helpful person.

However, he is not a person who allows others to bully him, and as a genius of the Uchiha clan, he is not afraid of anyone finding trouble.

If someone finds trouble, Uchiha will give him a severe lesson.

Although the reputation in Konoha is not very good, if the police want to target certain civilians, it will really make it difficult for them to survive.

If they leave Konoha, it would be easier, just kill them.

Many unscrupulous people have never thought about this.

Yuuki Yuichi can only say that he cannot understand, but respects it.

He was rude to the Uchiha who controlled the security force, punched the strong man, and spoke arrogantly to the ninjas.

This group of unscrupulous people can be described as lawless.

They didn't even think about it. The police were only responsible for them and some ninjas. Once they started targeting them, how could they survive?

And it wasn't until Yuki Yuichi used this incident to threaten them that they realized the seriousness of the matter.

"If you put yourself above those who are stronger than you, use your arrogance on the strong, and ignore that you are a waste, you should know that death is your destination."

Yuki Yuichi's tone was cold, and upon hearing his words, these teenagers on the ground felt as if winter had arrived.

The gates of hell are open to them.

There was even a filthy smell coming from beneath several people.

Apparently he was scared to death.

Seeing their appearance, Yuki Yuichi shook his head, then looked at everyone and said, "Let's go."

"Next time they dare to treat ninjas, even reserve ninjas, and kill them all directly."

Hearing this, before Metkai and the others could speak, the people on the ground hurriedly promised: "We don't dare anymore, we don't dare anymore! It's all him! He encouraged us in everything!"

As he spoke, he pointed at the leading young man, his tone a little flustered.

"That's right, he was the one who instigated us!"

"He told us that he wanted to teach Metka a lesson, and then he took us to laugh at him!"

The leading boy could no longer hear their words. After being kicked by Yuki Yuu's burst of chakra, he would not be able to get off the ground unless he lay in bed for a year and a half.

After hearing these words, Yuuki Yuichi just smiled, turned around and left, ignoring them.

After walking a certain distance, Hatake Kakashi said thoughtfully: "I never thought before that their evil nature is so serious."

"Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is synonymous with them." Yuki Yuichi replied, "Everyone has bad qualities, but they have more bad qualities."

"For example, when encountering danger, everyone will instinctively run outside without caring about the people around them. This is one of the bad traits, but people call it instinct."

"But some people just run a step or two, and their rationality will reoccupy the high ground, and then help those around them escape together."

"But even if some people return to their senses, they won't pay attention to the people around them, and will even pull the people in front of them behind them. They know that they don't necessarily have to run the fastest, sometimes they just need to outrun the people around them. "

Hearing this, Hatake Kakashi frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

Yuuki Yuichi knew what he was thinking just by seeing his frown, and continued: "Just like this time, everyone in the village is condemning Uncle Sakumo."

"But are they really condemning it?"

"No, maybe some people will really condemn Uncle Sakumo for giving up the mission for his companions, but I believe that more people just want to look at the people who are standing on top."

Yuki Yuichi paused after saying this, then looked at Hatake Kakashi and continued: "I just want to see Uncle Sakumo fall from a high place."

"That's all."

"Sometimes it's hard to feel like this kind of rumors and being rejected by everyone. If you are serious, you can comfort your father."

"He's probably very vulnerable right now."

"Once this kind of rumors and violence in the village intensifies, he may not be able to handle it."

"It's time for you to solve the problem."

Yuuki Yuichi really wanted to let Hatake Sakumo survive. In this case, he would have a greater chance of surviving the next three battles.

He never thinks that he is the protagonist. The battlefield is a meat grinder. No matter you are a ninja or a civilian, you will die in it.

Although the three wars in the original work did not show too many tragic situations, he knew that many jonin died in his previous life.

Four of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen died.

And it seems that it is 1v4 in Konoha, so he has to find more protection for himself?

If possible, he even wants to hide in the village and not go out.

It is not that he is afraid of war, but he does not want to put himself in danger.

The ancestors said that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

He feels that he is a gentleman, so he does not want to go to a dangerous place.

Is there a problem?

No problem.

Hearing his words, Hatake Kakashi nodded, and then said, "I remember it."

He felt that Yuichi Yuichi's words were right, and sometimes words can kill people.

He did not want to be an orphan.

He was going to listen to Yuichi Yuichi's principles more, and then copy them to persuade his father.

Seeing that their conversation was over, Might Guy scratched his head, pointed to a house that looked a bit old not far away, and said, "Do you want to come to my house and sit for a while?"

"It's almost time for dinner, let's eat at my house."

He always felt that it was very rude not to invite people in to sit for a while since they were already at the doorstep.

Heard his words, Uchiha Obito nodded, "I'm going!"

Sarutobi Asuma glanced at him with a sidelong glance, then looked at Might Guy and nodded, "Then I'll go too!"

Hearing what the two of them said, Nohara Lin and Yuhi Kurenai also nodded, "Then excuse me."

"It's okay." Might Guy shook his head, he was still very moved today.

After all, this matter was actually to help him and his father, and although the family was relatively poor, it was also relatively poor, at least a meal was not a problem.

In this way, Might Guy led a few people towards home.

It was already five o'clock when they got out of school. They walked here and beat up the group of unruly people. It was only half past five now.

It was just time to eat.

When we arrived at Might Guy's house, Might Guy was busy in the kitchen.

When he saw Might Guy coming back with his classmates, he showed a happy expression.

"Hahaha, Guy, it seems that you have also found your own youth!"

"Yes! Father! I found it!"

The father and son looked at each other at this moment, and then their eyes turned red, and tears of youth flowed out at the same time, and they hugged each other tightly.

"Gai! Youth is to spare no effort!"

"Yes! This is my youth! Father!"

The two hugged each other and burst into tears.

Seeing this, Yuichi Yuuki and others suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision to come here.

Before, only Might Guy shouted youth, but now there is one more

Sarutobi Asuma pulled the corner of his mouth, nudged Uchiha Obito with his elbow, and then said, "Gai's home is really peculiar"

Although he said so, there was still some envy in his eyes.

It would be great if the old man in his family was also like this.

Thinking of this, Asuma Sarutobi made up his mind that he must be superior to that old man.

Might Guy and Might Dai cried to each other for a while, and then Might Guy told them what happened just now.

After listening, Might Dai's expression became serious, and then he looked at them and bowed 90 degrees, "Thank you so much!"


Seeing his appearance, Yuichi Yuuki and others looked at each other, and then hurriedly said, "Uncle, you don't have to be like this!"

"Gai is our friend, isn't it right to help friends?"

Uchiha Obito said, but Might Dai still maintained a 90-degree bow posture. He looked at it awkwardly. In order to ease the embarrassment, he looked at Might Guy, "I want to eat!"

"I'm so hungry!"

As he said, he touched his stomach. Might Dai heard the words and immediately stood up straight, posing a posture that he thought was very handsome, "You wait here!"

"Try my cooking today!"

Might Dai said, and rushed directly to the kitchen, and then began to continue to work.

Hatake Kakashi complained speechlessly, "You changed the subject too abruptly."

"Huh?!" Might Guy looked at him with a surprised look on his face, "Did Obito just change the subject?"

"I didn't see it!"

Everyone: "."

If Might Guy didn't see it, then it didn't matter that Uchiha Obito changed the subject abruptly.

Yuuki Yuichi looked around the yard and saw a lot of exercise equipment. He tried it and found that it was very heavy. He couldn't lift it even with his full strength.

Seeing this, Might Guy explained: "This is the equipment my father uses for training, but it's very heavy."

"How heavy is it?" Sarutobi Asuma asked in confusion.

Might Guy scratched his head and replied, "If I remember correctly, it seems to be more than 4,000 pounds."

Sarutobi Asuma was silent for a moment.

Four thousand pounds, your father must be a monster.

Might Guy didn't realize the importance of the matter, but pointed to the smaller equipment next to him and said, "That's the equipment I use for training."

"It's only over 300 pounds."

Might Guy was a little disappointed, "And I can only lift it up and wave it for a few minutes."

Sarutobi Asuma and Uchiha Obito who came over heard this, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Over 300 pounds, it's probably difficult for me to lift it, you say you can only pick it up and wave it for a few minutes?

Pervert, it's really too perverted!

Thinking about it, the two of them set their sights on Yuki Yuichi.

I thought he was abnormal for wearing dozens of kilograms of weight-bearing clothing, but I didn't expect that there were experts.

Sensing their gazes, Yuuki Yuichi shook his head.

In fact, there is no comparison. In their eyes, Metkay and Metkay are monsters.

But they only have the talent for physical skills and can only work hard to maintain their physical strength. Metkai had already practiced very hard before entering school.

But they are different, they all have to learn ninjutsu.

Those who can practice Ninjutsu basically focus on practicing Ninjutsu.

He not only needs to practice sword skills, but also the control of chakra, the flying thunder god technique, and the development of so-called ninjutsu.

In addition, you have to work hard on your body.

He has to take care of so many things at the same time, and he is definitely not as good as Metkai, who specializes in physical skills.

He is also very self-aware about this.

His main targets are Flying Thunder God, Sealing Technique and Immortal Mode.

These three methods are the abilities that he should use as the foundation for his livelihood.

Thinking about it, Yuki Yuichi left the mark of the Flying Thunder God on a big tree in the yard.

Then three shadow clones were separated and began to practice.

Seeing his appearance, Hatake Kakashi looked at Yuhi Kurenai speechlessly, "Has he always been like this?"

Hearing this, Yuhi Hong glanced at Yuuki Yuichi and nodded her head, "Yeah."

"Yuichi worked very hard."

"I will practice whenever I have free time."

Yuhi Hong said, holding her pink fist in front of her, and then encouraged herself, "I will definitely practice the art of spiritual transformation."

She has initially mastered the art of spiritual transformation.

The soul can leave the body in a short period of time, but it has no attack or defense capabilities.

Moreover, the spiritual transformation technique she performed could even be sensed by Yuhi Zhenhong.

But even so, she was very happy.

If you can master it initially, you can master it completely!

One day I will be able to use the art of spiritualization in an instant, and I will be able to sneak into other people's spiritual worlds and attack!

Sitting cross-legged under the big tree, Yuki Yuichi and three shadow clones were practicing hard.

Yuki Yu sensed the chakra mark step by step, and among the three shadow clones, Yuki No. 3 suddenly felt as blessed as his soul. A bright idea flashed in his mind, and a good idea came to his mind.

He is a shadow clone, and he will not really die even if he dies. What does it have to do with the danger of the Flying Thunder God Technique?

Even if you are cut to death by the Space of Flying Thunder God Technique, it will be your body that suffers the most discomfort, and you can master the Flying Thunder God Technique faster, so why should you practice perception honestly?

The name Yuki No. 3 is not pleasant, he wants to be called Yuki Yuji.

Thinking about it, Yuki No. 3 suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

Seeing this, Yuhi Hong and others looked at him doubtfully.

Yuki No. 3 took a deep breath, feeling quite a bit like the wind rustling and the water cold, the heroic feeling of a warrior gone forever and never coming back.

"Today! Even though I am dead, I am still Yuji Yuji!"

Hatake Kakashi and others could not understand his behavior and still looked at him in confusion.

Yuji Yuji stood and closed his eyes, and then quickly pulled the Flying Thunder God mark into the dark perception space. After using chakra to connect with the mark, he only felt an inexplicable panic in his heart.

But he still gritted his teeth and persisted, feeling the connection between himself and the Flying Thunder God's mark. With a thought, his upper body appeared directly next to the big tree with the Flying Thunder God's mark engraved on it.

Because the speed was too fast, he teleported there and could still see his body below the waist, and then it dissipated.

After he dissipated, Yuki Yuichi, who felt the memory, opened his eyes strangely.

One thing to say, although the idea of ​​shadow clones is a bit strange, it is indeed a brand new version that I have never thought of.

Why didn't I think of using shadow clones to train the Flying Thunder God in the later stages?

All I can say is that the person who invented this method is really a genius.

ps: This chapter is 6,000 words, and there will be another chapter later which is also 6,000 words. It will probably be around one o'clock in the morning.

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