Naruto: Start with the Seventh Generation Reward

Chapter 144 A team of three, with two leading jonin.

He decided to teach Uchiha Obito, who was as impulsive as his younger brother, a little lesson.

As for what kind of lesson is better, of course it is better to teach him the same lesson as Sarutobi Asuma.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Asuma quickly formed seals with both hands, and then the whole person disappeared on the spot.

Earth escape·Heart beheading technique.

But this time he did not let the shadow clone stay in place.

This does not match the strength of a Chunin.

As for Sarutobi Asuma, this cannot be confused.

When seeing Sarutobi Shinnosuke disappear, Uchiha Obito instantly kicked like an ant on an iron plate.

Yuuki Yuichi saw this scene from a distance, narrowed his eyes slightly, and shouted: "Obito, do it!"

Hearing his words, Uchiha Obito, who was kicking, stopped immediately. The two magatama Sharingan in his eyes looked at the ground vigilantly, and he held a kunai in his hand.

As long as there is a slight disturbance, he will attack there without hesitation.

As for the movements around him, he didn't pay too much attention. He believed in Yuichi Yuuichi behind him. This was also a plan they had discussed.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who was hiding underground, was slightly startled when he saw them. In this case, he seemed to be unable to make a move casually. According to the strength of a Chunin, he could not escape such an encirclement.

Did he get fooled again?

If so, it would be embarrassing.

Just now, because of carelessness, he was fooled by Hatake Kakashi. If he was calculated again now, it would be bad.

Thinking about it, Sarutobi Shinnosuke planned to emerge from the side of Uchiha Obito. He couldn't delay time.

The moment before he drilled out of the ground, Uchiha Obito noticed some movement next to him and felt a little disappointed. This was one of the plans he and Yuichi Yuuichi had discussed.

Unexpectedly, he reacted so quickly.

And at the moment when Sarutobi Shinnosuke emerged, Yuichi Yuuichi spit out a pillar of fire.

"Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique!"

A fierce attack was coming, and Uchiha Obito was not to be outdone. His two magatama Sharingans stared at Sarutobi Shinnosuke who had just emerged from his head, and his hands quickly formed seals.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Two fire style ninjutsu went straight to Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

Uchiha Obito, who threw the Great Fireball Technique, ran back to Yuichi Yuuki and said in a somewhat frustrated tone: "Our plan failed."

"It's okay, didn't it delay the time?" Yuichi Yuuki pointed to the countdown next to him with 25 minutes left.

"What should we do next?" Uchiha Obito said.

He was very worried now.

Yuichi Yuuki didn't say anything, but looked at Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who was covered in dust because of the two fire styles.

There were still some flames on his hands, and he looked very embarrassed.

"I underestimated you." Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked at the two of them, and then put out the flames on his arm.

"But don't underestimate the seniors!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said, and then he formed a seal with his hands, and a shadow clone appeared next to him, rushing towards Yuichi Yuuichi and Uchiha Obito one after the other, at a very fast speed.

"Instant Body Technique?" Yuichi Yuuichi pulled Uchiha Obito to dodge directly to the side, and then said, "Obito, copy my ninjutsu!"

"Wind Style: Fierce Wind Palm!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito began to copy Yuichi Yuuichi's movements, and then the two of them threw forward together, and two wind balls went towards Sarutobi Shinnosuke and his shadow clone.

Uchiha Obito's Sharingan could not copy ninjutsu that was too difficult, but it was just right to copy this ninjutsu.

After one blow, the two of them didn't care whether they hit or not, and ran to both sides in tacit understanding.

One on the left and one on the right, the two ran away separately, but while running, Yuichi Yuu and Obito Uchiha threw some small Senbon on the ground along with their swinging arms.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke and the shadow clone caught up at this time. Seeing this scene, the shadow clone was about to chase Yuichi Yuu, but stepped on the Senbon on the ground.

"What a tricky one!" Sarutobi Shinnosuke was speechless, but in the world of ninja, tricky is not a bad thing.

Such people can live longer and become stronger.

Thinking of this, he chased after Obito Uchiha.

Compared with Yuichi Yuu, he still prefers to find Obito Uchiha, who is weak.

As the captain of the Anbu, he knows Yuichi Yuu's strength.

If he really fights with him, he might capsize in the ditch.

Seeing Sarutobi Shinnosuke chasing him, Uchiha Obito was delighted and ran forward for a distance, then turned around and shouted, "Now!"

"Earth escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

They had two plans, one was to delay time, and the other was for Uchiha Obito to attract attention, and Yuichi Yuuki looked for an opportunity to attack.

Now the opportunity has come.

Seeing the Earth Flow Wall rise, Sarutobi Shinnosuke suddenly felt thousands of birds singing behind him, and the world behind him was rendered into a blue-purple world of lightning.


Yuichi Yuuki, who used Chidori, was extremely fast. In just a blink of an eye, he crossed a distance of more than ten meters and appeared a few meters behind Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

The strong crisis instinct made Sarutobi Shinnosuke's heart skip a beat. He didn't expect that this sense of crisis would be felt by Yuichi Yuuki.

The Chidori circled around his hand, breaking through the distance of several meters in an instant, and the blue-purple arc hit Sarutobi Shinnosuke, but Yuichi Yuuki did not show a happy expression.

And the Sarutobi Shinnosuke he hit instantly turned into a piece of wood, and then was torn into pieces by the Chidori.

At the same time, Sarutobi Shinnosuke appeared next to Uchiha Obito and kicked him away with one foot.

Uchiha Obito fell heavily to the ground and struggled to get up, "Damn guy!"

"No one can stop me on my way to becoming Hokage!" Uchiha Obito said, activating the two magatama Sharingan to try to hypnotize him.

Yuichi Yuuki retracted the arc in his hand and looked at Sarutobi Shinnosuke seriously.

He found that he seemed to have no other means to deal with this Anbu except using AOE large-scale attacks.

If you use illusions, people will not even look at you.

If you use physical skills, you will not even bother to use them.

Thinking of this, Yuichi Yuuichi looked at Uchiha Obito and said, "Obito, prepare our third plan!"

Uchiha Obito was stunned when he heard this. Where did they get the third plan?

Just as he was about to ask, Sarutobi Shinnosuke jumped to the top of the earth flow wall and looked at the two of them with some confusion.

They have a third plan?

But when he saw Uchiha Obito, he immediately understood that he was fooling him.

Seeing his appearance, Yuichi Yuuichi smiled.

His hands quickly formed seals, and four shadow clones appeared beside him.

Including the original body, there are five in total.

The clones share memories, and there is no need to say more. As soon as they came out, they began to form seals.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

"Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique!"


"Magic Binding!"

Four ninjutsu were thrown out in a row, including the unavoidable mental damage ninjutsu such as Magic Binding. Yuichi Yuuichi smiled, condensed a lightning style Rasengan in his hand and threw it towards him.

Uchiha Obito was a little confused when he saw this, but he quickly reacted, his face was overjoyed, and he formed seals with both hands at the same time, throwing out a great fireball technique.

For a moment, the whole ring was filled with fire, and there were thousands of birds singing.

Looking at Yuuji Yuuji, who was caught in three fire escapes and used Chidori to approach Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Yuuji Yuuji formed seals with both hands, and once again separated a shadow clone, and then performed a transformation technique to turn into an insignificant stone.

Yuuzo Yuuji saw his actions and immediately knew what he was thinking, and threw him to the feet of Hatake Kakashi.

Uchiha Obito saw this and followed suit and turned into a senbon and stuck it into the ground.

They had thrown a lot of senbon on the ground before, so it didn't matter if there was one more.

At this time, there were only ten minutes left.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was standing on the high platform, sighed, "Uchiha Obito already has the strength and wisdom of a Chunin."

"Yuuki Yuichi is close to being a special Jonin."

As he said this, he seemed to realize that something was wrong and added, "If he doesn't use his forbidden technique."

He almost forgot that Yuuki Yuichi also has an unparalleled forbidden technique of mutual destruction.

Namakaze Minato heard his words and nodded continuously. Indeed, if he didn't use the forbidden technique, Yuuki Yuichi already had the strength close to that of a Jonin.

And if he used the forbidden technique, he might even end up with a Kage-level master.

Uzumaki Kushina watched all this from the side, and immediately put her hands on her hips and couldn't help laughing, "This is my brother!"

"The descendant of our Uzumaki clan!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi heard her laughter and couldn't help coughing lightly, then looked at Minato Namikaze and said, "I plan to let you two become team leaders together."

Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki were stunned when they heard this, how could this be the same as what they thought?

Seeing the two of them, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed slightly, and then said: "I'm sorry, Kushina."

"I promised you before that you would become Yuuki Yuichi's team leader, but there are some fluctuations."

"As you know, the ninja world is not very peaceful now."

"Yuuki Yuichi, Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Obito are the three with the best talent and the strongest strength in the new era of Konoha."

"They are applying for graduation now, and they look like they can pass the assessment."

"In this case, the three of them often train together and graduate at the same time."

"If they are placed in other teams, it will be a bit inappropriate after all, so I plan to let the three of them become a team, and you two will become their team leaders together."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, looking at The two of them continued, "When you are in the village, you two will teach the three of them together. If you need to carry out a mission outside the village, then Minato will take them to carry out the mission."

"You two are familiar with the three of them. This is the best solution I can think of."

"You have kept your promise and have taken good care of their growth."

Hearing his words, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina looked at each other, then nodded and said, "Hokage-sama, I actually wanted to tell you this too."

"At the beginning, we two thought about letting Yuichi graduate early. Kushina will teach him the sealing technique, and I will take him out of the village when carrying out the mission, so that both practical experience and sealing techniques can be taken into account."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was overjoyed when he heard this. It was exactly the same as what he thought, except that he brought two more people.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "If that's the case, then let's arrange it this way."

"I originally planned to let you lead the team and become the team leader in two years." Sarutobi Hiruzen said, sighing, "But since the three of them graduated early, I can only let you become the team leader in advance."

"Your Flying Thunder God Technique can well guarantee their safety."

He said, looking at Namikaze Minato with a much softer look.

"Minato, if you encounter something very dangerous, I allow you to give up the mission and give priority to the safety of the three of them."

"The ninjas of the new era cannot be broken."

"I know, Lord Hokage!" Namikaze Minato was also shocked when he heard this, and promised: "Before I fall, I will not let the three of them get into trouble."

"I also want to go out on a mission!" Uzumaki Kushina complained beside her, "I'm going crazy staying in Konoha every day!"

Uzumaki Kushina scratched her ears and cheeks beside her, and the whole person looked like she was going crazy.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at her, coughed lightly, then turned his head away and continued to watch the battle below.

Seeing his appearance, Uzumaki Kushina snorted coldly and muttered, "No wonder Asuma, that brat, called you an old thing."

When Minato Namikaze heard this, his mouth twitched, and he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen calmly, and then pulled the corner of Uzumaki Kushina's clothes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally heard this, but what could he do?

He had no way to deal with Uzumaki Kushina.

This is their Konoha's trump card, a walking disaster, a master of sealing techniques, a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, and a distant relative of the Senju clan.

If he dared to touch Uzumaki Kushina, the Nine-Tails would go berserk on the spot.

And he could also destroy the barrier surrounding Konoha, and even those retired Senju old men would come out to make trouble for him.

In front of Uzumaki Kushina and Tsunade, he had no way.

So, Tsunade and Uzumaki Kushina were the two most lawless people in Konoha.

Fortunately, the two of them still have a sense of propriety.

Generally, they only bother me in small matters. As long as I am a little tougher in big matters, they will still listen to my arrangements.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen was relieved.

Then he suddenly thought that the most lawless person in Konoha seemed to be Danzo.

The two seemingly lawless people have never disobeyed me in big matters. On the contrary, it was Danzo who kept hanging around me and doing things for his roots.


"I hope you won't do anything wrong."

Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured in his heart. He had a hunch that Danzo would give him a "surprise".

On the field, the battle has also entered its end.

[Countdown: 00:03:24]

It's a bit late, but six hours is also a wait

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