Naruto: Start with the Seventh Generation Reward

Chapter 145 Successful graduation, first mission! (8,000 words)

Half an hour, there are still three minutes left.

Uchiha Obito is now covered in dust, and Yuichi Yuuki is also covered in dust.

But the two of them are just a little dirty on the outside.

On the other hand, although Sarutobi Shinnosuke is wearing a spiral mask, he can still see the fatigue in his eyes through his exposed eyes.

An hour of torture, there is no escape, no immunity.

Although the magic binding is not as good as Uchiha Itachi's Tsukuyomi, and it can't cause much damage to Sarutobi Shinnosuke, but the mental fatigue and trauma cannot be avoided.

It will be fine after a good sleep, but he can't sleep now.

His eyes are slightly red, and he sighed as he looked at Yuichi Yuuki and Uchiha Obito who kept running on the field.

He knew that he couldn't do anything with them.

Although the strength of the ninja cannot be suppressed by force, if he wants to take them down, he must use other ninjutsu and means, which most Chunin can't use.

He said that he would use the strength of Chunin, so he couldn't just rush in with ninjutsu.

Most of the Chunin only mastered one or two C-level or B-level ninjutsu.

And he used the strength of Chunin, so he naturally couldn't use too many other means and ninjutsu, otherwise he would have caught these two brats long ago.

"These are two tough brats." Sarutobi Shinnosuke stood in place and exhaled lightly.

He glanced at the countdown from the corner of his eye, and there were still two and a half minutes left.

He knew in his heart that Uchiha Obito and Yuuki Yuichi had passed the test. In the remaining time, according to the previous situation, he could not catch the two of them, and even if he caught them, it would not necessarily make them lose their combat ability.

Just as he was thinking, Yuuki Yuichi and Uchiha Obito, who were not far away, looked at each other, and then they formed seals at the same time, "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

"Earth Style: Earth Flow Wall!"

Yuuki Yuichi spit out a fireball, and then a wall of earth flow rose from the ground to block his sight.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke saw the great fireball coming towards him, and he was speechless. He didn't even plan to chase it, but he actually came to interfere with him.

Dodging to the side, he used the instant body to rush behind the earth flow wall, but there was nothing.

He did not see the figures of the two.

"Are you hiding again by performing the transformation technique?"

"Why are all the students nowadays so insidious?"

Hatake Kakashi used the shadow clone to confuse himself, and hid his real body to waste time.

Then Uchiha Obito and Yuuichi Yuichi hid at the beginning, which delayed him for a few minutes, and now they are hiding again.

Shaking his head helplessly, Sarutobi Shinnosuke glanced at the countdown standing next to him, which still had one and a half minutes.

"Forget it, let's just leave it at that." Sarutobi Shinnosuke thought, lowered his voice, and said: "You two come out, I give up."

I thought that Yuuichi Yuichi and the others would come out after he finished speaking, but there was no movement for more than ten seconds.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen helplessly, as if to say you speak up.

Seeing his look, Sarutobi Hiruzen chuckled and said, "Okay, come out."

"You have passed the test."

It was not until he spoke that Uchiha Obito came out first.

Seeing this, Yuichi Yuuki also came out.

The two of them hid at the feet of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

Because of the earth flow wall, the ground was full of gravel. It was reasonable for them to hide here and become small stones. There was no sense of being out of place.

Seeing the two of them come out, Sarutobi Shinnosuke did not continue to speak, but went directly back to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Three of you four passed the test."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the four people and smiled, then looked at Sarutobi Asuma with a serious expression, his face was stern, and he said, "Sarutobi Asuma, the test failed!"

"Humph!" Sarutobi Asuma snorted coldly, but did not speak.

He was careless in failing the test this time, and he would definitely not fail next time!

He did not find an excuse for his failure, but he did not know that he had already fallen into a trap.

Even if he was not careful, Sarutobi Shinnosuke would have eliminated him directly.

This was true even if he used a power that did not belong to a Chunin.

Sarutobi Hiruzen jumped from the platform to the ring, then took out three forehead protectors from his pocket and said, "From now on, you are Konoha's Genin!"

He distributed the three forehead protectors in his hand to the three people.

"You often train together, you are classmates, you have a good relationship, and you applied for early graduation at the same time, so I will form a small team with the three of you."

"Your team leader" He paused and looked at Uzumaki Kushina who was still standing on the platform.

"Your team leader is Uzumaki Kushina!"

"For some reasons, Kushina is a little inconvenient, so Namikaze Minato will occasionally replace Kushina as your team leader."

Hearing his words, Uchiha Obito seemed to think of something bad, "oh~no!"

Hatake Kakashi glanced at him, snorted, and then tied the forehead protector in his hand on his head.

Yuuki Yuichi looked like he had expected this.

Seeing the three of them, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and then looked at the students under the ring.

"Konoha has many geniuses, but whether you are a genius with strong talents or a student who works hard, you are all amazing!"

"Geniuses have genius ways to protect Konoha, and ordinary people have ordinary ways to protect Konoha!"

"In my opinion, you are all geniuses. Those with strong talents are born, but hard work is acquired, and hard work is also a kind of talent!"

"You are hardworking geniuses!"

"Where the leaves are flying, the fire will also continue to grow. The flames will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves sprout!"

"And now, let me congratulate the three people who graduated early!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words made the students in the audience cheer. No one wanted to admit their failure, and Yuuki Yuichi and the other two were too dazzling.

So much so that they couldn't catch up.

But now the words of the Hokage are like thunder in their hearts. They are hardworking geniuses!

Even if their talents are not as good as Yuuki Yuichi and others, they can also protect the village in their own way!

Might Guy was in the audience, clenching his fists, and also looked excited, "Mr. Hokage is such a young adult!"

"That's great! I won't waste time in the next two years! I will work hard to practice, I want to catch up with Yuichi and Kakashi!"

Nohara Rin was also a little excited next to her. She was excited for Uchiha Obito's successful graduation.

When Sarutobi Asuma was eliminated, she was still worried.

I didn't expect the test to be so difficult, but fortunately he passed it successfully.

Yuhi Kurenai looked at Might Guy next to her, a little puzzled, isn't this a lie?

Why does she look so excited?

Under the influence of Yuichi Yuki and Shinku Yuhi, she is no longer the silly and innocent Yuhi Kurenai.

She can often see the essence through the phenomenon.

Things like talent are born with it, and it is difficult for people without it to have it again.

The hard-working genius is just a lie.

In fact, most geniuses are more talented than you, and they work harder than you.

This is indeed a hard-working genius.

Yuhi Kurenai thought in her heart, but she still remembered what her old father said, and her face imitated the others, a little excited.

After saying these words, Sarutobi Hiruzen left.

The students in the audience were still discussing excitedly, and returned to their classes under the guidance of the teacher.

As for Yuichi Yuuichi and the other two, they were taken to the training ground on the Hokage Rock by Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.

This is the training ground opened by Minato Namikaze. Although it is a little deserted at the back, both he and Kushina Uzumaki are still very familiar with it.

Looking at the marks on the training ground, Uzumaki Kushina sat on the bench and sighed: "You guys are really working hard."

"Several wooden stakes are broken, and there are traces of fire escape on the ground, all black."

Seeing this scene, Namikaze Minato nodded in approval, "It's a good thing to work hard on training."

"Although we all know each other, let's introduce ourselves."

Namikaze Minato said with a warm smile, "My name is Namikaze Minato, and Kushina and I will be your team leaders in the future."

"I like Kushina's cooking the most, and I like to watch "The Legend of the Strong and Perseverant Ninja", and my dream is to become a Hokage!"

When Kushina Uzumaki next to him heard his words, she smiled beautifully, then stood up and said, "My name is Uzumaki Kushina, and I am Yuichi's sister."

"I like salty ramen, hate bitter things and tomatoes, and I don't want to talk about my dream."

As she said that, her eyes curved into crescents and looked at the three people, motioning them to introduce themselves.

Seeing this, Uchiha Obito immediately stood up, grinned, and then said: "My name is Uchiha Obito, I like Lin!"

"My dream is to bear the Uchiha emblem and become a Hokage!"

Hatake Kakashi glanced at Uchiha Obito, and then said, "My name is Hatake Kakashi, I like to eat salt-grilled saury and miso eggplant, I hate people pestering me to spar every day, and my dream is to become a ninja as strong as my father!"

Yuuichi Yuuichi was the last one, listening to the self-introductions of the four of them, and couldn't help but complain: "We all know each other, is it really necessary to introduce ourselves?"

"You guy, this is the process of forming a team!" Uzumaki Kushina put her hands on her hips and said with some dissatisfaction: "Hurry up and introduce yourself!"

"Hey hey hey." Yuuichi Yuuichi nodded helplessly.

"My name is Yuichi Yuu, I like a peaceful life, hate bad food, and my dream is to face the sea and see the flowers blooming in spring."

"Don't you want to become a legend in the ninja world?"

"The next god of the ninja world." Uzumaki Kushina recalled the first time she saw Yuichi Yuu in the ninja school, and teased.

"I was young and ignorant at that time." Yuichi Yuu said confidently.

"Everyone has a time when they are young and energetic, and you will know when you reach my age."

"You little brat!" Uzumaki Kushina shook her head helplessly, "It's really boring."

Namikaze Minato saw this and showed a gentle smile, saying: "Okay, to celebrate the establishment of our team, I will treat everyone to barbecue!"

"Great!" Uchiha Obito jumped up, "I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time!"

"Didn't you just eat it last week?" Hatake Kakashi heard this and looked at him in surprise.

"What do you know? Didn't Youyi say that?"

"One day without seeing you feels like three autumns. I haven't eaten barbecue for a week, which means twenty-one autumns."

"It's been twenty-one years!" Uchiha Obito said, looking at Hatake Kakashi, "I'm only eight years old now!"

"If you convert it, you've never eaten barbecue in your life. Isn't it normal to look forward to eating barbecue? Stupid Kakashi!"

Uchiha Obito's logic made Hatake Kakashi's CPU burn.

Can it still be understood this way?

He didn't understand, but was shocked.

So you still remember things from your previous life?

Yuichi Yuuki was also confused when he heard what Uchiha Obito said. Can this sentence be understood this way?

Thinking about it, he stroked his chin and wondered if he could say the same thing to Yuhi Kurenai in the future?

Go out to perform a mission for a few days, and then go home and say that he hasn't seen her for many years and misses her so much.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense, and he decided to try it next time.

After hearing his words, Kushina Uzumaki said helplessly: "Let's go!"

"The mission will be officially carried out tomorrow."

"After that, when you are in the village, I will teach you three sealing techniques, and Minato will take you three to carry out the mission."

Kushina Uzumaki decided to teach them together. Anyway, some of the basic applications of sealing techniques and some sealing techniques are on Konoha's exchange list.

The sealing techniques that are unique to the Uzumaki clan are those advanced sealing techniques. Not to mention them, even Konoha doesn't know how many of these sealing techniques there are.

Most of them were taught to her by Mito Uzumaki alone.

He can teach Yuichi Yuuki alone when the time comes, as for the others, it doesn't matter.

Konoha has them anyway, so instead of letting Obito Uchiha and Kakashi Hatake use the mission level to exchange, it's better for her to teach them directly.

If nothing unexpected happens, they are their own students, and the only batch of students.

And Konoha's sealing techniques are basically provided by the Uzumaki clan, but it doesn't mean that the Uzumaki clan can't teach them.

As the strongest and oldest of the Uzumaki clan, she has the right to decide whether to give the sealing technique to others.

"In other words, from now on, Teacher Kushina will teach us how to practice, and Teacher Minato will lead us to carry out missions?" Uchiha Obito scratched his head and said.

"Yes." Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "This is the best arrangement."

"Let's go! Let's eat barbecue!"

As he said that, he and Uzumaki Kushina walked in front, and Yuichi Yuuchi and the other two walked behind.

"Yuichi, Kakashi, what does it feel like to carry out a mission?" Uchiha Obito was still a little excited, "I haven't carried out a mission yet."

"Do you want to know?" Yuichi Yuuchi glanced at him and said, "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course I want to know!" Uchiha Obito said.

Yuuki Yuichi shook his head, "I don't know either."

Uchiha Obito: "."

Hatake Kakashi saw this and shook his head helplessly, "We haven't been on a mission, how can we know this feeling."

"Okay." Uchiha Obito sighed, "We'll know tomorrow!"

As he said that, he suddenly remembered something and said, "I heard that the formation of a team still needs to go through a test, right?"

"It seems that you need to fight with the teacher who leads the team." Uchiha Obito scratched his head and spoke in confusion.

Namikaze Minato turned his head to look at him in front and smiled, "Others are like this."

"But you three don't need it."

"The team assessment is to let the teacher know your abilities, personality and your tacit understanding, but the three of you train together, go to school together, and graduate together early."

"And Kushina and I know all three of you, and we all know your personalities. As for actual combat, we saw it during the graduation assessment, so there is no need for assessment."

"After all, if we assess again knowing all this, it would be a waste of time."

As he said, Uzumaki Kushina also turned her head to look at the three of them, "If you want to assess, teacher, I can also assess you."

Hearing her words, Uchiha Obito's face turned pale, and he hurriedly said: "No, no!"

He had met Uzumaki Kushina several times when he was walking on the street with Yuuki Yuichi before, and each time he made him embarrassed.

He was a little afraid of her.

The barbecue Q arrived soon.

Yuichi Yuu, Obito Uchiha and the other two were also regular customers here. As soon as they came in, someone came up to greet them and said, "Dear guests, do you need a private room?"

Hearing this, Minato Namikaze glanced at the three people and said directly, "No, just arrange a window seat for us."

"Okay." The waiter nodded and took the few people to the seat.

Yuichi Yuu and the other two sat on one side, while Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze sat on the other side. On their left was a floor-to-ceiling window, where they could see the street outside.

Minato Namikaze handed the menu to the three of them, then smiled and said, "You three order."

After that, he continued, "Meet at the Hokage Building at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and we will start our mission."

"Okay!" Obito Uchiha heard this, skillfully ordered something on the menu, and then cheered.

"What is the mission?"

"Are you going to get information from other villages or to complete the escort mission?!"

Looking at Uchiha Obito's expectant eyes, Namikaze Minato fell silent. Uzumaki Kushina tapped Uchiha Obito who jumped up with chopsticks and said, "Sit down!"

"You will know what the mission is tomorrow."

"After completing the first mission, you can rest for two days without any missions, and then follow me to learn the sealing technique and combat practice."

"Ah?" Uchiha Obito uttered, and sat down a little disappointed.

He knew the sealing technique.

Yuuki Yuu had a shadow clone sitting in the training ground every day to read a book. He also looked closely at the book, which was full of dense words and curse patterns.

It made his scalp tingle.

For a poor student like him, if he wanted him to learn these things, he would rather go to the sewer to unclog the toilet.

Seeing his appearance, Yuichi Yuu didn't know when he put on a pair of glasses, holding a book in his hand, and said: "Don't worry, I won't let you read the book in my hand."

"I should teach you the sealing technique directly, you just need to remember how to perform the sealing technique."

"After all, you don't need to specialize in the sealing technique."

Yuichi Yuu said, and Kushina Uzumaki nodded, "I will teach you some practical sealing techniques."

"In this way, when you encounter complicated things, you can seal them directly."

"Fire escape and other things can also be sealed directly."

"You can even set up a sealing technique to prevent mosquitoes in the wild."

Uzumaki Kushina said, looking at Uchiha Obito and Hatake Kakashi.

Compared with Yuichi Yuu, they don't need to learn to be proficient, they just need to know how to use it.

There is no need to master its principles.

Yuichi Yuu is different. He is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan. He needs to learn the sealing technique and master its principles. He needs to know the why and the why.

The learning difficulty of the two is not at the same level.

After Kushina Uzumaki wrote down the basics of the sealing technique in his hand, only Minato Namikaze and Yuichi Yuuki had seen it, except for herself.

Shinku Yuhi and Obito Uchiha had only looked at it a few times.

This was something that could not be shown to other people.

Not to mention that he didn't want to learn, even if he wanted to learn, it was impossible for him to learn it.

She still knew the difference between close and distant relatives.

Sealing techniques could be taught, but only the sealing techniques could be taught, not the principles.

This was the principle of the sealing technique that belonged to the Uzumaki clan.

She couldn't hand it over.

Whether it was her disciples or Konoha.

No one could do it, only Minato Namikaze could see it.

And if Kushiyuhi saw it, she had no objection, anyway, she would be her sister-in-law sooner or later.

At this time, the barbecue was served.

Minato Namikaze saw this and said directly: "Don't talk about this, let's eat first!"

"Then I'll start!"

Uchiha Obito heard what he said, and immediately said, and then began to eat voraciously.

But without Might Guy to compete with him, he always felt something was missing.

While wolfing down his food, he said, "I don't know why, but when I saw the Anbu wearing a spiral mask before, I always felt familiar."

He simply stuffed the barbecue in his mouth into his mouth, and then said, "I mean his mask. When I saw it, I wanted the same one."

"It's so strange. I didn't wear a mask before."

Yuichi Yuuki heard his words and glanced at him. In fact, when he saw the mask of Sarutobi Shinnosuke, he thought the masked man came out in advance.

The orange-red spiral mask, the kind that only reveals one pupil.

Isn't this the mask of Afei?

Minato Namikaze heard his words and laughed, "Maybe you also have a dream of becoming an Anbu."

"No way! I obviously want to be a Hokage!" Uchiha Obito retorted.

"Hahahaha, you will become the captain of the Anbu in the future, and then assist Minato!" Uzumaki Kushina put her arm around Minato Namikaze's shoulders and laughed.

"Damn it! I will become the Hokage to prove it to you!" Uchiha Obito turned his grief and anger into appetite and began to eat with big mouthfuls.

He wanted to eat them out of money!

A barbecue was spent in such an atmosphere. After eating the barbecue, everyone went back to their own homes.

When they separated, Namikaze Minato did not forget to remind: "Don't forget to gather at the Hokage Building at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Obito will definitely be late." Hatake Kakashi said silently.

Hearing his words, Uchiha Obito couldn't stand it and immediately said, "Damn Kakashi, I won't be late!"

Yuuki Yuichi shrugged and walked towards home.

After eating the barbecue, the sky had begun to darken, and the sun had also fallen to the other side of the mountain, being half blocked.

The fire clouds rendered a fiery red in the sky.

When I got home, Yuhi Shinku and Yuhi Kurenai were eating.

Seeing him coming back, Yuhi Shinku nodded, "You guys formed a team today, you should have eaten already, right?"

"Yes! I've eaten already." Yuuki Yuu nodded.

"Yuuichi, your team leaders are actually brother-in-law Minato and sister Kushina." Yuhi Kurenai said.

"Classmates in the class and school are talking about this."

"It should be brother-in-law and sister and Hokage who said it." Yuuki Yuuichi didn't know the specific situation, so he sat next to Yuhi Kurenai, but he guessed that this was probably the situation.

Uzumaki Kushina is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, so she definitely can't leave the village casually, and she had previously told Sarutobi Hiruzen that she would become his team leader.

And he and Hatake Kakashi graduated early together. If he were the Hokage, he would probably think of assigning the three of them together.

And if they were assigned together, Uzumaki Kushina would become the leader of the three of them.

If becoming the leader of the team is not realized, then according to her personality, she will probably make a big fuss. In this case, letting Namikaze Minato come in and become the second leader of the team is the best result.

After all, he and Uzumaki Kushina are a couple, and there is basically no problem for him to be inserted into this team.

And this way, Namikaze Minato can take the three of them out to perform tasks, and at the same time satisfy Uzumaki Kushina's ideas.

And find something for her to do.

A way to kill two birds with one stone.

It's also a good thing that this method can be thought of.

Yuichi Yuuki pondered in his heart and sighed.

"If nothing unexpected happens, you will start your mission tomorrow." Yuhi Shinku wiped her mouth after eating and said, "If you have to go on a mission outside the village, listen to your brother-in-law on the way."

"Although Minato is still young, he is already an experienced elite jonin."

"Try to stay beside him outside."

Yuhi Shinku continued, "His Flying Thunder God Technique can take you away with him."

"You should know this too."

"When you encounter an invincible enemy, save yourself first."

This is his philosophy, and staying alive is the strongest.

Hearing his words, Yuu Yuu nodded, "I know."

"Only by staying alive can you have a future."

"I also want to graduate early." Yuu Yuu pouted and muttered.

When Yuu Shinku heard her voice, her face sank, "Just stay in the ninja school with peace of mind, you are not allowed to graduate early!"

Yuu Yuuichi also spoke up, "Yes, you should practice well in school, and graduate when the time comes, anyway, it's only two years."

Hearing their strong opposition, Yuu Yuu nodded somewhat gloomily.

After chatting with Yuhi Shinku for a while, he went back to his room to continue training.

The next morning.

When Yuichi Yuu arrived here, Hatake Kakashi, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina had already arrived.

"Let's go." Namikaze Minato saw Yuichi Yuu and said.

"Aren't we waiting for Obito?" Uzumaki Kushina said.

Hatake Kakashi heard this and said, "Obito is late every day."

"According to his usual performance, he will be here almost as soon as we receive the mission."

Yuichi Yuu agreed.

Uchiha Obito's lateness is like something like the law of cause and effect. He will be late no matter what.

Unless this guy runs over regardless.

But in this case, he is not Uchiha Obito.

He will see an old woman who falls on the road, or an old man who needs help, or a black cat blocking the road.

These are the reasons that prevent him from being on time.

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato shook his head, "Then let's go take the mission first."

The Hokage Building has a very important function, which is to issue missions to ninjas.

Generally speaking, missions of C-level and below can basically be received here.

As for missions of B-level and above, they are all issued by the Hokage himself.

If you want to take a B-level mission, you have to go to the Hokage's office, and then Sarutobi Hiruzen will select a suitable mission for you.

But it's still early for them, and it's not time to take a B-level mission.

Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina took them to the building, and then skillfully took a mission to find a lost cat.

As soon as they walked outside, they saw Uchiha Obito running towards them breathlessly.

He was holding a black cat in his hand.

Seeing Yuichi Yuichi and the other three, Uchiha Obito stopped in front of them, exhaled heavily, and then grinned and said, "Hahaha, my uncle Obito is still not late!"

"No, you are late." Hatake Kakashi rolled his eyes, pointed to the clock in the Hokage Building, and said, "It's past nine-ten now."

"We have all received the mission."

"Ah?!" Uchiha Obito heard this, his eyes widened, and then he said a little frustrated: "It's all because of this damn black cat!"

"I was out a long time ago, and it kept blocking my way on the road!"

Uchiha Obito picked up the black cat and wanted to throw it out.

Seeing his action, Namikaze Minato hurriedly stopped him and said, "Wait!"

Hearing his words, Uchiha Obito looked at him in surprise and kept throwing the cat.

The black cat was held by the back of the neck by him and swayed with his movements.

Namikaze Minato took out the mission document, which described the appearance of the cat they were looking for.

"A black cat, four white paws, one blue eye, and one green eye."

After describing the mission, Minato Namikaze looked at the black cat in Uchiha Obito's hand, then looked at its eyes, and then said strangely: "This is the black cat we are looking for in our mission"

Everyone: "."

The silence of the crowd does not represent Uchiha Obito. He laughed out loud when he heard this, "I knew that I was the decisive figure!"

"Asshole Kakashi, now you know how powerful I am!"

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