Mito Menyan: "Just stopped the water and said the Nine-Tails Rebellion, right, you must know that even if the Nine-Tails Pillar Force at that time caused the Nine-Tails to break the seal and flee because of childbirth, but the Nine-Tails is an irrational beast It is impossible to cause such a big loss to Konoha, and the Nine-Tails at that time seemed to be manipulated by someone, and frantically destroyed Konoha. And Teacher, in order to cover our escape before your resurrection, you went alone to stop Yunyin's pursuers and died..."

Mito Menyan glanced at the Thousand Hands and found that he didn't care about his death and continued: "In the name of the speed of your ninja world, even if you can't beat it, you can leave with the Flying Thunder God. But you died in that battle. After that, Kagami and Tuanzang were not reconciled, so the two went together to investigate the reason....."

"Is there any evidence?"

"What?" Mito Menyan was stunned.

"It's not just the Uchiha clan that can manipulate the Nine-Tails, my eldest brother can also do it between the Thousand Hands Pillar, and the sister-in-law's Uzumaki clan is more than enough to manipulate even if it is to seal the Nine-Tails. Can I say that you suspect the Thousand Hands and the Uzumaki Clan? "The Thousand Hands who were resurrected from the four battles naturally knew who was controlling the Nine-Tails in the first place, but what did that have to do with the Uchiha in the village, what disappointed him was that his disciples had forgotten all his previous teachings.

"But, that's you, Sensei, the first Hokage-sama, and the Uzumaki clan... It's the family that founded Konoha..."

"Isn't that the Uchiha clan? I remember I taught you that as a ninja, you have to put your reason before your feelings, and if you have doubts, you have to think of all possibilities, even if you can become the object of suspicion. "A thousand hands are angry.

"Do you put reason before feelings?" Zhishui smiled: "Grandfather often said this." Hearing the

sound of stopping the water, Senju also looked at the young man: "Kagami is a rare Uchiha, and so are you and that Uchiha Itachi." But..."

'Your excessive sacrifice' is an extreme self-expression!"

"You are always self-righteous, thinking that it is for the good of the other party, and you are moved by yourself. Never put yourself in the shoes of those you protect. Don't communicate and make your own decisions. Zhishui

bowed his head: "Yes..." Thinking about it, it is true, and he used death to open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye to Itachi. In order to give Itachi hope, strengthen his thoughts and will to him... Let him carry a lot.

"Lord II, Lord III, I am going to talk about one thing next, it may be a little appalling, but I promise that what I said is true." The Uchiha lowered his head deeply.

"Say, I still have that judgment." A thousand hands.

Stop the water: "The group has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. "


Miyome Hokage: "What do you say, how is this possible?"

"To be exact, Danzou now has my kaleidoscope writing wheel."

"Now? Yours? "Grasp the point in a thousand hands.

"Yes, please listen to the detailed explanation of Hokage-sama."

"Say it." With the approval of the Thousand Hands, Zhishui began his narration: "Before, I went to the three generations to hand over after completing the task. Then I asked Midaime-sama and me to have a separate conversation, and Midaime-sama agreed, and the two of us talked on the rooftop about how the Uchiha clan could bridge the gap with Konoha on the rooftop. Senju

looked at Sarutobi and saw that he nodded and motioned for the Uchiha to stop the water and continue.

"But not long after, I received a message from Tuanzang calling me to an ancestral hall alone....."Shisui fell into memory.

[Danzou gets straight to the point: 'What would you do if you launched Hitomi Jutsu against Fugaku and stopped the rebellion of the Uchiha clan, but the village still hasn't changed?'

Shisui fully trusts Konoha and the three generations of Hokage: "No matter what, as long as one party makes a change, then I believe that the future will definitely move in a good direction."

''Even if there are people among the villagers who are very suspicious like the old man, what do you do?'' Without waiting for Zhishui to answer, Tuanzang further pressured Zhishui to "Will you also use other gods on the old man then?"

"Don't be a god?" A thousand hands interrupted the memories of stopping the water.

"It's my negligence, the other gods are my kaleidoscope writing wheel eye ability, which can unconsciously influence other people's thinking, so that people in illusion think that they have made a choice based on their own judgment."

"The ability to write wheels in the kaleidoscope is really diverse." Thinking of Sasuke's ability to control Amaterasu's form in the four battles and Itachi's Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu who had just watched the movie, Senju sighed slightly and motioned to stop the water and continue.

[Zhishui: 'I...'

Without waiting for Zhishui to react, Tuan Zang threw down his crutches and attacked Zhishui's eyes, "Your eyes, the old man accepted them." He

had already taken precautions against this, and reached out to grab Tuanzang's attacking hand, and an ordinary illusion Tuanzang lost consciousness.

"But then Danzang appeared behind me and attacked me, snatching my chakra."

"You also said that your illusion is an ordinary illusion, and it is possible that Tuan Zang can solve it in an instant." Koharu retorted.

"It's true that it is possible for Danzou to unravel my illusion, but the means by which he unravels the illusion are the focus..."Shisui took a deep breath: "His means of unlocking the illusion is the forbidden technique of my Uchiha clan: Izanagi!! "


"Yes, Izanagi is the forbidden technique of our Uchiha clan, which records one's physical state at the cost of a kaleidoscope chakra, and when there is a threat of death, it can be activated to eliminate one's own death." Zhishui explained.

After listening to it, I knew why Madara Uchiha during the four wars was able to open the eye of reincarnation, and I am afraid that when I fought with my eldest brother in the Valley of the End, I used Izanagi to record my physical state and fake my death when I was about to be killed.

"Is it !!?" The three generations of Hokage's eyes widened.

"That's right, Danzo's way of unlocking the illusion is Izanagi."

Mito Menyan retorted: "Impossible, you also said that Izanagi's activation conditions require a kaleidoscope writing wheel, you should know how rare the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is, let alone Danzang, there are not many in your Uchiha clan."

After listening to the elder's rebuttal, "Generally speaking, it's really impossible, but I remember that you said that my ancestral father went with Tuan Zang to investigate the cause of the death of the second generation of Lord Tsuna, right?" "

You mean—" Sarutobi sighed.

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