"That's right, the mirror ancestor at that time had already opened the three-hook jade, and it may even be a kaleidoscope writing wheel." A bombshell was dropped.

"But... At that time, it was Danzou who returned to Konoha with the body of the mirror, and he also injured half of his body for this, causing him to be bandaged from his eyes to his feet. "The elders still want to struggle.

"When Grandfather Kagami's body came back, we found that his eyes had been gouged out, and we didn't care about it at the time, we just thought it was taken away by the enemy, but we didn't think about it... Grandfather Kagami's chakra may be under Danzo's bandage. Zhishui calmly retorted.

"But..." When Xiaochun was about to say something, he was suddenly stopped by the murderous aura on the body of the thousand hands next to him, and he couldn't speak.

At this moment, the thousand hands were already extremely angry.

I know that Tuan Zang must have done a lot of things that a thousand hands can't agree with: no wonder he didn't come out to see me!!

Senju put his hand on the wall, and the huge chakra swept through Konoha again, still not perceiving the chakra of Danzo.

"Hmph, multiple seals? The monkey took me to the location of the Danzo 'root'.

Ape Feiri's face was covered with cold sweat.

"My good three generations, you don't even know the headquarters of the group's 'root', right?" A thousand hands laughed angrily.

Looking at the performance of the ape flying sun, I knew that he couldn't count on it. According to his understanding of Tuanzang, this kid must be somewhere deep in Konoha and use the multiple sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan to isolate the chakra perception of the outside world!

The conjecture between the thousand hands was not wrong at all, and at this time, the group was hidden in the deepest part of the 'root' of Konoha.

Outside information was transmitted to him through a machine that monitored Konoha to avoid being detected using chakra.

When he learned that the dead Uchiha Shisui was resurrected and stood in front of everyone, he knew that things were not good, and sure enough, when he saw Kazuma-sensei walking away with the Uchiha Shisui and the monkey and the two Flying Thunder God of the Elders, he knew that he was finished. Angry, Tuanzang gritted his back molars.

"Damn, who the hell is that person behind the screen!!" Danzang roared loudly in anger.

'Root' Shinobu still knelt on the ground coldly, not reacting to Danzang's anger in the slightest. They have no feelings for a long time, and there is only one that is to listen to Tuan Zang's orders.

Danzo didn't know, according to the intelligence conclusions analyzed so far, what made Senju the most angry was that in addition to persecuting Uchiha Shisui and using his name to pressure Uchiha to accelerate the coup d'état, it was his way of training 'roots'.

This is the most furious part of the dirty methods of the current group of Tibetan people!

Danzo's actions completely subverted the original intention of the first Hokage Senju Tsuruma and the second Hokage Senju Kakuma, who established Konoha to protect the child and not to protect Konoha and send the child to death. This makes Konoha who broke the precedent of the Warring States period a complete joke!

And he is a joke in a joke!!

This makes it impossible for him to face the stupid big brother who has done a lot for Ninja Village. If the eldest brother is still here, I'm afraid I will have to experience the horror of the ninja god before experiencing my flying thunder god!

On the other side, the atmosphere is much more harmonious, and Mai Koto happily looks at the two sons in front of her, who have now released their previous suspicions and eliminated the estrangement between brothers.

Kushina's children also became very good friends with Sasuke and Itachi. Then I thought that there seemed to be another reward and said to Itachi: "Itachi, isn't there a second healing medicine in the reward just now?" Where? Can you cure your body because of excessive use of the writing wheel? Itachi

, looking at his worried mother, began to search for himself, and then found a green potion in the ninja bag on his waist.

Itachi took it out, and although he didn't open the cap, the majestic vitality in the potion could even be felt by Naruto, who was playing with Sasuke on the side, and his chakra flow was much more satisfying. Surprised and walked up to Itachi: "This is the healing potion that the screen gave to Itachi, it's amazing!" Itachi looked at Naruto, who was full of vitality and sparkling eyes beside him, maybe because of the potion, this person's mood was much brighter.

Sasuke walked up to Naruto's side and grabbed Naruto's neck and dragged him back: "Crane tail, don't be fussy, what if you knock over the medicine?"

Itachi then opened the cap of the bottle and drank it in one gulp under the expectant eyes of his family. As soon as the potion was in his stomach, the weasel felt a large and gentle chakra circulate from the dantian, gently washing away the dark diseases of the body. Then it splits into two meridians towards the eyes, expanding the atrophied eye veins little by little.

After a period of coolness, Itachi felt that his eyes saw things much more clearly, and his eyes had reached the point where he couldn't see the person clearly without opening the three-hook jade, but now he could see everyone clearly when he turned off the writing wheel.

Itachi slowly felt a fishy smell in his mouth, opened his mouth and spit out, and a stream of dark red blood was spat out. As the blood spat out, the depression on his chest disappeared.

Looking at everyone's worried expressions, Itachi smiled slightly. Mikoto and Sasuke were relieved to know that Itachi was completely well. Naruto next to Sasuke jumped three feet high: "Great! Itachi is fine! Then I suggested to Iruka that we go and eat ramen together! Looking at Naruto's excited expression, Iruka knew that she couldn't keep her wallet today, so she broke the jar and invited everyone in Class 7 to Ichiraku with the Mikoto family!!

Not to mention the scene where Naruto's two teachers in the back cry and go to the checkout!

Here, the Thousand Hands sent the Dark Department to carefully search every suspicious place in Konoha, and the Dark Department moved when they heard the sound, and after a while, a Dark Department with a fox mask on his face came to report that he had found the location of the 'root'.

Sarutobi asks for advice on whether to conduct a large-scale search of the 'root's base.

Senju hesitated for a moment, thinking that it was better to do it himself to minimize the casualties. Danzo has a kaleidoscope, a writing wheel, and Izanagi.

What's more, although the 'root' is full of dead soldiers from Danzang, it is still a ninja of Konoha. The two sides are fighting, which is what a thousand hands do not want to see.

It's better to wait for him to come out when he can't hold back himself, and let him, the teacher, directly reward him with a flying thunder god. After placing the Flying Thunder God Mark around the stronghold of the 'root', he praised the dark part of the report: "What is your title, good job!" "

Thank you for the praise of the second generation, my name is Tianzang."

Senju nodded and turned his head to look at the Uchiha Shisui, the kid of the Uchiha family who made him quite satisfied: "Kagami has a descendant like you, presumably he knows something in the Pure Land, and he will be very pleased." "

And in the 'root' headquarters, although the group is very irritable, he still hides in the turtle shell of the 'root' and does not dare to come out.

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