Mizumon looked at the prototype of the spiral pill in his hand, and excitedly took a nice name: "Light wheel popsicle inspired spinning hair Jiraiya double pill!" "

Good soil!"

Watergate looked at Jiraiya with a confused expression: "Alas?!"

Zilai also complained mercilessly: "Dirt again!"

It stinks again!

Long again!

Anyway, it's clear that he is so talented in ninjutsu, but he is a name! "

The water gate trembled in his palms, and the light wheel that had just condensed... The prototype of the spiral pill silently dispersed. Jiraiya's complaint was like a sharp knife piercing the heart of Watergate.

The current posture of the QTZ

Watergate is shown in the picture above.

Jiraiya sighed: "Forget it, you can rest for a while, I still have to leave beforehand."

Just as the water gate was resting, there was a commotion in the dense forest on the side, and the water gate turned its head to look at the source of the sound.

Behind a big tree, two heads, one red and one yellow, suddenly poked out, and of course, in the eyes of the water gate, only Jiu Sinai could be seen.

Mizumon and Kushina looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before they reacted: "Huh?!" For...... Why is Kushina here!!

It doesn't matter?!!

Naruto shouted, "Ah, it's been discovered!"

Kushina scratched her head a little embarrassed and walked out silently.

"That's... Three...... The third generation of adults has given special permission, and it's okay to walk out of the enchantment! Ha...... Hahaha... Ha ha.

Naruto stood aside and nodded desperately: "I testify!"

Shuimen looked at Jiu Sinai for a while, and only when he looked at her that her head broke out in a cold sweat did he smile: "I see, no wonder the usual guardians are not there." "

Compared to that..."Jiu Sinai walked in front of the water gate, and suddenly bowed and apologized, "I was wrong just now, I shouldn't have been angry with you!"

Shuimen was stunned for a second, then lowered the corner of his eyes and whispered: "No, it's me who should apologize, it's me who failed to keep my agreement with you."

"Anyway, is the ninjutsu just now a new technique that you want to practice?"

"Huh?! Did you see that?

Naruto stared at the water gate and became more and more familiar, and muttered to himself: "Didn't the lustful immortal say that this is a ninjutsu created by the fourth generation Hokage?"

Naruto suddenly realized and shouted, "Ah! Isn't this the face of the four generations of Hokage above Yan Yan?! In other words, this little brother is the fourth generation Hokage!!

Naruto curiously wandered around the water gate, knowing that the one he admired most was the Shiyome Hokage.

It's just a pity that the other party can't see or hear, otherwise you must ask for advice in person!

Here, Mizumon and Kushina came to a big rock and sat down, and after a moment of silence, Mizumon slowly spoke: "Actually... I don't hesitate to break the agreement with you to complete the ninjutsu just now, because..."


This ninjutsu was created to protect you."

Kushina was a little incredulous: "Alas?! What the hell is going on?

"Do you remember the mission out of the village this time?" Mizuto frowned, "During this mission, Jiraiya-sensei and my two companions met the four-tailed and five-tailed human pillars.

Originally, it was a simple task, until these two people turned on the tailed beast transformation and began to condense the tailed beast jade.

Shuimen slowly recounted the battle of encountering the two people's pillar forces, and in the face of the tailed beast jade condensed by the two people's pillar forces, Zilai did not hesitate to block in front of the water gate and gave an order: "Let's withdraw first!"

Looking at the tailed beast jade that was about to be completed in front of him, Shuimen planned to immediately follow Jiraiya's order to launch the flying thunder god, and Han and Lao Zi on the opposite side saw this and immediately launched the condensed tailed beast jade, and just when the tailed beast jade was about to hit a few people, the flying thunder god was successfully launched, and a few people escaped from the battlefield smoothly.

And the original battlefield was also turned into powder under these two tailed beast jades, and a few people from Zilai looked at the huge light rising in front of them.

Shuimen frowned: "Is this the power of the tailed beast..."

After listening to Watergate's story, Jiu Sinai understood: "That's why you..." Watergate

nodded: "Because you are in the middle of a war now, you may be sent to the battlefield one day."

That's why I developed this one specifically to deal with tailed beasts...

And the ninjutsu that can be used to echo your own chakra when fighting against the enemy's human pillar force, so I want to complete it and teach it to you.

Because I-

" Watergate turned to look at Kushina, suddenly narrowed his eyes and chuckled softly, "Because I don't want to lose you."

Jiu Sinai looked at a loss, and her eyes were slightly red. I only felt that the surroundings were suddenly quiet, only the breeze was blowing in the forest, making a "whoosh" sound, which made people feel itchy but very comfortable.

It seems that Naruto, who has been around for a long time, suddenly feels that the atmosphere around him is a little sour, and he is inexplicably a little full.

Taking advantage of the moment when Jiu Sinai lost his mind, the nine-tails in the consciousness space suddenly opened his eyes: It's now!

And the outside world changed suddenly, and Jiu Sinai suddenly held his head and screamed in pain.

Mizumon helplessly supported Jiu Sinai's body and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you, Jiu Sinai?!" Suddenly

, dark purple chakras poured out around Kushina's body, shaking the water gate back!

Watergate's face was full of consternation: This is - Tailed beast!!

Before the water gate could react, a scarlet chakra tail swept towards the water gate, and the water gate was hit without noticing, and the chest suddenly bled like a torrent of blood, and it flew dozens of meters away.

Naruto sat still, his hand caressing his lower abdomen. This power... He also has, in that fight with Shiro and the time between the Valley of the End and Sasuke....

Naruto once again recalled what Mito had said earlier in Kushina's memories of the Nine-Tails Pillar Force, that is... His body is sealed with the Nine-Tails, and all the cold eyes, ridicule and even violence he encountered when he was a child are because of the Nine-Tails sealed in his body!!

It's all because Konoha sealed the Nine-Tails into his body without his consent...

So it turned out that all this was not his fault!!

Thinking so, Naruto's eyes gradually reddened.

In the spiritual world of Jiu Sinai, seeing that the water gate was knocked away, Jiu Sinai hurriedly wanted to go to the water gate, but was stopped by the voice of the nine tails.

I should have told you not to trust anyone! This guy is taking advantage of you, too!

Well? The

Nine-Tails suddenly looked out in confusion, how did it sense its other self?


The Nine-Tails hooked the corners of his mouth and tried to chakra with his other self, and sure enough, he successfully communicated as soon as he made contact!

In an instant, Naruto's spiritual world was linked to Kushina's spiritual world.

Kushina looked at the changed scenery around her suspiciously, behind her was the Nine-Tails bound by chakra chains and iron nails, and in front of her was a huge cage, and outside the cage a blonde child was lying on the ground with a numb face, and she could clearly perceive that there was actually a Nine-Tails inside the cage!

Sensing the familiar chakra in the cage, the Nine-Tails slowly opened his eyes: "Heh, I didn't expect to see you again, Jiu Sinai!" "

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