Jiu Sinai looked at the end of the dark passage in front of him in surprise: "This... How is this possible... There's actually a nine-tailed ?!!!

With this moment's distraction, the chakra chains on the Nine-Tails behind Kushinai dissipated a little faster.

"I should have told you not to trust anyone, this guy is using you too!

Hurry up and break all this seal! Then you will be free from this pain!

Jiu Sinai turned around in a panic, and most of the chains on the Nine-Tails had unconsciously dissipated, and he approached Jiu Sinai again and roared threateningly: "If you don't want to do this, I'll possess and kill you!"

Naruto's Nine-Tails looked at the scene in front of him and curled the corners of his mouth viciously: "I see, it's that time....... I don't know what's going on, but this time I'm going to see who you're trying to save!! With

that, the scarlet chakra full of malice poured out of the cage and wrapped it around Naruto who was lying on the ground, slowly lifted it to the position of the seal, and bewitched: "Free me, so that you can be completely free from people's malice..."


continued to bewitch: "That's right, I will also let those who have bullied you since childhood let them taste the bitter fruit."

Naruto just stood in front of the seal for a moment before slowly raising his hand and reaching out in the direction of the seal.

On the other side, Jiu Sinai felt anxious for no reason: "No!" Suddenly

, a chakra chain shot out of his palm and tied Naruto's wrist, stopping Naruto's movements.

"No! Can't release the Nine-Tails!

The Nine-Tails behind Jiu Sinai roared angrily: "Are you still in the mood to take care of other people now?!"

Two more chakra chains broke, and Kushina fell to her knees with a muffled grunt, cold sweat streaming down her forehead, but even so, she still didn't give up on Naruto's intentions.

While continuing to resist the Nine-Tails on his side, he roared hoarsely at Naruto, "No! Can't give up!

You're still so young that you haven't seen the beauty of the world yet... If you release the Nine-Tails, you'll die!

Don't you think it's a pity?!!

You must have your own fetters, wake up, for yourself, and for those you can't let go.

I know you've been through a lot of painful things, but if you die like this, you're going to be left alone in that dark hell, so don't give up!!

Kushina's words seemed to have an effect, and Naruto's outstretched hand suddenly stopped, and he muttered in his mouth: "Iruka-sensei, Uncle Teda, Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke..."


that Jiu Sinai was still doing a good thing for another self, the Nine-Tails behind Jiu Sinai immediately flicked his tail and pumped towards her.

The strong wind pressure behind him hit, and when Jiu Sinai turned around, the huge tail of the nine tails was already close at hand, and he couldn't dodge.

At this moment, a sealing technique was like an impregnable wall, blocking the tail of the Nine-Tails and the wind pressure it brought in front of Kushina.

"Sealing, who is it?!"

The outside

world dragged the seriously injured body to Jiu Sinai's side, and the chakra was lit on his five fingers, using a modified version of the Four Elephant Seals - the Bagua Seal.

"Kushina, hold on!"

Seeing this, the Nine-Tails couldn't help but be secretly surprised: this kid is obviously not a whirlpool clan, but he can strengthen the Four Elephants Seal with his own ideas! At this time, I haven't seen it since the first Senju Pillar!!

The Nine-Tails' voice came from Kushina's body, "Why would a ninja like you stick to this little girl?

Mizumon endured the pain of being burned by the Nine-Tails Chakra and held Kushina in his arms, his eyes firm: "I like strong people, and I prefer people who are stronger than me..."

That's why I love Kushina!

I can't... Bear to lose her!

Kushina heard the sound of the water gate, and a tear slipped involuntarily.

"Although the Uzumaki clan is now scattered all over the place, they have also lost everything..."The

elderly Mito led Kokushina to a place where the Uzumaki clan crest was painted on the ground, and stood in the center.

With a slight sigh: "But we have assimilated with the whirlpool of gases in the natural world, and as ninjas who are good at life force and sealing skills, we were once a well-known family in the world.

That power was used as food for war... We are also addicted to it. Our very existence is like that vortex seal... But our power brings peace.

Mito tapped the floor with his cane: "The surgical clan pattern carved on this floor at home can enhance the sealing power of the human pillar force, and echo with each other outside to form a double seal."

Xiao Jiu Sinai was a little scared: "I... I'm going to be—

" Mito saw and stroked Kushina to ease her fear and soothe, "You seem to me to be a strong child because you have brighter red hair than I do."

Xiao Jiu Sinai lowered his head and was silent, seeming to be a little disappointed: "This is... Do you want to show me?

Mito shook his head and looked up, "What I want to show you is on it."

Kokushina looked up with Mito's gaze: "The swirling staircase? "

No, it's a spiral... Spiral staircase. With that, Mito led Kokushina up the stairs, "Let's go, let's go up."

Xiao Jiu Sinai was puzzled: "Spiral?

"The vortex is a flat static painting, but the spiral is three-dimensional.

It also looks like something spinning, but the scenery changes as the staircase changes.

Xiao Jiu Sinai smiled as she looked at the changing scenery outside the window as she continued to rise, and began to be full of anticipation: "Then what's on the top?"

Mito chuckled, "It's the storage in this container."

Xiao Jiu Sinai became more and more curious, and couldn't wait to walk out of the stairs, looking at the suddenly open field of vision in front of him, the breeze was blowing, and he said happily: "Wow! Here it is——!

Mito sat on the steps behind Kushina, his tone full of nostalgia.

"When I'm sad, I often come here and look up..."

I remember that this person was Mito-sama's..."Mito

opened his cloudy eyes and looked at the scenery in front of him, full of happiness.

"That's right.

We may indeed be in the center of the maelstrom, but if we climb spontaneously, we will definitely find love...

The vortex will eventually become a spiral."

Her hair was flying, and the emerald green leaves were blowing in front of Mito's eyes, and what appeared in front of her was Yan Yan between the first Hokage Thousand Hands Pillar!

"I hope you will be able to see a different scenery in the future..."

“...... I will.

Naruto opened his eyes at the same time as Kushina, his expression resolute.

With a roar of rage, Naruto relied on his own will to break free of the chakra of the nine tails on his body, and countless dazzling chakra chains erupted from Kushina's body to bind the nine tails again!

The two Nine-Tails roared at the same time: "Damn!!

Jiu Xinnai's expression in the outside world suddenly became vivid, and Shuimen relieved his heart when he saw this: "It seems that he has regained his senses." "


"Let's go together, two people together!" The nine-tailed in Jiu Sinai's body roared angrily, constantly tearing the chains on his body, and at the same time, the tailed beast jade began to condense in his mouth.

"Damn imps!!"

Then, in the stunned gaze of the water gate, Jiu Sinai further turned into a tail beast, and the seven tails kept swinging behind him, and even pierced the belly of the water gate with a punch.

On Naruto's side, the Nine-Tails once again drove the scarlet chakra towards Naruto. Naruto hurriedly dodged, but the scarlet chakra followed him like a maggot with a bone.

In the next second, he directly wrapped himself around Naruto's body and forcibly brought him to the seal of the cage.

Kushina looked at the sudden change in front of him and was shocked. The nine-tails on his side flicked his tail slightly, and threw Jiu Sinai off and smashed it to the ground.

Jiu Sinai stood up and shouted anxiously: "Watergate, don't worry about it!" Let's go! Get out of here! "

If the two tailed beasts here escape at the same time, then Watergate will surely die!

"I'm not going to... Left! Shuimen firmly grasped Jiu Sinai's arm, and the other hand was still maintaining the gossip seal, with a resolute expression, "I will definitely not... Left!! Nine-Tails

: "Let go of your sealed hand!" This guy is my man, and the power has nothing to do with you!

"It's not!"

Shuimen closed his eyes and gasped: "I can feel it..."

In the mental space, suddenly Jiu Xinnai's eyes widened, looking up in disbelief.

We came here as a vessel for the Nine-Tails, but until then we have to find love and place it in this container, so that we can still be happy even as the Nine-Tails.

The surface of the water rippled, and a roar resounded through Jiu Sinai's spiritual space, and the water surface appeared in the sky above the Nine-Tails with a spiral pill in hand.

"Kushina has always had me in her heart!!


Kushina reacted immediately, and locked the chain again.


"I will never hand over Kushina to you!!"

The Spiral Pill collided with the unformed Tailed Beast Jade, stirring up a light that covered the sky and the sun.

On the other side, just as Naruto's hand was about to uncover the sealing spell, two rays of light, one red and one yellow, descended from the sky and surrounded Naruto, and then carried him away and disappeared.

The Nine Tails were angry: "Four generations, Jiu Xinnai!" Bastard!!


Hospital's Bo Feng Shuimen opened his eyes and looked around. Seeing that Shuimen woke up, Jiu Sinai immediately pounced on Shuimen and hugged Shuimen tightly in his arms.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

Then Mizuto noticed that his shoulders were a little wet, and he stopped talking and let Kushina hold him like this, and hung Jiraiya and Tsunade, who were standing aside.

After many days

, Mizumon, who had recovered from his injury, walked and talked with Kushina on the street.

"That, that's about the previous technique..."

"It's the chakra ball that looks very similar to the one used by the Nine-Tails, how did you come up with the idea to develop it?"

"I've seen the human pillars use chakra balls on the battlefield with my own eyes, so I referenced that. Because I want to teach you the ninjutsu to deal with those people's pillar forces, the name is -

" Mizuto suddenly became interested: "Light wheel popsicle inspired spin hair Jiraiya double style pill!" "

Good soil! And the name is so long!!

Watergate was struck: "Alas?!"

Kushina sighed helplessly: "That ninjutsu was developed for me, right?" In that case, let me name it, okay? "

I don't care about that....."

Then come with me, I have a place to think!"

Kushina brought the water gate to the roof of the whirlpool building, and the water gate stood on the top of the building, looking at the open scenery around him, and excitedly ran to the front of the fence with open arms, feeling the cool breeze.

Suddenly, a butterfly flew slowly, and when Mizumon saw this, he stretched out his finger towards the butterfly with a little caution.

Jiu Sinai looked at the scenery in front of him, and blurted out in a flash of inspiration: "Spiral Pill!" "


Jiu Sinai blushed slightly: "What is the name of the new technique just mentioned?" "

Spiral Maru..."Mizuto's face fell behind Yan Yan of the first three Hokages, his face full of smiles and satisfaction, "Hmm! What a name!

On the other hand

, Naruto slowly opened his eyes on the hospital bed, and just wanted to get up, he only felt a tingle in his body, and turned his head to see Iruka holding Naruto's palm and sitting in front of the hospital bed and falling asleep.

As soon as he moved, Iruka immediately came to his senses, and when he saw Naruto open his eyes, he immediately stepped forward to check: "Naruto, it's great that you're finally awake."

Naruto looked at the cyan color in Iruka's eyes and the concern in his eyes, and he couldn't help but have a sour nose.

Seeing Naruto suddenly crying, Iruka suddenly panicked: "Is the wound still painful?" I'm going to shout at Tsunade-sama right away!

After saying that, he opened the door of the ward in a rage and ran out.

Naruto slowly got to his feet, and a gust of wind blew through the hall, blowing the white curtains by the window, and a bouquet of flowers bloomed brilliantly in the vase on the table next to his hospital bed.

Naruto covered the wound pierced by Chidori and was silent, I seemed to have had a long dream, and the two illusory figures in the dream seemed to save themselves like the sun, obviously very warm, but why can't I stop the sourness here...

"We've always loved you..."

Naruto looked up suddenly, only to see a butterfly fly in through the window and land on the flowers.

"This butterfly..."

Naruto was about to touch it when there was a rush of footsteps in the hallway outside the house.

The butterfly was startled and fluttered its wings and left the place, and then Naruto saw a large crowd of people rushing into the ward, gossiping but without exception concerned and happy.

Naruto looked at the crowd in front of him for a moment before reacting, and then showed that trademark bright smile: "Yo, everyone's here!" "

The water gate with Kushina had

just finished their mission and was about to return to the village, passing through the country of waves, when suddenly there was a heavy fog in front of them, and when the fog cleared, they inexplicably came to a forest...

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