"I tell you, my husband is the captain of the village's jonin squad. Open the door immediately and let my daughter bite the monster to heal the wound on her face, otherwise you will be in trouble."

The beautiful woman in the lead pulled a little girl and scolded the two grass ninjas guarding a ward, even threatening them, showing a strong attitude.

The little girl also covered her face and cried.

"Mom, I don't want to leave scars on my face. I don't want to become ugly."

The appearance of the mother and daughter made the two grass ninjas very embarrassed. They were only two chunins and dared not offend the jonins in the village, but they did not dare to disobey the leader's order.

"Please calm down, Madam Fujiwara. This is an order from the leader himself. Too many wounded soldiers were sent to the village in the previous war to suck her blood and chakra, which has caused her to suffer losses. She must be given time to recover so that the wounded can recover after the next war.

And the leader also needs her to leave offspring to continue to serve the village. The body cannot be damaged too much, otherwise we can't bear the anger of the leader if we can't get pregnant."

A grass ninja smiled and persuaded, and another grass ninja followed suit.

"Madam, your daughter just fell and scratched her skin. The doctors below are definitely capable of healing it, and it won't leave scars."

The two of them were helpless and irritated. This kind of thing happened several times a day. The guy guarding the stairs deliberately let people in and put the blame on them.

And the monster locked in the room was also a waste. It couldn't bear it after sucking a few times, so they had to face the anger of so many people and get scolded every day.

"You are not doctors, how do you know there will be no scars? If my daughter is disfigured, can you afford it?"

The beautiful woman was still strong, even arrogant, and insisted that her daughter bite the monster in the room to heal the scratches on her face.

The others behind her also spoke up, and they were all very strong.

"My mother is the village's jonin, and I am the village's genius and a future jonin. I pulled a muscle while practicing today and need to be treated by the monster immediately. If I leave a hidden injury, can you take the responsibility?"

"I'll give you 10,000 taels, and open the door quickly so I can bite the monster."

"My uncle is a minister of the Daimyo Prefecture, you guys get out of here."


Everyone was clamoring to go in and bite the monster to heal their injuries.

Although their injuries were not serious and it was not difficult to recover, they could not stand the pain and itching during the recovery period, and the village had just experienced a war, and all kinds of medicines were in short supply, so their recovery would be slower, and now they had to bite the monster.

Moreover, according to some ninjas in the village who had bitten the monster, not only would the wounds recover quickly after biting the monster, but the chakra refining would also be improved.

"How ugly!"

Uchiha Hikaru's murderous intent surged, it was really too ugly.

Uzumaki Kushina clenched her hands tightly, and was so angry that she couldn't speak.

She could naturally understand the whole story, and she could also see that the person locked in the room must be her own clansman. She didn't expect that she would really fall into such a miserable situation.

It was not enough that her chakra and blood were sucked by those people, but she was also pregnant with a child and let the child continue to serve those people.

This damn Kusagakure Village should not exist in the world.

"Kill them with one blow, don't let them have the opportunity to rush into the room and hurt your clansmen, and don't let them shout and attract the Kusagakure ninjas.

Once a fight breaks out here, your clansman will be in danger."

Uchiha Hikaru said, and then drew out the ninja sword and chopped the Kusagakure ninja who led the way in front.

As early as when she was going up the stairs, she found an opportunity to use Sharingan illusion to control them, including the two Kusagakure ninjas guarding the stairs on the fourth floor.

As for the people at the end of the corridor, she was too lazy to do anything, so she left it to Uzumaki Kushina, and at the same time used those people to make Uzumaki Kushina bleed.


Uzumaki Kushina, who was already extremely angry, heard the words of Uchiha Hikaru, and her heart became even more anxious. She decisively used the big killer move she had just learned not long ago.

A diamond chain flew out, and the top pushed a fist-sized Rasengan and shot over, drilling holes in the torsos of those people before they could react.

Including the two Kusagakure ninjas guarding the door, they were even the first targets.

Facing this A-level ninjutsu, they had no ability to resist at all, not to mention that their attention was focused on the people in front of them before, and they did not expect someone to suddenly attack.

Uzumaki Kushina ran over even faster. Although the bloody scene made her feel very uncomfortable, she was still concerned about her people and took the keys from their waists.

She tried to insert the keys into the two keyholes on the iron door and twisted them to open the door, but she didn't see anyone in the room. There was only a lonely wooden bed inside.

She was stunned for a moment, then she seemed to understand and walked to the bed and lay down. Sure enough, she found a thin figure curled up under the bed, and his body was constantly trembling, which showed his inner fear.

And the somewhat dim red hair proved his identity as a member of the Uzumaki tribe.

Seeing the tribe member under the bed, Uzumaki Kushina couldn't help but have crystals in her eyes, and she hated and hated the Kusagakure Village more and more.

"Don't be afraid, you are safe, and those bad people who hurt you are dead. I am your tribe member, my name is Uzumaki Kushina."

Uzumaki Kushina spoke softly, trying to communicate with him and comfort him.

She also had Kagura's mind, and could sense the chaos of the chakra in this tribe member. His mind and thoughts were in extreme fear.

With such a chaotic level, his consciousness must have been on the verge of collapse.

And there were many clear tooth marks and scars on his exposed forearms and palms, plus the dull red short hair, it was obvious that he had been sucked many times.

Although she didn't have that kind of physique, it must be uncomfortable to have her chakra blood and even vitality sucked.

The most important thing was that this tribe member was too young. From the perspective of body shape, he was about the same as herself, but he was much thinner.

"Damn Kusagakure Village!"

She cursed this dirty and evil village again in her heart. Such a place and people should not exist in the world.

And although Uzumaki Kushina was persuading, the girl under the bed could no longer listen at this moment, and her heart was filled with extreme fear.

She had heard what those people said before. They wanted to rush in and eat her.

On the other side, Uchiha Hikaru entered the laboratories on this floor with a ninja sword and killed all the people inside.

With the help of the Sharingan illusion, these people didn't even scream, only the smell of blood was everywhere.

This is the battle of ninjas, they can get rid of the opponent silently, which is quite efficient and hidden.

Of course, it is mainly because those who can do research here are medical researchers. There are not many ninjas, and they basically have no combat power, so it is naturally difficult to resist.

Not to mention Uchiha Hikaru who started killing here, on the other side, Tamura Hao followed those Kusagakure ninjas to a building in the center of Kusagakure Village and saw the leader of Kusagakure Village in a conference room.

In addition, there are many people. Judging from their clothes, they should be high-level officials of Kusagakure Village. It seems that they are discussing something.

What surprised Tamura Hao the most was that there were three ninjas dressed like him, who were the Anbu of Konoha.

And judging from the chakra sensed, they were all ninjas from the Senju clan.

Tamura Hao was looking at the three Konoha Anbu, and the three were also looking at Tamura Hao, not understanding how such a person suddenly appeared.

I didn't hear that there were other clan members coming before I set off.

"It's good that you are here."

Tamura Hao nodded to the three people, and then took out a seal scroll and unfolded it, revealing an iron ball with a diameter of one meter, on which countless ritual texts were engraved.

This scene shocked everyone in the Hidden Grass Village, but the expressions of the three Senju ninjas eased a lot.

The chakra used by the other party to unlock the seal ritual just now could not be wrong, it was indeed the chakra of their Senju clan.

Although I don't know which clan the other party is from and why he came here, since he is a ninja from the same clan, he is not an enemy.

Tamura Hao opened the iron ball, took out a scroll from it, glanced at everyone present, and was about to seriously fool him, but then he looked at the surrounding walls and frowned.

"Do you have a barrier here? The following conversation must be kept strictly confidential. It concerns the life and death and future of your Kusagakure Village."

The Kusagakure leader saw the boy's serious tone and turned to look at the three Thousand Hand Ninjas.

He was not familiar with the boy, but he had dealt with the three many times.

The leading Thousand Hand Ninja thought for a while, looked at someone, and then nodded to the Kusagakure leader to show that he was trustworthy.

Seeing the Thousand Hand Ninja nod, the Kusagakure leader did not delay any longer and asked someone to raise the barrier to cover the entire conference room.

Looking at the rising barrier, Tiancun Hao was very satisfied. A wave of explosions in such a closed space would definitely be very artistic to die.

"I am here to represent the Senju clan to form an alliance with the Kusagakure Village. In the next war, I will fully assist the Kusagakure Village in capturing the Four-Tails Jinchuriki of the Iwagakure Village or the Seven-Tails of the Takigakure Village, and create a tailed beast Jinchuriki belonging to the Kusagakure Village.

The Kusagakure Village needs to support our Senju clan in the fight for the position of Hokage after the war."

Tamura Hao's words were shocking, and everyone present was stunned, including the three Senju ninjas.

It took a long time for the three to come back to their senses and look at each other, not understanding which lineage this fellow clan member represented, and how crazy and bold he was.

Without waiting for the three to speak, Tamura Hao walked slowly over and whispered in the ear of the leader: "We have received accurate information. Sarutobi Hiruzen's disciples Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo have restarted the experiment on the front line, using a large number of prisoners of war to conduct live experiments in secret. We can't wait any longer."

"Are you sure?"

The face of the leading Senju ninja changed drastically. He could hear what experiment this fellow ninja was talking about. It must be the experiment that Lord Tobirama did back then.

It's just that the experiment was sealed by Lord Tobirama not long after it was started. Unexpectedly, the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo actually restarted it secretly, and did it behind the back of their Senju clan.

This is too much!

"They even dared to kill the Uzumaki clan, our in-laws. What else can't they do?

Grandma Mito is old and confused. She stubbornly follows the ideas of her great grandfather to protect the village, but she doesn't know that the Konoha she protects is no longer our Senju's Konoha. If we don't take action, we will be exterminated sooner or later."

Tamura Hao whispered, he is now a genuine Senju clan member, with chakra as evidence.

Also, please call me Senju Hao!

The head of the Thousand Hands Ninja had a gloomy face. He had heard about the experience of the Uzumaki clan and did see something wrong, but he didn't expect them to be so crazy and bold.

"You have ten minutes to communicate and think, and give me the answer in ten minutes. If you agree, this sealing technique and sealing ninja tool that can seal the tailed beast will belong to your Kusagakure Village.

If you don't agree, keep your mouth shut, otherwise Kusagakure Village will have no need to exist."

Tamura Hao came to the sealing iron ball and placed the scroll on the long table, showing a strong and domineering attitude.

Everyone's eyes fell on the scroll, and many high-level people in Kusagakure Village were full of greed.

You know, that is the top sealing technique that can seal the tailed beast to form a Jinchūriki. If their Kusagakure Village can have its own tailed beast Jinchūriki, there is a chance to become the sixth largest ninja village on par with the five major ninja villages.

"Put away your greedy eyes. This sealing technique is not yours yet."

With a cold snort, Tiancun Hao warned and took out a detonating talisman and pasted it on the scroll, indicating that you all should not try to snatch it.

The cold voice and the detonating talisman made everyone calm down immediately. Looking at the strong boy, and then looking at the three Thousand Hands Ninjas who remained silent, or tacitly agreed, the leader of the Kusagakure discussed with everyone in a low voice.

This proposal is crazy, but also very tempting, and it must be discussed carefully.

"Can we watch part of the sealing technique first?"

Ten minutes later, the leader of the Kusagakure proposed to watch and confirm the sealing technique.

They were very tempted by the proposal and were ready to fight, but the premise was that this sealing technique was real.

"Ten minutes more!"

Tancun Hao did not refuse, and gave another ten-minute time limit, and then unfolded half of the scroll on the conference table.

The senior officials of the Kusagakure Village immediately surrounded them and watched with fiery eyes, and even the three Thousand Hands Ninjas came forward to watch.

After seeing the complicated and dense sealing technique, they knew it was the real thing.

Seeing everyone coming forward, Tiancun Hao's face hidden under the mask showed a smile.

Without any hesitation, while everyone's attention was focused on the scroll, he raised his hand to seal and detonate the tens of thousands of detonating talismans sealed in the back half.

At the same time, his body drilled into the sealed iron ball behind him, and the sealed iron ball closed tightly.

At the same time as it closed, the tens of thousands of detonating talismans sealed exploded, and strong flames and shock waves filled the entire conference room.

This is the latest detonating talisman developed by their Cloud Village with the help of the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique. It can explode instantly and will not leave people a chance to react.

Some people reacted and burst chakra into the wall at the first time, intending to break the wall and escape.

Unfortunately, the barrier was raised at Tiancun Hao's suggestion before. Although the barrier of the Grass Village is not very good, it is enough to block it.

That is to say, this time they lost the opportunity to escape.

The power of tens of thousands of detonating tags exploded in this closed space, and the high temperature and high pressure formed were unimaginable, and it was also fatal to living things.

And the speed was too fast, and they had no time to make hand seals and perform ninjutsu to resist.


The barrier technique only lasted for a moment before it was blown up, and then the entire office building was torn and destroyed.

The roar and vibration of the explosion made everyone in the Hidden Grass Village look over, and only saw a huge flame rising.


The lurking Ye Yue Ai decisively ordered an attack, and all the Cloud Ninjas threw out kunai with detonating tags.

This time they brought a lot of detonating tags out, most of which were originally aimed at the Rock Ninja and Konoha Ninja, but now they changed their tactics and used them all here in the Hidden Grass Village.

This is a war, either you die or I die, there is no so-called mercy.

After more than half of the detonating tags were thrown out, the periphery of the Hidden Grass Village had turned into a sea of ​​fire and ruins.

"Go in!"

Yeyue Ai gave the order and immediately activated the Lightning Armor and rushed in.

Everyone rushed inwards and threw all the remaining detonating tags in the central area, especially those grass ninjas.

The grass ninjas were stunned. Not only did they not expect so many enemies to attack, but they also did not expect the opponent's fighting style to be so arrogant. The detonating tags were thrown out as if they were free.

Facing the overwhelming detonating tags, let alone them, even the shadows of the five major ninja villages had to take shelter temporarily.

In addition, the top leaders of the Grass Village were almost wiped out by Tamura Hao, so the grass ninjas not only lost a lot of high-end combat power, but also lost their command. They were completely in chaos and could not organize an effective counterattack.

This is not a war, this is a massacre, a one-sided massacre.

Not to mention the Cloud Ninjas who were fighting with the Grass Ninjas, Yeyue Ai and Fukai led people to rush into the area of ​​the leader's building of the Grass Village to search, and soon found the iron ball where Tamura Hao was hiding.

This iron ball was specially made, and the sealing formula was engraved on it. The defense was amazing. Although the firepower of tens of thousands of detonating talismans was fierce, it would not destroy this thing.

Yeyue Ai hurriedly opened the iron ball, and the scene revealed inside made him, Fukai, and the Anbu ninjas who followed him all have black lines on their foreheads.

I saw Tamura Hao sitting cross-legged inside with milk in one hand and beef jerky in the other, eating with relish, so comfortable.

"Would you like some? I still have a lot here?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Tamura Hao handed out the big bag of beef jerky.

"Get up and work!"

Staring unhappily, Yeyue Ai grabbed a piece of beef jerky and stuffed it into his mouth.

Fukai also took one and chewed it in his mouth. The Anbu ninjas were not polite either, and they all came forward and took one and put it in their mouths.

Anyway, their lightning ninjutsu does not need to be released with the mouth, so holding a piece in their mouth will not affect the battle.

"I'll go to the hospital to have a look."

After drinking the milk, Tiancun Hao took out the big cat and small cat from the sealing technique of the arm guard, identified the direction of the environment, and rushed to the direction of the hospital.

Three Anbu ninjas quickly followed. They were the three people who accompanied Tiancun Hao and Tudai to the Uzushiogakure Village. They were also old acquaintances.

Tiancun Hao and the three Anbu ninjas ran quickly and soon arrived at the relatively intact hospital. Tiancun Hao borrowed the power of Kaguya's Sharingan and Byakugan and rushed in directly.

The three Anbu ninjas knew something about this person's ability and opportunity, so they didn't hesitate and rushed directly into the hospital to kill.

This is a real war. Anyone who dares to resist, especially those ninjas, will be killed.

At this time, there is no distinction between men and women, old and young. Living in the ninja village cannot be treated as an ordinary person. Who knows if the other party has a kunai detonating tag or something like that.

For the sake of their own safety, it is better to kill them all.

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