Tamura Hao followed Kagura's mind's sense and finally came to a room on the top floor. He found Uchiha Hikaru and Uzumaki Kushina, as well as a girl with short red hair, who looked about the same age as Uzumaki Kushina.

But her face was pale and haggard, and her exposed skin was full of teeth marks and bite marks. Her mental state was also not right. It seemed that she had suffered a lot of torture here before.

A girl who was more than ten years old was treated like that. It was considered strong that she did not collapse.

Uchiha Hikaru, who was guarding at the door, was relieved to see Tamura Hao coming, while Uzumaki Kushina was still comforting the girl who was curled up in a ball.

But the effect was not ideal. The long-term torture and the explosions and shouts outside made it impossible for the girl to calm down. Her body was still shaking.

"Her emotions are on the verge of collapse, causing the chakra in her body to be very chaotic and unable to be guided by illusion."

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Uchiha Hikaru said, with a cold murderous intent in his words, targeting the Hidden Grass Village.

The girl's experience and state made her recall her own experience, which was too similar, and those people deserved to die.

"This world is really sick!"

Looking at the girl who was about to collapse, Tiancun Hao lamented that the darkness and ugliness of human nature exist in any world.

There was such a dark side in the previous life, such as the organ trade revealed in the SPL, many children were used as objects, and that was just a movie. The reality is even more cruel and dark than that. There is also the Loli Island incident. The ugliness of human hearts has no limit at all.

It is better to purify a dark and dirty place like the Hidden Grass Village.

It is no wonder that the future Uzumaki Karin would develop such a character and be so devoted to Nisukeko who saved her once, which was a bit pathological.

It would be strange if she didn't have mental problems after such an experience and growing up in such an environment.

Without saying anything more, he held the girl in his arms, put his forehead on her forehead, used the small ten-tail eight thousand spear pupil technique to create a mark for her and purify the chakra in her body.

Then he connected his own chakra with her chakra, using chakra as a medium to slowly calm her almost collapsed mood.

At the same time, he injected the pure life force of the small ten-tail into her body to make up for the loss of vitality.

He guessed that this should be the mother of the future Uzumaki Karin. Although he changed a lot of things, some things have not been changed, and this girl is one of them.

If he didn't come, this girl would definitely be sucked dry of vitality by those people in Kusagakure Village and die, and then it would be her daughter Uzumaki Karin.

As the chakra and mood were slowly calmed down, coupled with the comfort that the vitality injected into the body finally made the girl's consciousness recover from the edge of collapse, and her tightly closed eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of ruby-like eyes.

What caught her eyes was a pair of black pupils, which contained infinite tenderness, making the girl feel warm in her heart.

"Are you awake now?"

Seeing the girl open her eyes, Tiancun Hao raised his head and asked softly, but the transmission of vitality did not stop.

If you don't transmit it, you won't know. Once it is transmitted, you will find that the girl's body is seriously depleted and has damaged her foundation.

If she continues like this, she will definitely not live past the age of 30, which makes him feel pity.

Looking at the face in front of her, the girl didn't say anything, and seemed dazed, and her mind hadn't figured out what was going on.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that the girl had basically calmed down, Tiancun Hao didn't stay here. He picked up the girl horizontally, used his strange strength skills, kicked a hole in a wall with one foot, and stepped out.

The three ANBU ninjas naturally followed immediately. Uchiha Hikaru and Uzumaki Kushina did not delay and rushed out closely behind.

Tamura Hao did not leave the hospital, but stepped on the wall outside and came to the rooftop of the hospital, his eyes swept across the entire Kusagakure Village.

He did not intend to participate in it, because he longed for a battle with the strong and had no interest in slaughtering the weak.

Not to mention that his mission had been completed, most of the high-level officials of Kusagakure Village were blown to death, and the target was perfectly rescued. He had done enough.

"This kind of battle is boring."

Looking at the chaos in Kusagakure Village, Uchiha Hikaru lost his will to fight.

"But this boring battle can minimize our casualties. We have to take them all back after we bring them out. Their parents, wives and children are waiting for them to return safely."

Tamura Hao thought this was good. It was not a saintly thought, but the core concept as a commander.

You can't do things like hurting the enemy by 1,000 and hurting yourself by 800.

If you really fight to the end and kill all your own people, it can't be considered a victory.

Not to mention that what they pursue is unification, and preserving their own strength to the maximum extent is the first priority.

Just look at the Qin Dynasty in the previous life. The reason why it perished so quickly was that the old Qin people were consumed too much in the previous wars and the war of unification. Most of the old Qin people, as the foundation, were lost. How could the foundation of the Qin Dynasty be stable?

The reason why the Han Dynasty was able to stabilize later was that after that wave of war, the people of the six countries were almost dead, and there was no one to mess around.

Therefore, the key to the war of unification is to eliminate the enemy to the maximum extent and preserve one's own people to the maximum extent. Even Tiancun Hao wanted to make a nuclear bomb to flatten all hostile forces.

Looking at the girl who was holding his hand tightly beside him, Tiancun Hao said gently.

"This village that brought you suffering will become history and will never appear again."

The girl still didn't say anything, but she was no longer so stupid. It was obvious that her emotional system was slowly recovering.

Tamura Hao attached great importance to the girl. He also needed a loyal subordinate like Uzumaki Karin, who could save lives at critical moments.

Of course, he didn't want to bite anyone, so he had to let this girl learn medical ninjutsu. Learning medical ninjutsu with this blood limit ability would definitely be twice the result with half the effort, and it was not impossible to surpass the most evil ninja in the ninja world.

When thinking of subduing the lackeys, Tamura Hao couldn't help but admire the Third Hokage and Orochimaru. The Will of Fire of the Third Hokage was the strongest illusion in the Naruto world, and it fooled countless young people.

Even a psychopath like Uchiha could be fooled, and the top ninja clan in the ninja world was destroyed without a single soldier.

Compared with the political tactics of the Third Hokage, the means of the Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village, who also killed the ninja clan in the village, were not a little bit worse.

Then there is Orochimaru. In the future, there will be many fanatics under his command, and some will even compete for the title of Orochimaru's carrier.

The ability of those two to deceive and train minions is really amazing. Compared with them, I don't know how many levels I am inferior to them.

When he recalled the humiliating scenes of being suppressed by the stinky girl Uchiha Guang over the past few months, and the Uzumaki Kushina who was always eyeing him, he burst into bitter tears.

Against such a stubborn and stupid girl, no matter how good the calculation is, it is useless.

And Uzumaki Kushina on the side saw that the tribe member finally regained consciousness, and she was relieved and unhappy at the same time.

It was obviously me who saved you, why are you so close to that despicable villain now, holding the villain's hand.

Of course, she did not express this dissatisfaction. She could see that the shameless villain was using some method to help the tribe member recover, and the tooth marks and scars on his body were slowly fading and disappearing.

The gray skin has become more white and rosy, and even the originally dull red short hair is slowly regaining its brightness.

These are enough to prove that his body is recovering, and the despicable villain is still capable.

The girl also felt the changes in herself, and also felt the life force that was continuously transmitted from her palm to her body.

Looking at the boy in front of her, the girl hesitated and wanted to loosen her palm.

She knew very well the feeling of the life force fading, and didn't want to transfer that feeling to others.

But her palm was tightly grasped by Tiancun Hao, and continued to transmit life force.

"From now on, only I am allowed to let go of your hand, and you are not allowed to let go, understand?"

Sensing the girl's actions, Tiancun Hao turned his head and said, revealing a domineering tone in his gentleness.

But this contradictory tone made the girl feel more secure, which is what she has been craving for the past year.


The girl nodded, and a touch of crystal appeared in her eyes.

This was also the first time the girl spoke tonight.

"My name is Tamura Hao, what about you!"

Tamura Hao no longer paid attention to the battle in Kusagakure Village. Compared with the Kusagakure Village that was about to be destroyed, the girl in front of him was more important.

Now was the time when his heart was most vulnerable, so he naturally had to take advantage of the opportunity to deceive her into becoming a loyal henchman.


After hesitating for a while, the girl finally said her name.

"It's a very nice name."

Tamura Hao praised, and then communicated with the girl to further ease her mood.

Uzumaki Kushina on the side interrupted several times, but unfortunately the effect was not good. Uzumaki Vanilla only nodded or shook her head to her words, without any intention of getting close.

Uzumaki Kushina clenched her teeth and wanted to pounce on someone and bite off a piece of meat.

That bad guy was too despicable. He had obviously saved the person, and he had comforted him for a long time, but in the end, the soul egg appeared to pick peaches.

Too despicable!

Not long after, a figure jumped onto the rooftop of the hospital. It was Uzumaki Yuye. She had completed her work.

When she came over, she first looked at the new clan member, and then communicated with Uzumaki Kushina to understand what happened here, and also saw the resentment of her niece.

"Don't be stingy. This plan is mainly because Haojun found the information about Vanilla from many files, and then proposed this war plan against Kusagakure Village."

She is now considered a senior member of the Cloud Village, a member of the senior ninja class, qualified to participate in the vote on major village events, and knows some things.

The real initiator of this war is actually the young man in front of him. It was the other party who proposed this war based on an uncertain piece of information, and then persuaded Lord Raikage to send troops.

She is very grateful to this man. If it weren't for this man's plan, their Uzumaki clan would have been exterminated by Konoha.

"He proposed it?"

Uzumaki Kushina was shocked. How could it be that despicable villain?

"Is this the girl?"

At this time, Yeyue Ai, who was covered in blood, jumped onto the rooftop of the hospital. Looking at the red-haired girl who hid most of her body behind her junior brother, she knew that she was the target of the mission.

"She was a little frightened before."

Tamura Hao said. Compared with the look of almost collapsing when he first saw her, she is much better now.

Nodding in understanding, Yeyue Ai turned his head and looked at Uchiha Guang.

"These are the high-level officials of Kusagakure Village and their descendants that we found. They should know a lot of secrets."

Destroying Kusagakure Village was only one of the tasks. The next step was to pack up and take away the valuable things in Kusagakure Village to count as profit.

You can't fight a war at a loss.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't say much. He opened his Sharingan and used illusion to interrogate those brought up by the Anbu ninja.

Her illusion skills were not bad. After all, she once had the Moon Reading Eye Technique, although it was transplanted into her eyes, not an illusion awakened by herself.

But she also improved her own illusion talent a lot. In addition, in order to let her use the Moon Reading better, the Uchiha clan also specially guided her to practice illusion, so her foundation was not bad.

As Uchiha Hikaru used illusion to interrogate many key information, the Anbu ninjas led their teams to various places in Kusagakure Village to search.

There were also Uzumaki ninjas who helped to remove the many existing seals.

Compared with the Uzumaki clan's research on the seal technique, the seal technique of Kusagakure Village was not a little bit worse, and it was not difficult to crack it.

There was even a ninja with transplanted Byakugan who was protected by a group of Kumo ninjas and searched everywhere. It looked like they wanted to dig up the Kusagakure Village.

At the same time, they were also cleaning up all the survivors and sealing all the Kusagakure ninjas' bodies with sealing scrolls. The bodies were also pierced through the brains one by one to prevent the information of the battle from being leaked.

They pretended to be the Iwagakure blasting troops this time, so they naturally had to put the blame on the Iwagakure Village.

They should keep it a secret for as long as possible, and it would be best if they could hide it until the Ninja World War.

The ninjas were very efficient, and they had been using detonating tags as their main means of combat before, so the chakra consumption was not large. The various ninjutsu they used quickly emptied the Kusagakure Village.

Especially the earth escape ninjutsu, the secret rooms and compartments hidden deep inside were broken open, and all the valuables were taken away.

Fortunately, they had the Uzumaki clan joining them, and the production cost of large sealing scrolls was greatly reduced. The harvest this time could be sealed in the scrolls, which was very convenient.

Finally, he did not forget to set fire to everything here, and further erase all traces.

Even if there are Kusagakure ninjas who escaped and came back, they can never build another Kusagakure Village.

"Flower of the Grass!"

When interrogating a Kusagakure Village jonin with illusion, Uchiha Hikaru was suddenly surprised, as if he saw strange memory fragments in the illusion.

"What's wrong?"

Tamura Hao next to him looked over. Did he find anything special?

Uchiha Hikaru did not answer immediately, and further used illusion to view the man's memory, and spoke after a while.

"In this person's memory, there are two factions hidden inside the Hidden Grass Village, one named Grass Flower and the other named Grass Real.

The Grass Flower faction opposes war, is good at using diplomatic means to deal with various forces, uses intelligence to grasp the trend of the times to protect itself, and is good at breaking the ninjutsu of major ninja villages.

This is also the main body of the current Hidden Grass Village, while the Grass Real faction is in a place called Ghost Lantern City, and both have existed for a long time, at least hundreds of years."

She didn't expect that this small Hidden Grass Village actually has such a long history, much older than the five major ninja villages today.

"Grass Real! Grass Flower!"

After chanting these two names, Tamura Hao knew that the Paradise Box existed in this world, which made it easy.

He had long been envious of the Paradise Box and the Satoru inside it, and he didn't know if he could transform the Paradise Box into a thing like the Holy Grail Dragon Ball. I believe that Lord Danzo would definitely like it.

Uzumaki Tamaba said at this time: "Ninja villages have existed for a long time, especially in small countries. For example, our Uzushiogakure Village has taken root there hundreds of years ago.

But due to the suppression of the daimyo of major countries, no large ninja villages could be born. If the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara were not too powerful, Konoha could not be established.

Other ninja villages were established along the trend of Konoha, and finally the daimyo of major countries also recognized this system and formed a new balance."

She knew about Kusagakure Village. It was recorded in some of the classics of their Uzumaki clan that it was a ninja village that was built earlier than their Uzumaki clan.

Similar ninja village groups actually existed a long time ago, but they could not form a large scale.

"Ghost Lantern City is a prison located on an isolated island in the sea. There are countless reefs and whirlpools in the surrounding sea, and ships cannot get close at all.

Some prisoners are held in it, and the lineage of the city lord of Ghost Lantern City does have some relationship with the Hidden Grass Village. It is said that they have a secret technique that can seal the prisoner's chakra and limit it to a certain range, making it impossible for the prisoner to escape."

Fukai then explained Ghost Lantern City. He had heard about the sea prison, which was a neutral force like the Iron Country.

"I also heard from my father that many people in the rebellion were sent to Ghost Lantern City for detention."

Yeyue Ai also remembered the existence of Ghost Lantern City, which involved the rebellion of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn.

The rebellion that year involved many people. Some people were not easy to kill, so they could only be detained. It was not easy to detain them in the village, so they were all sent to Ghost Lantern City.

"This filthy place should be burned to ashes."

Uchiha Hikaru was not interested in these. After interrogating the remaining people with illusion, he came to the edge of the rooftop and looked at the Kusagakure Village, which was already covered in a sea of ​​fire. He was disgusted with this place.

Uzumaki Vanilla's experience was only a part of the darkness inside. Through the illusion interrogation just now, she saw more dark and disgusting scenes.

Of course, there are many forces with this kind of dark side, even in the five major ninja villages, there are many, or even more. Kumogakure Village is only slightly better because of its own style of doing things.

And Konoha is the most disgusting. The things they do secretly are really unbearable, and the things in the Country of Whirlpool are just one of them.

During this Ninja World War, Konoha and Iwagakure took the battlefield to the Country of Grass and caused countless killings. Countless villages and cities were affected. Before they entered the Country of Grass, they saw countless dilapidated villages and countless refugees. , and those dense bones on the roadside.

There are even teeth marks on some of the bones. Human teeth marks. You can imagine what happened.

Of course, Yunyin Village's destruction of Caoyin Village this time cannot be said to be justice, and innocent people must have been implicated and killed.

However, this further highlights the fault of the existence of the ninja world, and it is better to destroy it.

"Let's go home!"

Ye Yue Ai and the others did not know Uchiha Hikari's inner thoughts. They ordered the ninjas under their command to raid the Kusakuin Village. After counting the number of people and making sure that there was no problem, Ye Yue Ai decisively ordered to return.

All the cloud ninjas were very happy. This battle was so refreshing and luxurious, and there were basically no casualties on their side. It was much more comfortable than the two battles they fought in the Kingdom of Whirlpool last time.

Of course, this is mainly because Kusagakure Village was forced by Konoha to participate in the war and lost many elite ninjas, and the village's strength was reduced a lot.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the 500 Kumo ninja elites to take down the Kusakuin Village so easily in its heyday.

At this time, it was still dark, and it was still dark. Only the fire in Caoyin Village was burning brightly, illuminating the dark night.

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