"Nawoki, what exactly are the abilities of Shinnosuke's two hands?"

Nawoki hurriedly asked in response to his sister's question.

"Those are the two strangest ninjutsu of Aizen Shinnosuke, one is called"stealing a sheep when there is a hand" and the other is called"demolishing a bridge after crossing the river"! Stealing a sheep when there is a hand can take a ninjutsu from you, and then Shinnosuke can use this ninjutsu directly afterwards. And"demolishing a bridge after crossing the river" temporarily seals one of your ninjutsu and makes it unusable!"

"Can't use ninjutsu? Destroy the bridge after crossing the river......Is it a sealing technique specifically targeting a ninjutsu?"

Jiraiya also frowned. Rope Tree said that crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. Its effect seemed to Jiraiya like a sealing technique, and it could actually seal a single ninjutsu of the opponent.

You know, when ninjas are fighting, sometimes, let alone a ninjutsu. Even if you have an extra kunai in your hand, you have an extra chance of winning.

More importantly, Aizen Shinnosuke's method seems to be hard to defend against. After all, even Orochimaru couldn't escape Aizen Shinnosuke's attack.

Rope Tree spoke very loudly, and even Aizen Shinnosuke and Orochimaru on the field could hear it clearly. And Jiraiya's comments later, Orochimaru and Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes sparkled.

Aizen Shinnosuke only knew that crossing the river and demolishing the bridge could"demolish" an enemy's ninjutsu, and he never thought that this method was similar to the sealing technique.

"So that's it, a sealing technique?"

Orochimaru looked at the two identical chakra palms on his body. Orochimaru tried, but he couldn't break it even with ninjutsu.

"Can't you stop it?"

On the porch, Tsunade frowned as she saw that Orochimaru's attack had no effect on Aizen Shinnosuke's two chakra hands.

Opposite Orochimaru, Aizen Shinnosuke moved his mind, and one of his hands with a ball of light waved towards him. The other hand completely merged into Orochimaru's body.

"Don't even think about it! Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Seeing that the hand actually took something from him and wanted to take it back, Orochimaru snorted coldly, then formed seals with both hands and performed Wind Style: Great Breakthrough.

However, the ninjutsu had no effect on the hand at all, and Orochimaru could only watch helplessly as the chakra palm finally melted into Aizen Shinnosuke's body.

"Lord Orochimaru! Be careful!"

Sensing the ninjutsu that he had just taken back, Aizen Shinnosuke's mouth curled up slightly.

Then Aizen Shinnosuke swung his right hand violently and shouted at Orochimaru.

"Ninja Technique: Shadow Snake Hand!"


Hearing the ninjutsu shouted by Aizen Shinnosuke, Orochimaru and the other two were shocked.

Under the gaze of the three, Aizen Shinnosuke's right hand suddenly turned into more snakes and attacked Orochimaru.

"It's true......Did you get a ninjutsu from Orochimaru?"

Jiraiya frowned. Aizen Shinnosuke's ability really opened their eyes.

As a good friend of Orochimaru, Jiraiya could be said to be the one who knew Orochimaru's strength best. He found that the ninjutsu performed by Aizen Shinnosuke was as powerful as Orochimaru's.

In fact, the power was exactly the same.

If this ability was used on the battlefield, it would be a great killer!

""Ninjutsu: Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

On the other side, Orochimaru was also unconvinced. He waved his right hand as well, and a large number of snakes suddenly emerged from his right hand.

Aizen Shinnosuke's Hidden Shadow Snake Hand collided with Orochimaru's Hidden Shadow Snake Hand, canceling each other out.

"It seems that I was right. The power of Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu is the same as that of Orochimaru. It doesn't mean that the power of ninjutsu is reduced if it is not performed by Orochimaru!"

Jiraiya nodded and then thought

"I just wonder how this move will affect Aizen Shinnosuke? Is it very consuming?"

Faced with Jiraiya's doubts, Aizen Shinnosuke quickly gave the answer.

At the moment when the two ninjutsu canceled out, a card appeared in Aizen Shinnosuke's hand again.

"Thunder Kill!"

A card similar to the previous killing card was thrown out by Aizen Shinnosuke, but the difference was that the card Aizen Shinnosuke threw out this time had arcs flashing from time to time on the surface of the card.

Moreover, the speed of this card was faster than the previous killing card.

In just a blink of an eye, the card had already arrived in front of Orochimaru.

"Substitution Technique!"

Subconsciously, Orochimaru formed a seal to perform the Substitution Technique. However, as Orochimaru formed the seal, the Substitution Technique did not start.

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and it was at this opportunity that the Thunder Kill successfully hit Orochimaru. In an instant, countless thunders rushed out of the cards and hit Orochimaru hard.


Along with Orochimaru's scream, the backyard was filled with the aroma of barbecue. After the Leisha attack ended, Orochimaru's body softened and he fell to the ground, but his eyes were fixed on Aizen Shinnosuke.

"It's really amazing to cross the river and then destroy the bridge. Was it my Substitute Technique that was sealed just now?"

Jiraiya and others hurried to Orochimaru's front. Everyone looked at Orochimaru's appearance from top to bottom. Except that his hair had turned into an afro and his originally cold white skin had turned black, he didn't seem to have suffered much damage.

"Brother Orochimaru, are you seriously injured?......"

After looking Orochimaru up and down for several times and confirming that he did not see any wounds on his body, Rope Tree looked at him with a strange look in his eyes.

"No injuries? Shinnosuke's ninjutsu is very strange. His lightning ninjutsu seems to only hit a little bit......."

Orochimaru smiled bitterly and then lifted his clothes. Everyone looked over and saw that Orochimaru's abdomen had turned black. It was obvious that the meaty aroma that everyone had just smelled came from there.

"Is this really the case?"

Tsunade frowned, pushed Jiraiya away from Orochimaru, and then violently lifted the clothes on Orochimaru's back.

As expected, there was also a spot on Orochimaru's back that had become charred. Moreover, because the clothes were already stuck to Orochimaru's flesh, when Tsunade lifted Orochimaru's clothes, she inevitably tore off a piece of flesh.

Tsunade touched it with her hand, then shook her head.

"The power of this ninjutsu is already enough to reach A-level, and......"

Tsunade glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke and then said

"Shinnosuke's ninjutsu was very powerful. He concentrated all the power of thunder on one point, causing direct damage to the person's body. This kind of damage was much more serious than the damage caused by ordinary ninjutsu!"

"Tsunade......"Stop talking, take me to the hospital!"

Orochimaru grimaced in pain in his back. There was nothing he could do. When Tsunade lifted his clothes just now, his whole body was still numb. So at that time, Orochimaru didn't feel how much pain his back was in.

But now, Orochimaru's back was numb and painful. The breeze blew gently, and Orochimaru could even feel his flesh being blown by the wind.

"Get out of the way! Orochimaru must be rescued immediately!"

Tsunade raised her hand to support Orochimaru and was about to leave. However, because the movement was too large, Orochimaru could not help but grin again.

""Tsunade-sama, don't be so anxious!"

Aizen Shinnosuke stepped forward and stopped the anxious Tsunade. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke flipped his palm again. A card that they had never seen before appeared in Aizen Shinnosuke's hand.


As Aizen Shinnosuke threw the card in his hand to Orochimaru, a burst of green light suddenly emerged from Orochimaru's body. In an instant, Orochimaru's originally very serious injuries recovered in the blink of an eye under the gaze of everyone.

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