After everyone finished their meal, Minato and Nawaki were responsible for washing all the dishes.

Uzumaki Mito was a little tired because of his age and because he had waited for Tsunade and the others for the whole morning. So after the meal, he was supported by Uzumaki Kushina and went back to the bedroom to rest. In the end, only Tsunade and three others, plus Aizen Shinnosuke, were left in the kitchen.

After drinking a sip of water, Tsunade took Aizen Shinnosuke to the backyard, and Orochimaru and Jiraiya followed them to the backyard.

"Hey, kid! Nawaki said, you want to see me? Since the food you cook is really delicious, I'll give you a chance. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Tsunade stood opposite Aizen Shinnosuke, with her hands on her hips in a very unpresentable manner, matching her heroic face. Not to mention, she looked quite handsome.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru were sitting on the porch, staring at Tsunade and Aizen Shinnosuke without moving.

"It's like this, I think Tsunade-sama should also know the news that I graduated early, so I want to become Tsunade-sama's disciple!"

Tsunade looked at Aizen Shinnosuke opposite her in surprise. She didn't expect that the purpose of this child looking for her was to become her disciple.

"You want to take me as your master?"

Tsunade looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with a look of astonishment, not quite sure what this guy was thinking, actually wanting to take her as his master.

"Yes! I want to learn from Master Tsunade. My ninjutsu is a little special. The chakra consumed is also more than that of ordinary people, so I want to learn from Master Tsunade and learn the Yin Seal."

"Yin Seal?"

Tsunade looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, walked to his side, walked around Aizen Shinnosuke while her eyes kept scanning him up and down.

"If you want to learn the Sealing Technique, you can learn from my grandmother. She has a good impression of you. Why do you want to take me as your master?"

Tsunade asked Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Lady Tsunade is Nawase's sister, so she should know Nawase's ideal of going to the battlefield. Therefore, in addition to learning the Yin Seal, I also want to go to the battlefield. When the war starts, as Tsunade's disciple, I should be at the forefront!"

After hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Jiraiya and Orochimaru's faces changed drastically and they stood up suddenly.

Aizen Shinnosuke was still wondering why they had such expressions, but he saw Tsunade clenched her fists and the ground under her feet had begun to crack.

"Rope Tree! Get out here!"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Sheng Shu's hands were still dripping with water. He ran out of the kitchen with a puzzled look on his face, not knowing why his sister called him.

"I heard Shinnosuke say, you want to go to the battlefield?"

Tsunade's hair blew up without wind, and even her eyes were open.’、

"What? Shinnosuke......"

Rope Tree pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke. He didn't expect that he would be sold out by his good brother.

But the most important thing now is not to settle accounts with Aizen Shinnosuke. Rope Tree hid behind Orochimaru, then stretched out half of his head to look at his sister and said

"Sister! You know, I want to be as strong as my grandfather. So, I must go to the battlefield! And, grandma has already agreed to this!"

"Grandma has no say in this matter!"

Tsunade rolled up her sleeves and was about to come over to grab the rope tree. Orochimaru raised his hand to stop Tsunade, and after comforting Tsunade, Orochimaru immediately said to Aizen Shinnosuke

"From what you said just now, you are very confident in your own strength! You seem to be younger than Nawaki, right? You want to go to the battlefield too? In that case, why don't you let me test your level first!"

Pulling Nawaki behind Jiraiya, Orochimaru walked directly towards Aizen Shinnosuke. Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Tsunade who looked grim, wondering what she was thinking.

"Humph! Fine, I won't force you, if you can hold out for one minute under Orochimaru's hands. Then I'll let my grandmother teach you the Yin Seal. As for being a disciple, forget it. I don't have any thoughts of accepting a disciple yet!"

Tsunade crossed her arms and spoke to Aizen Shinnosuke.

Then Tsunade walked to Jiraiya's side, stretched out her hand and grabbed Nawase's ear and pulled him out from behind Jiraiya. On the other side, Minato had already washed the dishes, and he also walked out of the kitchen. At this moment, he stood behind Jiraiya, looking at Aizen Shinnosuke and Orochimaru standing in the yard.


Orochimaru shouted and launched an attack. He took out a kunai from his back and threw it directly at Aizen Shinnosuke.

Aizen Shinnosuke knew that the reason why Orochimaru wanted to test his level was because they wanted to see his so-called"secret technique". So, Aizen Shinnosuke did not dodge, but faced the kunai thrown by Orochimaru.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke also flipped his right hand, and a card with a strange shape appeared in his hand.

"Oh? That's his strange ninjutsu?"

Tsunade was holding Rope Tree's ears while watching every move of Aizen Shinnosuke, so the moment he took out the card, Tsunade saw it clearly.


Aizen Shinnosuke threw the card in his hand, and suddenly a huge flash word appeared on the card. Then, under the gaze of Orochimaru and the other two, the kunai went straight through Aizen Shinnosuke's body and finally stopped on the fence behind.


Aizen Shinnosuke's move shocked Tsunade and the other two, especially Orochimaru. His pupils, which were originally like snakes, now stood up and became more like snakes. At the same time, he said

"Space-time ninjutsu?"

The move by Aizen Shinnosuke just now seemed to have distorted the space in which he was, and avoided Orochimaru's kunai. So in Orochimaru's view, Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu just now was space-time ninjutsu.

"No! It's not a space-time ninjutsu, although it looks very similar. But when Aizen Shinnosuke dodged just now, the space didn't change at all! He just changed himself!"

Jiraiya shook his head and denied Orochimaru's statement that Aizen Shinnosuke's method was a space-time ninjutsu. After all, among the three of them, Jiraiya had been reversed and summoned to Myoboku Mountain to practice, so he could still sense a little about space.

"Is that so? But it's really interesting! Then let me see what other tricks you have!"

Orochimaru's mouth slightly raised. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him, in addition to cooking delicious food, actually had such extraordinary tricks.

"Ninjutsu: Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru stretched out his right hand, and four snakes flew out from his sleeves. With a sharp sword in his mouth, he stabbed at Aizen Shinnosuke.

Facing this attack from Orochimaru, Aizen Shinnosuke calmly played another flash.

As long as the chakra is sufficient, Aizen Shinnosuke's skills have no cooldown at all. Moreover, Aizen Shinnosuke does not need such low-level things as hand seals.

The four snakes passed through Aizen Shinnosuke's body again and dodged Orochimaru's ninjutsu attack. Aizen Shinnosuke did not continue to stand there. At the moment of dodging Orochimaru's attack, Aizen Shinnosuke's body jumped to the side.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke took out a new card with his backhand.


Aizen Shinnosuke threw the card in his hand, and the card was like a sharp sword, attacking Orochimaru directly.

Orochimaru already had a good idea of Aizen Shinnosuke's ability to dodge. But Orochimaru didn't know how strong Aizen Shinnosuke's attack was, so looking at the card flying towards him, Orochimaru immediately waved the four snakes in his right hand and took the initiative to crash into Aizen Shinnosuke's attack.

Orochimaru's snakes collided directly with the killing card thrown by Aizen Shinnosuke, and Orochimaru's four snakes didn't even block it, and were cut in half.


Orochimaru's eyes widened when he saw this. He then quickly jumped back twice in succession, barely avoiding the attack of the killing card thrown by Aizen Shinnosuke.


When the killing card was inserted into the position where Orochimaru was just now, before Orochimaru could breathe a sigh of relief, the killing card suddenly exploded under the gaze of others. For a moment, dust rose in the backyard.

""Not good! Brother Orochimaru, be careful!"

When Rope Tree saw this scene, he immediately recalled the time when he was beaten up by Shinnosuke. So he immediately spoke up and warned Orochimaru.


Orochimaru didn't know why Rope Tree was so nervous. But the next moment, he saw two palms made of chakra suddenly inserted into his body.


This time, not only Orochimaru, but also Jiraiya and Tsunade who were watching the battle were surprised. What kind of method did Aizen Shinnosuke use? He could actually insert it directly into a person's body?

Looking at Orochimaru on the scene, Tsunade immediately pulled Nawase's ear and asked.

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