"We didn't encounter any accidents this time. Although Hanzo of the Salamander is known as a demigod, he doesn't dare to fight with us in Konoha openly at the moment!"

Orochimaru shook his head and briefly told Uzumaki Mito about what happened on the front line.

"Alas, originally Hashirama established the Ninja Village to end the war. But unexpectedly, the war not only did not end, but became more and more intense......."

""Grandma, it's okay! With us here, other villages can't attack Konoha!"

Tsunade was still lying in Uzumaki Mito's arms and acting like a spoiled child. After hearing Tsunade's voice, Uzumaki Mito laughed non-stop.

"Lord Orochimaru! Lord Jiraiya!"

At this moment, a voice came from behind Orochimaru and Jiraiya. They both looked back at the same time, and Jiraiya was suddenly a little surprised.

"Minato? Why are you here?"

Jiraiya took Minato in his arms and rubbed his yellow hair with a smile.

"Well, I came here with Shinnosuke......."


When they heard this name, Jiraiya and the other two looked at each other.

Originally, they thought it was someone they knew. But now, none of them knew this guy called Shinnosuke.

"Shinnosuke is my deskmate, and he said he wanted to see Tsunade-sama for something, so Nawaki brought us here! By the way, he also cooked the meal we had today!"

"Rope Tree guy......"

Hearing that the person was brought by Rope Tree, Tsunade frowned. Moreover, bringing people here is fine, but actually letting them cook alone, this is really ridiculous.......

"It's okay, I've seen that kid before. Although he's young, he's mature and steady, much better than a mud monkey like you!

Besides, it's not that Nawaki doesn't want to help. After entering the kitchen, that kid had a bad temper! Even Kushina wanted to help but was chased out by him!"

Tsunade didn't expect that her grandmother actually thought so highly of that guy named Shinnosuke. She immediately put away the resentment in her heart, and then threw herself into Uzumaki Mito's arms again.

""Okay! Shinnosuke said the meal is ready, everyone can go and eat!"

Not long after, Nawaki came running over excitedly. His face was full of smiles, and he looked very excited.

"Well, you guys said Shinnosuke's food is delicious, I'll take this opportunity to try it too!"

Uzumaki Mito stood up with the help of Tsunade, and walked towards the kitchen with the help of Minato. After Tsunade helped Uzumaki Mito out of the room, she found an opportunity to walk at the back, then directly took Nawaki in her arms and asked

""Who is that guy called Shinnosuke?"

Nawaki looked at his elder sister, thought for a moment and said

"He is a friend I met at school. He is a good cook and has good skills. We became friends after communicating with each other for a long time. He said he has something to see you. I just wanted to welcome you, so I asked him to come here today!"


After listening to Rope Tree's explanation, Tsunade was obviously not satisfied with this explanation.

Who let her grandmother be the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki? And she was old, so she couldn't help but be more vigilant.

"Don't worry, Hokage-sama also knows Shinnosuke. Moreover, in a short while, Shinnosuke will take the graduation exam with me!"

"Taking the graduation exam? He is a student in your class? Why haven't I heard of anyone named Aizen in your class?"

Tsunade and Nawaki deliberately slowed down their pace. Taking this opportunity, Tsunade was ready to learn more about the guy named Shinnosuke.

"Shinnosuke is not in our class!"

Faced with Tsunade's question, Nawaki shook his head and then said

"Shinnosuke is only a fourth year this year, but he and Minato applied for early graduation together!"

"Graduated early?"

Tsunade exclaimed.

Tsunade had never heard of anyone graduating early. Even she and Orochimaru graduated from the first year.

How amazing was this guy called Shinnosuke to graduate early?

While Tsunade was thinking, they had already walked to the kitchen.

As soon as she entered the door, Tsunade saw a little black-haired boy busying himself. Next to him, there was a little girl with red hair like her grandmother.

"You are Kushina, right? I am Tsunade, nice to meet you! And you, you must be Aizen Shinnosuke."

Looking at the little boy and girl in the kitchen, Tsunade left her brother behind and came to greet them.

""Hello, Sister Tsunade!"

Don't be fooled by the fact that Kushina always calls Tsunade"sister" whether at home or in the ninja school.

But in fact, this is the first time they have met.

When the Land of Whirlpools was destroyed, Hanzo of the Salamander just happened to send a provocative letter to Konoha. So Tsunade and the other two went to the front line. Even after receiving the news that the Land of Whirlpools was destroyed, Tsunade did not have time to come back.

However, later Tsunade learned that her grandmother rescued a little girl from the Land of Whirlpools. And that little girl is the next Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Kushina looked at Tsunade squatting in front of her, and shyly turned to Tsunade, without the fierceness of the blood-red pepper that she had in school.

"Shinnosuke Aizen, right? Nice to meet you. Hello, I'm Orochimaru!"

"And me, I'm Jiraiya!"

Orochimaru and Jiraiya also came in front of Aizen Shinnosuke, looking at the busy Aizen Shinnosuke, Orochimaru and Jiraiya spoke one after another.

When Tsunade and Nawaki were talking just now, Orochimaru also heard a little bit, so he was very curious about this kid who could graduate early. As for Jiraiya

, he was purely curious about the dishes made by Aizen Shinnosuke. Didn't you see that guy's saliva was about to flow out?

"Hello, Mr. Orochimaru, Mr. Jiraiya. I am Aizen Shinnosuke, nice to meet you!"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked up at the guy in front of him with purple eyeshadow and the white hair beside him, and nodded.

The dining table beside them was already filled with delicious food by Aizen Shinnosuke. Various aromas penetrated into everyone's noses, and even Orochimaru, who didn't care much about food, couldn't help but be dazzled.

""How strange! Did you research all these by yourself? They taste really good!"

Tsunade looked at the dishes on the table curiously. Compared to Jiraiya, she was still good. At least, she could control her saliva.

"I just figured it out myself. It's done now. You can eat now!"

Everyone sat down and started eating without any greetings. For a moment, the whole table was filled with exclamations. Especially Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya who had just returned to the village.

When they were at the front line, they ate those terrible soldier ration pills. Now they are back in the village and can eat such delicious food.

From frugality to luxury, the three of them ate voraciously.

Although the way they ate was not very elegant, Uzumaki Mito just smiled.

She was still old, although the food made by Shinnosuke was very delicious. But she couldn't eat too much. Compared with the aroma of food, Uzumaki Mito preferred the current atmosphere.

A large group of people gathered together, lively and homely.

"Eat slowly, no one is going to snatch it from you!"

Uzumaki Mito picked up a chicken wing and put it into Tsunade's bowl. After saying that with a smile, he picked up a chicken drumstick and put it into Nawaki's bowl.

"Ugh, grandma is partial! She actually gave the chicken leg to Shengshu!"

"You greedy girl, even food can't stop you from eating!"

Uzumaki Mito deliberately glared at Tsunade, and even pretended to reach out and pat Tsunade's head. But as soon as she patted her hand, Uzumaki Mito changed it to caressing.

She looked at her granddaughter with moist eyes. Before she knew it, her granddaughter had grown up so big.

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