Faced with the rushing rubble, the Root ninjas immediately scattered.

However, some unlucky guys were hit by the rubble while moving. Immediately, the rubble penetrated their bodies, leaving bloody holes.

"Damn it!"

Hearing the screams from behind, the captain of the Root cursed inwardly.

After not seeing him for a while, Aizen Shinnosuke's strength seemed to have improved a lot compared to before. He had just graduated from the Ninja School more than a year ago.

But now.........

""Everyone! Attack with all your strength! Everything for Konoha!"

At this point, there is no room for maneuver. The captain of the Root waved his arm and shouted.

In an instant, the other members of the Root were like chicken blood, and the frequency and strength of the attack increased by more than one point. For a moment, Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi. The three of them immediately fell into a disadvantage. Only Uchiha Fugaku, after opening the Mangekyō, could suppress the ninjas of the Root.

As for Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi......

They are still too weak and can't keep up. On the other hand

, Aizen Shinnosuke is different from the people around him. The situation here has changed directly. Over there, the Root ninjas were suppressing Hyuga Hiashi and his group. On this side, Aizen Shinnosuke was suppressing the rest of the Root ninjas.

When Aizen Shinnosuke just stood there, the rest of the Root ninjas felt as if there was a mountain on their chests. They were so pressed that they couldn't breathe.


Suddenly, someone started to roar. Immediately, the rest of the Root Ninjas started to roar as if they were crazy.

At the same time, this group of Root Ninjas rushed directly towards Aizen Shinnosuke.

Seeing that these guys were so courageous, Aizen Shinnosuke had to admit that he had underestimated them.

However, no matter whether he underestimated them or not, this group of guys could never make any waves in front of Aizen Shinnosuke!

"Xunzi·Wind Rope!"

As Aizen Shinnosuke made a hand seal, countless ropes made of air currents directly bound the bodies of the Root Ninjas who were rushing in the front.

After realizing that their bodies seemed to be bound, those guys still wanted to break free.

But the next moment, their bodies seemed to be cut by sharp blades. Many deep wounds that could see the bones suddenly appeared on their bodies.

And, accompanied by blood all over the ground. With just one blow, Aizen Shinnosuke directly defeated the courage that the Root Ninjas had built up with great difficulty.

They were holding weapons one by one, wanting to go up but not daring to go up, and Aizen Shinnosuke really wanted to laugh.

"I've seen that your so-called Root is nothing but this! Did Shimura Danzo train a bunch of rubbish like you?"

Aizen Shinnosuke spread his hands. To be honest, before officially fighting with the Root ninjas, Aizen Shinnosuke was still a little worried.

After all, in the anime, the Root ninjas dared to fight even against the Hokage. In Aizen Shinnosuke's opinion, they were no different from the Suicide Squad.

Or......They are even more terrifying than the Expendables! Call them beasts......Maybe it would be more appropriate.

But now it seems that these guys......They are not even as good as the so-called death squad! Shinnosuke Aizen only discovered now that the so-called roots.

These guys are also afraid! They are also afraid!

Compared with the roots that Shinnosuke Aizen had in mind, they are far different!

"I've had enough fun here! When can you finish?"

Aizen Shinnosuke leaned casually against the stone wall beside him, watching with interest Uchiha Fugaku and others who were still fighting.

As for the Root Ninja who just shouted everything for Konoha. Now he is standing quietly, and no one knows what he is thinking.

Hearing the voice of Aizen Shinnosuke, Uchiha Fugaku looked at the two brothers Hyuga Hiashi and Hizashi behind him suspiciously.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the three Root Ninjas in front of him.

Gritting his teeth, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes became more and more fierce.


Uchiha Fugaku roared, and then a ball of black flame appeared on the three Root ninjas. With bursts of screams, the three gradually died.

When Aizen Shinnosuke saw this scene, he stood up straight with some surprise.


Isn't that the eye technique of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke? Uchiha Fugaku also has it? Could it be that this thing is inherited by the head of the family?

No one had seen Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō eye technique in the previous life. But according to unknown gossip, Aizen Shinnosuke can be sure that Uchiha Fugaku has an eye technique that seems to be able to see the future.

If that news is correct, then Aizen Shinnosuke can now be sure of Uchiha Fugaku's two Mangekyō eye techniques.

One Amaterasu, and the other eye technique can see the future.

See the future.........

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Uchiha Fugaku with great interest. In this case, could he make a plan? Relying on Uchiha Fugaku's ability to see the future, coupled with his understanding of the plot.

Isn't this the entire ninja world where Aizen Shinnosuke can roam?

While Aizen Shinnosuke was still fantasizing, Uchiha Fugaku, who had already dealt with the three root ninjas, went straight back to Aizen Shinnosuke's side.

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke's charming smile, Uchiha Fugaku frowned.

For some reason, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly felt a chill on his back. Aizen Shinnosuke, who was still fantasizing, had no idea about this.

However, after seeing this situation, Hyuga Hiashi and Hizashi Hyuga on the other side were a little restless. Not to mention that the Hyuga and Uchiha were already fighting, and the two families didn't get along with each other. In addition

, they had known Aizen Shinnosuke a while later than Uchiha Fugaku. The relationship between them and Aizen Shinnosuke is naturally weaker than the relationship between Uchiha Fugaku and Aizen Shinnosuke.

If we look at the current situation, after Tsunade becomes the next Hokage, Aizen Shinnosuke will definitely entrust Tsunade with important tasks based on the relationship between Aizen Shinnosuke and Tsunade.

By then, Hyuga will really fall behind Uchiha!

Thinking of this, Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi immediately opened fire.

Then, two Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms sounded in the cave. After a little effort, Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi also successfully solved their respective opponents.

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