"Okay! So do you have any other tricks now? If not, then I have to say goodbye to you!"

After Hinata Hiashi and Hinata Hizashi dealt with their opponents, Aizen Shinnosuke finally got rid of his fantasy. The first thing Aizen Shinnosuke said was that the captain was surrounded by the remaining Root ninjas.

Looking at the smug face of Aizen Shinnosuke, the Root captain's back teeth were almost broken. If it was really possible, he really wanted to torture this damn guy!

"But speaking of it, I am also very curious. Judging from the look on your face when you were shouting slogans just now, you should be the kind of person who will not give up for Shimura Danzo even if your life is gone.

But why, besides shouting slogans all the time, you don't even dare to take action?"

Aizen Shinnosuke was really curious about this. The ninjas of the Root should execute Shimura Danzo's orders 100%, right?

Even if they would lose their lives for it, isn't that what they should do?

But......What about the group of people in front of me? They don't seem to be the root organization in my impression at all.

"Earth Escape·Rockfall!"

Just then, a voice came from outside the cave, and then the cave began to tremble.

"I see, you are not Root Ninja at all.......You are not all Root ninjas!"

Aizen Shinnosuke glanced at the cave where rocks were falling, and a look of enlightenment appeared on his face. He said, how could the people of the Root organization be so shameful?’

"Everything for Konoha!"

At this moment, the captain was cheering again.

But the next second, he was hit by a falling stone.

The Root Ninja who didn't die at the hands of Aizen Shinnosuke ended up dying at the hands of his own people.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with a look of emotion, and pulled Aizen Shinnosuke over.

""What are you still sighing about! Run!"

As he said that, Uchiha Fugaku pulled Aizen Shinnosuke out of the cave. Hinata Hiashi and Hinata Hizashi followed closely behind Aizen Shinnosuke.

The four of them ran to the original cave entrance, but it had been blocked by fallen rocks.

Of course, they were not sure whether it was a fallen rock or not.

Seeing that the cave was falling more and more seriously, Uchiha Fugaku, Hinata Hiashi and Hinata Hizashi all became nervous.

""Get out of the way!"

Aizen Shinnosuke waved his hand and pushed Uchiha Fugaku to the side.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke tapped the ground twice with his left foot. At the same time, he said to Uchiha Fugaku and the others.

"Follow me!"

The next second, Aizen Shinnosuke stretched out his hand seal and shouted:


Under the gaze of Uchiha Fugaku and the others, the ground began to shake. The next moment, a giant snake made entirely of rock, under the control of Aizen Shinnosuke, rushed out of the cave with Uchiha Fugaku and the other two.

Outside, more than a dozen Root Ninjas were already ready.

As soon as Aizen Shinnosuke and the others came out, the Root Ninjas below launched an attack.

Some of the brave ones even rushed directly in front of Aizen Shinnosuke and the others. Looking at these Root Ninjas who were different from the"Root Ninjas" in terms of momentum, Aizen Shinnosuke took action directly. Aizen

Shinnosuke Shinnosuke Aizen flipped his palm, and suddenly, several duel cards appeared in Shinnosuke Aizen's hand.

He threw the duel cards in his hand towards the guys who rushed up first, and their bodies were cut in half in the next second. The original few people instantly doubled, falling from the sky with blood.

After dealing with the first Root ninjas, Shinnosuke Aizen landed on the ground with Uchiha Fugaku and others.

In the woods, the remaining Root ninjas immediately surrounded them. More than a dozen people directly surrounded Shinnosuke Aizen and the other four.

Looking at this group of guys, Shinnosuke Aizen nodded immediately.

"That's right! Although the old man Shimura Danzo is not a good person, his brainwashing skills are really amazing!"

These guys are different from the guys in the cave just by looking at their aura.

And this is in line with Aizen Shinnosuke's memory of his guess about the roots of Shimura Danzo's men.

"Kill them!"

The leading Root ninja with a mask full of patterns spoke with murderous intent.

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded.

That's what he meant!

"Good luck to you, they are not the same people in the cave!"

After saying that, Aizen Shinnosuke rushed out first, heading straight for the guy with the huge pattern on the mask.

Behind him, the two brothers Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hiashi also followed Aizen Shinnosuke and rushed towards the ninjas of the root.


The ancient ingot sword and the long sword collided with each other, and the crisp sound of metal clashing was heard, which made Aizen Shinnosuke's eardrums hurt.

"You are the Root sent by Danzo? Who are those people in the cave?"

While they were wrestling with each other, Shinnosuke Aizen asked the Root ninja opposite him.

However, Shinnosuke Aizen was obviously overthinking it. The other party ignored him at all, let alone answering his questions.

In just over ten minutes, Shinnosuke Aizen and that guy fought each other dozens of times.

This guy's strength is already as good as Kato Dan.

Don't underestimate Kato Dan. If he didn't have some strength, Kato Dan would not be able to become the second person on the front line.

It's a pity that he is now facing Shinnosuke Aizen.

"I've seen it, is this all your strength?"

Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head at the guy with a look of regret.���It can be seen that Aizen Shinnosuke is really disappointed.

But no matter how many Root Ninjas there are, since Aizen Shinnosuke does not take action, he takes this opportunity to start making hand seals.

Looking at the Root Ninja with his hands flying quickly, Aizen Shinnosuke will not give him this chance again.

Backhand, the golden duel card is thrown out again.

In the sight of the Root Ninja, a huge axe shadow suddenly appeared. Suddenly, the Root Ninja was stunned, and his hands that were making hand seals also stopped.

The next second, the axe shadow fell.

The Root Ninja, like the previous guys, was directly cut in half.

Blood spurted out, and the internal organs flowed all over the ground.

After dealing with the Root Ninja, Aizen Shinnosuke immediately rushed towards the other Root Ninja with a knife.

It sounds short, but all of this actually happened in a short moment.

Including the dozens of moves that Aizen Shinnosuke and that guy fought, the speed was so fast that it was not visible to the naked eye.

So, when that guy died for several seconds, the other Root Ninjas finally came to their senses.

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