Very good! Aizen Shinnosuke......He is still the guy who wants to strangle him as soon as he opens his mouth!

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was speaking, almost fainted when he heard the voice of Aizen Shinnosuke.

What do you mean he is the Kazekage? What do you mean he doesn't work for his own people, but instead considers and negotiates for the people of Sand Village? Am

I considering Sand Village? I am obviously considering ending the war as soon as possible! Only in this way, no matter from which aspect, it will be the best for the people of Konoha!

"Shinnosuke, this matter is not yet your turn......"

"I think what Aizen Shinnosuke said is right!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen just opened his mouth when Danzo Shimura beside him interrupted him. Sarutobi Hiruzen widened his eyes and looked at Danzo Shimura. He was really annoyed. Just now, Shinnosuke Aizen interrupted him and said,"It's your turn first, Danzo, right?

Didn't you two discuss this?"

Danzo Shimura didn't know what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking. At this moment, his attention was all on Rasa who was opposite him.

"You are one of the guards of the Third Kazekage, right? I know you don't have the power to make decisions, you can report our request to your Third Kazekage! If he thinks we are going too far and disagrees, then I think this war will have to continue for a while!"

"But next time we won’t charge this price!"

"That's right!"

As soon as Shimura Danzo finished speaking, Aizen Shinnosuke followed up with

"The longer the war lasts, the higher our price will be! When the time comes, don't make excuses and say you can't afford it!"

Looking at Shimura Danzo and Aizen Shinnosuke firing at full power, Luo Sha knew that this negotiation would probably end like this.

So Luo Sha could only bear it and declared that he would report the news of the power to the Third Kazekage later.

"You don't have to wait, you can go now. It would be best if the Third Kazekage agrees all at once......."

Shimura Danzo couldn't wait any longer, and directly ordered Rasa to contact the Third Kazekage right away. It just so happened that Rasa and his friends couldn't sit down any longer.

Since Shimura Danzo said so, Rasa simply led all the people from Sunagakure who came to attend the meeting to leave the meeting room.

As Rasa and his friends left the meeting room, many people from Konoha in the meeting room were still in shock.

"Well, now that things have come to this, let's go back first. When the people of Sand Village are ready, we will restart the negotiations!"

As the protagonist of the incident, the Sand Village has left. There is nothing else to do in this meeting room.

In this case, let's go home and find our own mothers!

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen say that it's okay to leave, Aizen Shinnosuke immediately stood up and was about to leave.

He came here early in the morning and didn't even have breakfast. Now, he is still hungry.

"Shinnosuke, wait a minute!"

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke was about to leave, Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice suddenly came. Aizen Shinnosuke looked back, only to see Sarutobi Hiruzen sitting in the position representing the Hokage, staring at him with his chin in his hands. Aizen Shinnosuke glanced around and found that other people were also looking at him after hearing the voice.

However, Tsunade and the other two had been sitting there without moving. After thinking about it, Aizen Shinnosuke moved his butt and sat back.

He was a little curious about what Sarutobi Hiruzen was going to say to him.

Soon, all the other irrelevant people left the meeting room.

At this time, Aizen Shinnosuke saw Tsunade and the other two and then stood up. Correspondingly Yes, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others also started to walk out of the conference room.

Seeing Tsunade and the other two catching up, Aizen Shinnosuke also hurriedly stood up and followed closely behind Tsunade and the others.

Soon, Aizen Shinnosuke and the others filed in, and all followed Sarutobi Hiruzen into the Hokage's office.

After entering the room, it was just like before. The three elders, Shimura Danzo, sat directly on the sofa beside them, while Tsunade and the other two found a seat each, and then leaned in various places in the Hokage's office in different states.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat at his work position, and then looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who was standing in the middle of the room with a serious face.

"Shinnosuke, can I ask who taught you those words you said just now in the meeting?"

Politics is not something that is easy to understand and can be trained like fighting. Politics requires a certain amount of talent.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not believe that Shinnosuke Aizen would have said those words just now without anyone reminding him.

Even Shimura Danzo's old friend has accumulated many years of experience to complement himself.

Shinnosuke Aizen looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi at this time, and saw that he was serious and did not seem to be joking. Shinnosuke Aizen immediately laughed.

""What? Hokage, do you think that I need someone to teach me to speak to Konoha? Or should I be like you? Not consider my own village, but start from the other party? Think about them?"

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke, who spoke in a sarcastic tone, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt his anger soaring.

"Shinnosuke! Do you know what is most important now?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Sarutobi Hiruzen said earnestly:

"I don't know!"

Aizen Shinnosuke spread his hands and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen in a very rogue manner.

"End the war! The most important thing now is to end the war. Are you serious? After the war, the economy and other things can slowly recover.

However, if the war does not end, many of our companions will lose their lives every day!"

"So what?"

Originally, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought that Aizen Shinnosuke was still young. If he explained it to him carefully, Aizen Shinnosuke would probably listen.

But now it seems that Aizen Shinnosuke is a bit stubborn!

"So what?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen slammed the table and shouted at Aizen Shinnosuke in anger.

"According to what you said, Hokage, those comrades who died before are no longer our comrades, right? They deserved it and lost their lives in vain? Do you dare to say such words outside?"

Aizen Shinnosuke pointed to the window behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, which faced the commercial street of Konoha. Down there, it was extremely lively every day.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless for a moment when asked by Aizen Shinnosuke, or......It wasn't that he was at a loss for words at all, because the questions asked by Aizen Shinnosuke were questions that could not be answered at all.

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