"Although, this old immortal Shimura Danzo is indeed a disgusting villain!" Shimura Danzo, who was drinking tea, was suddenly called out by someone, and his expression suddenly became as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit. However, he endured it and turned his head silently to look at Aizen Shinnosuke, only to hear Aizen Shinnosuke continue to say

"But in some ways, he is much better than you, the Hokage! At the very least, he will not keep the enemy for himself! Use the money of his own village to quell the war started by others!"When everyone heard what Aizen Shinnosuke said, they subconsciously turned their heads to look at Shimura Danzo, who was holding a cup of tea with an ugly expression.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't believe that in the eyes of Aizen Shinnosuke, he, the Hokage, was not as good as Shimura Danzo?

If Sarutobi Hiruzen remembered correctly, it seemed that all the Roots under Shimura Danzo had been sent out? Their goal seemed to be to eliminate Aizen Shinnosuke?

How come this guy......Now he's actually speaking for his enemy?......Aizen Shinnosuke had actually been controlled by Shimura Danzo for a long time?

While Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking, Aizen Shinnosuke had already turned around and was about to leave.

"I don't care what this so-called meeting is like. There is only one outcome to the negotiation! Either they, the Sand Village, will voluntarily keep their tails between their legs from now on! Or......I will help them, so that they can behave themselves from now on!"

After saying that, Aizen Shinnosuke left the Hokage's office without paying attention to the gazes of others around him.

Walking on the commercial street, the villagers' hawking can be heard everywhere. And the kind of peaceful conversations that are not affected by the war.

Aizen Shinnosuke stood alone in the crowd, as if he was far away from this world.......It seems......Very close to this world.

Unlike Aizen Shinnosuke and the others, Luosha was very worried in the hotel at this moment.

Moreover, the other ninjas of Sand Village who participated in the negotiation just now were constantly cursing at Shimura Danzo and Aizen Shinnosuke.

The rest of those who were not qualified to attend the meeting became very angry after hearing the news from their companions who went to the meeting.

Ye Cang is one of them!

As a fledgling newcomer, the reason why she was able to come to Konoha with Luosha this time. In addition to her invincible strength among her peers, it was more because of the training of the newcomers by the third generation of Kazekage.

Only after seeing the appearance of other villages can they know what kind of cruel environment Sand Village lives in.

Only in this way can they arouse the fighting spirit in their hearts. Thus, they can contribute their own efforts to building a stronger and better Sand Village.

It is also with this idea that the third generation of Kazekage vigorously promotes newcomers and encourages them to go out and see more of the world!

It was also because of this that when Ye Cang stepped into the territory of the Land of Fire, she knew for the first time that not all villages lived in the yellow sand.......

This ninja village, known as the strongest village in the ninja world, is located in a place that Ye Cang could never imagine in his dreams.

There are big trees everywhere, and birds chirping.

There is no longer the earth scorched by the scorching sun, and there is no more pain of having sand blown into your mouth when the wind blows.......

No wonder the people in the village have always wanted to invade this place.

Ye Cang is also full of ambition in her heart.

She also wants to live here.......


Living in such an environment!

When he thought about facing the yellow sand again after returning to the village, Ye Cang felt a repulsion towards the sand for the first time.

"Lord Luo Sha, what should we do now?"

After the insults, the matter had to be resolved. So, someone asked Luo Sha

"well......Let's report this to Master Fengying first and ask him to make his decision!......How can he still have the final say?

Konoha is so lucky that a tough guy like Aizen Shinnosuke actually appeared.

While writing down what happened in the meeting on the scroll, Rasa sighed.

Konoha, the village, seems to have always had better luck than other villages since its inception.

Whether it is Hashirama Senju, who was originally hailed as the God of the Ninja World, or Tobirama Senju, who laid the foundation for major villages. Even the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who seems to be mediocre now, enjoys the title of Ninjutsu Professor in the Ninja World. Although the third-generation Hokage seems to be worse than the previous one. But that also depends on who you compare with!

Not to mention, Konoha now still has Tsunade and the other three, as well as Hatake Sakumo, who is known as the White Fang of Konoha, and others. Aizen Shinnosuke......This guy is younger and more talented than them all.......

"" Alas!"

Suddenly, Luo Sha felt that he could not write anything.......Sand Village......Is it really possible to defeat it?

After sending the scroll filled with messages using the reverse summoning technique, Luo Sha went straight back to his room. He wanted to think carefully.......How should we deal with Konoha, which is at its peak?......

"Bastard! What does Konoha mean? What do they mean? Are they bullying us, Sand Village, because there is no one there?"

At the front line of the Wind Country, the Third Kazekage, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at the scroll in his hand that was passed back by Rasa, and cursed angrily.

Chiyo, who was standing by, picked up the scroll thrown away by the Third Kazekage, and read every word on it carefully.

She finally understood why her own Kazekage was so angry.

Konoha not only wanted them to compensate for all the expenses of Konoha in this battle. Aizen Shinnosuke, that guy, even shamelessly asked Sand Village to pay a certain amount of money to all the Konoha ninjas who had died and those who had not died but participated in this war.

These three requirements, no matter which one, Sand Village cannot bear.

Not to mention, now Sand Village and Sanjo have to bear it together!

"Lord Kazekage......"

Chiyo sighed, now they are the weaker party. They are no longer qualified to fight with them. Behind them, their daimyo has already greatly reduced the funding for the Sand Village.

Otherwise, the Third Kazekage would not have just led everyone to fight with Konoha. And not long after, he sent an envoy to ask for peace with Konoha, right?

Originally, the Third Kazekage and Chiyo wanted to see if they could get something back from Sarutobi Hiruzen. After all, during the First Ninja World War, Konoha, as the victorious party, also paid a lot of compensation to the Sand Village.

But now.......It seems that the so-called Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, has no say in Konoha anymore!

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