"Then how do you use them? What are the effects? How powerful are they?"

Uzumaki Mito put down the two cards and asked Aizen Shinnosuke.

"I know this question! I know it!"

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke was about to explain, Tsunade beside him hurriedly raised her hand like a primary school student.

There was no choice, Uzumaki Mito looked at Tsunade kindly and said

"Oh? Then let Tsuna tell us about it!"

As everyone's eyes fell on her, Tsunade coughed twice and said seriously

"Shinnosuke's killing cards are like the kunai or shuriken we usually throw, fast and with good damage. More importantly, his killing cards will explode, so his killing cards are like detonating tags. Although the power is only half of that of detonating tags, it is also very good! And the flash cards can dodge the opponent's attack once, whether it is ninjutsu or other attacks, it seems that all of them can be dodged."

After Tsunade finished speaking, Uzumaki Mito immediately showed a smile of"You are great" and touched Tsunade's head. Then, Uzumaki Mito turned around and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded and said

"What Tsunade said is all right, but actually the reason why the killing card explodes is that I control it. Before throwing it out, inject chakra into it, and it can trigger a subsequent secondary explosion.

The power of the explosion is determined by the amount of chakra you inject, and at most it is about the same as the detonating talisman. In addition, in addition to ordinary killing cards, thunder killing and fire killing can also cause secondary damage!"

"Thunder Kill? Fire Kill?"

Uzumaki Mito frowned. She was not quite sure what the Thunder Kill and Fire Kill mentioned by Aizen Shinnosuke were.

So Aizen Shinnosuke quickly took out the Thunder Kill card and the Fire Kill card and placed them in front of Uzumaki Mito. While Uzumaki Mito was observing the two cards, Aizen Shinnosuke continued

"Lightning Kill is when attacking, lightning can be released to cause penetrating damage. And Fire Kill is to release flames. Generally speaking, it is like Lightning Release and Fire Release Ninjutsu!"

Uzumaki Mito nodded, and understood the two different kills.

Uzumaki Mito returned all the cards to Aizen Shinnosuke, and then continued

"Now it seems that the reason why you can't learn ninjutsu is probably related to this secret technique. Moreover, there is another point. Your meridians are wider than those of ordinary people.

Therefore, when you grow up, you will actually have quite a lot of chakra in your body. The reason why you don't have enough chakra now is just because you are too young. You are only ten years old now, right? But your chakra is already more than that of an ordinary Chunin. In this case, when you become an adult, the chakra in your body will only become more. Therefore, there is no need to be so anxious about the fact that you are worried about not having enough chakra!"

"That's right! Shinnosuke, you are only ten years old now!"

Because of Aizen Shinnosuke's strength and his close relationship with Nawaki, everyone almost forgot that Aizen Shinnosuke was actually just a ten-year-old child, and he had just finished the fourth grade.

For a moment, everyone was a little confused, why Shinnosuke was so strong at such a young age. And he was still worried about this and that!

In fact, the reason why Aizen Shinnosuke became like this was entirely because of himself. The target he set for himself was the yet-to-be-born Hatake Kakashi.

That guy entered the ninja school at the age of four. He became a Genin at the age of five, a Chunin at the age of six, a Jonin at the age of twelve, and entered the Anbu at the age of thirteen.

With this resume, no matter which world he is placed in, it is a perfect template for the protagonist. And don't forget, Kakashi was born in twelve. A genius who developed the A-level ninjutsu - Chidori at the age of 20!

No! Genius is not enough to describe him. He is simply a monster, a living monster!

Kakashi's resume is unique in the entire ninja world, not to mention in other worlds. Compared with him, it can only be said that Aizen Shinnosuke is not very smart.

After everyone finished their meal, they followed Uzumaki Mito to the living room.

Before formally learning the Yin Seal, Uzumaki Mito had to test Aizen Shinnosuke in the end to see if he could learn the sealing technique.

Facing Aizen Shinnosuke, Uzumaki Mito simply stomped his feet, and a formation was formed under Aizen Shinnosuke's feet. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke found that he was trapped and couldn't even move.

"This is the simplest sealing technique - the One Series Light Array. Its effect is to seal the people in the array. Try it!"

After saying that, Uzumaki Mito cancelled the One Series Light Array. Then he threw a scroll to Aizen Shinnosuke, which recorded the method of using the One Series Light Array.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at the scroll carefully several times. Then, he began to try to make a seal.

"Sealing Technique: One Series of Lights Array!"

As Aizen Shinnosuke completed the seal, nothing happened. Aizen Shinnosuke didn't believe it and tried several more times, but in the end, let alone one series of lights array, nothing happened. Seeing this, Uzumaki Mito shook his head with regret.

"It seems that you can't use not only ninjutsu, but also sealing techniques, so you can't learn Yin seal. You should wait slowly, grow up a little, and then let the chakra grow by itself!"

After getting this answer, Aizen Shinnosuke was unwilling but helpless.

"Sealing Technique: A Series of Lights Array!"

But the next moment, a tender cry sounded. Then, Rope Tree was trapped.

Everyone looked back and found that it was Kushina who cast the sealing technique. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain. Although Aizen Shinnosuke could not learn this sealing technique, someone had already learned it!

In an instant, a smile appeared on Uzumaki Mito's face.

"Kushina is amazing!"

Being watched by so many people, Kushina blushed and hid behind Uzumaki Mito.

Without Kushina's insistence, the light array naturally dissipated.

Suddenly, the room was filled with laughter.

Taking advantage of this time, Tsunade reached out and hugged Aizen Shinnosuke, who was a little depressed.

"Don't worry, if we can't learn it, we won't learn it! Grandma said, you are just too young, wait until you grow up. Chakra is enough anyway, it's just right, since we can't learn ninjutsu, then we can focus more on combat training!"

Faced with Tsunade's encouragement, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded.

As the moon rose, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Aizen Shinnosuke and Namikaze Minato said goodbye to everyone, and the four of them went home.

Although Tsunade said that Aizen Shinnosuke would live here, he didn't bring anything. He didn't even have a set of clothes to change, so Aizen Shinnosuke told Tsunade to go home and pack up first, and move in tomorrow. Tsunade thought it was right, so she let Aizen Shinnosuke go.

The next day, Aizen Shinnosuke moved into the Nawase family with clothes to change.

Speaking of the Nawase family, there may not be other things, but there are many empty rooms. Not to mention, now there are only a few of them living in the old house of the Senju clan, and the other rooms are empty.

It was also from that day on that Nawase, Aizen Shinnosuke and Namikaze Minato, the three of them were directly plunged into dire straits. The three of them were abused by Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru every day in various unusual ways. Humane means of"destruction".

Especially when Tsunade found that Aizen Shinnosuke's peach card had the same powerful healing effect as his, turning serious injuries into minor injuries and minor injuries into no injuries.

Tsunade and the other two became more and more aggressive during their training. Especially Tsunade, under her iron fists, Aizen Shinnosuke and the other two lived like doomsday every day.

Once the three met Tsunade's teaching day, they were almost beaten to pieces by Tsunade. However, the effect of this training is really significant. Even Nawaki can now last for 30 seconds under Tsunade's hands.

You know, Nawaki couldn't even last five seconds before. Tsunade could knock Nawaki unconscious with just a move, and now he can run for 30 seconds, which is already very good!

In this way, the day finally came to the graduation examination. On this day, Tsunade rarely used her fists to wake up Aizen Shinnosuke and the other two.

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