After getting up and having breakfast, Aizen Shinnosuke, Nawaki, and Namikaze Minato walked towards the Ninja School.

During this period, the news that Aizen Shinnosuke and Namikaze Minato graduated early had already spread throughout the school, and immediately attracted the attention of many students.

So taking this opportunity, Sarutobi Hiruzen simply took half a day off and reserved a place in the school so that all the teachers and students in the school could watch the graduation examination.

When they arrived at the school gate, others were already waiting at the gate.

"You guys should do your best!"

Before Aizen Shinnosuke could talk to the others, Kushina suddenly came out of the crowd with someone, came to Shinnosuke and greeted him.

"Who is this......"

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded to Kushina, then turned his attention to the girl behind her.

"Ah, she is Uchiha Mikoto! We are good friends!"

Kushina took Mikoto's hand and introduced her to Aizen Shinnosuke and others.

"Mikoto? Hello, my name is Nawaki!

Although Nawaki is from the Senju clan, his dream is to become a man like his grandfather Senju Hashirama. Therefore, Nawaki has always wanted to make friends with an Uchiha clan. That is to say, he is different from other villagers in terms of Uchiha. He does not have such a big opinion about Uchiha.

"Hello, I'm Minato Namikaze!"

"Hello, Shinnosuke Aizen!"

""Hello, my name is Uchiha Mikoto!"

Several people introduced their names to each other, and they knew each other.

Then, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina and the others started chatting together.

As the recognized little sun in the class, Minato's social skills are first-class. Even Kushina, who looked down on him before, has changed during this period of time.

However, compared to Minato, Shinnosuke is a little dull. Under normal circumstances, he is a taciturn person to the outside world and is unwilling to talk.

As a result, although Aizen Shinnosuke's appearance and strength are not low, he is actually not as popular as Namikaze Minato in the ninja school.

Just when Minato and Kushina were chatting happily, suddenly, Aizen Shinnosuke felt as if someone was looking at him.

He turned his head subconsciously, and soon saw a guy with a fierce face in the crowd.

"Uchiha Fugaku? Shinnosuke, why are you staring at him?"

"He is Uchiha Fugaku?"

The guy with the fierce look in his eyes is Uchiha Fugaku. He is the father of the yet-to-be-born Uchiha Itachi and the second pillar Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Fugaku.

"Yes, he and I are in the same class!"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Nawaki. He really didn't know about this.

"All students taking the graduation exam! Please gather here!"

Just as Aizen Shinnosuke was about to ask Nawaki about Uchiha Fugaku, a voice suddenly came from the podium. Aizen Shinnosuke and the others subconsciously looked back, and saw a teacher with glasses waving his arms and shouting on the podium where Sarutobi Hiruzen used to speak. Nawaki immediately said goodbye to Aizen Shinnosuke and Namikaze Minato and returned to his class.

Students from other sixth-grade classes also returned to their classes, and then quickly ran to the stands, waiting for the exam to begin.

As for Aizen Shinnosuke and Namikaze Minato, because they were a little special, they could only stand alone.

When the parents who came to watch the exam saw this scene, they immediately pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke and Namikaze Minato and talked to the people around them.

"The content of this graduation test: successfully hold out for three minutes under the hands of these Genin, or defeat them. You will graduate successfully!"

Accompanied by the teacher's voice, more than twenty older Genin stood up. Aizen Shinnosuke even discovered that one of them was Might Guy's father, Might Guy.

Wearing a green one-piece training suit, Might Guy was very conspicuous among the ninjas. However, what attracted people's attention more was his appearance. Because the others looked to be in their twenties. But Might Guy's appearance, no matter how you looked at it, was already in his thirties or forties.

The bespectacled teacher did not waste too much time on other things. As the twenty or so Genin stepped on Entering the"ring" that had been drawn long ago, the test was announced to begin immediately.

At one time, students from each class stepped into the"ring" guarded by Genin in batches. After a series of tests, Aizen Shinnosuke felt that the level was generally okay, just average.

Moreover, although Might Dai looked a little old. However, the place where he was was the one with the least number of people who passed. Because his physical skills were really not something that those children could resist.

However, Rope Tree and Uchiha Fugaku, two guys that Aizen Shinnosuke was more familiar with, both passed the test.

"Shinnosuke, something seems wrong!"

As the number of people taking the exam decreased, it was soon the turn of Aizen Shinnosuke and Namikaze Minato. Suddenly, Namikaze Minato leaned close to Aizen Shinnosuke's ear and whispered to him

"What's wrong?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Namikaze Minato with some confusion.

"The other Genin were very serious during the assessment and would not let anyone who was not strong enough pass. But that guy was a little strange. His strength was definitely more than that. However, he had the most students who passed!"

Minato Namikaze pointed at a ninja in the middle of the field and spoke to Aizen Shinnosuke.

Looking in the direction of Minato Namikaze's finger, a harmless-looking guy was encouraging the student who had just passed the exam from him.���Aizen

Shinnosuke knew him. If Might Guy eliminated the most people, then that guy had the highest passing rate.

"It's him. There are many people who passed through. What's wrong with that?

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Namikaze Minato, not understanding where he found out that something was wrong.

"Some students were too weak, but he still let them pass. Even if they couldn't last for three minutes, he would find a chance to make a mistake and let them pass the test!"

Minato Namikaze quickly explained to Shinnosuke Aizen. As Minato Namikaze explained, Shinnosuke Aizen frowned unconsciously.

If this is true, then that guy is indeed a bit strange.

But if we talk about strangeness, the strangest thing should not be......

Aizen Shinnosuke's sight fell on Sarutobi Hiruzen, and he found that the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen also had his sights on that guy.

Although he had a smile on his face, Aizen Shinnosuke always felt a little out of place.

"Apart from that, Minato, is there anything else strange?"

Unable to see anything from Sarutobi Hiruzen, Aizen Shinnosuke simply asked Namikaze Minato again, trying to get some more obvious clues.

However, this time Namikaze Minato shook his head.

"There is nothing else strange about it, and I just told you that because I think that guy is too lax. To be honest, there doesn’t seem to be anything else strange about him!"

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