After hearing this, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded and then stood back at his seat.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke directly opened the system panel that he had not seen for a long time.

【Name: Aizen Shinnosuke

Overall strength: Chunin

Cards: Kill, Flash, Thunder Kill, Fire Kill, Snatch, Demolish the Bridge, Peach

Exchange Points: 372]

This is a very simple system panel, and there is no system mall or anything like that.

The 372 exchange points are the points that Aizen Shinnosuke uses to exchange cards. Among the 372, there are 150 points that he got after the battle with Orochimaru yesterday.

It's a pity that his points are not enough. Each time he gets a new card, the points are 1000. Aizen Shinnosuke is still far away from opening a new card next time.

"Aizen Shinnosuke! Please come forward when you hear the name!"

Soon, Aizen Shinnosuke's name was called, and the opponent he was going to fight was the guy that Minato Namikaze said was a little strange.

"You are the one who graduated early, Shinnosuke Aizen? You are awesome!"

After entering the designated position, the other party immediately greeted Shinnosuke Aizen with a smile.

Looking at the smiling guy standing opposite him, to be honest, Shinnosuke Aizen really didn't see anything wrong with this guy. If Minato Namikaze hadn't said that he was too lenient, Shinnosuke Aizen probably wouldn't have had any suspicions until now.

So now the question is, is this guy a test given to him by Hiruzen Sarutobi, or did this guy come with other goals?

"Prepare......"The battle begins!"

Before Aizen Shinnosuke could think clearly, the battle between him and his opponent officially began.

The opponent started with shuriken, and several shuriken flew towards Aizen Shinnosuke. Seeing this, Aizen Shinnosuke simply jumped to avoid the opponent's attack.

Before Aizen Shinnosuke could stand firm, the opponent attacked again. The opponent's fist enlarged directly in front of Aizen Shinnosuke, and Aizen Shinnosuke was hit in the face before he could dodge, and he was directly knocked back several steps.

"Oh, I said the child is too young, how can he graduate early?"

"That’s right, he was hit!"

"That kid seems to be in the third grade? He's already graduated?"

"It seems to be the first place......."

Aizen Shinnosuke quickly stood up, but the chattering of discussions quickly came from all directions.

Below, Uzumaki Kushina and Nawaki and the others all looked at Aizen Shinnosuke on the scene with strange expressions.

"Just now, Shinnosuke was hit by that guy, right?"

Nawaki asked Kushina beside him with some doubts, and Kushina nodded, indicating that Nawaki was not wrong.

"But......Why? Could it be that Shinnosuke was too nervous?"

Nawoki didn't quite understand. When he was at home, Shinnosuke Aizen was under his sister's hands, and he lasted much longer than he did.

Coming here, even he could easily end the battle, so why was Shinnosuke Aizen hit by the opponent?

Shinnosuke Aizen rubbed the place where he was hit just now, and there was no panic on his face.

He looked up at the other person, and from the other person's face, Shinnosuke Aizen noticed a trace of panic.

""You are really amazing! Your current strength is totally different from your previous strength!"

Aizen Shinnosuke said to the other party with a smile.

That's right, he was hit by the other party on purpose just now. He just wanted to try whether the other party would let him go when facing him.

Obviously, the other party's punch had given him the answer.

This guy came for him.

But why?

Aizen Shinnosuke frowned even deeper. He thought he had no enemies with anyone. Why, in such a small graduation test, someone would attack him?

On the other hand, the other party did not take Aizen Shinnosuke's sarcasm to heart. Instead, he quickly formed seals with his hands, and then shouted

"Water Style: Water Rush!"

The opponent spit out water style from his mouth and attacked Aizen Shinnosuke directly.

In the stands, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up suddenly, and nodded to the side with a gloomy face.


Facing the water ninjutsu released by the opponent, Aizen Shinnosuke calmly played a flash card with his backhand.

Although the ninjutsu hit Aizen Shinnosuke, it did not cause any damage.

Seeing this, the opponent finally showed a panic expression on his face.

In the stands, not only Sarutobi Hiruzen, but also the patriarchs of other clans in Konoha, all showed surprised expressions on their faces. They had never heard of Aizen Shinnosuke's method. He actually relied on playing something like a card to dodge?

"Who are you? Who sent you?"

Aizen Shinnosuke stared at the ninja opposite him and shouted.

Aizen Shinnosuke reflected on himself, was it because he had shown too good a temper in his past life? So the other party thought he was easy to control? So he only attacked him?

"Water escape......"

Unfortunately, Aizen Shinnosuke did not answer his question. Instead, he formed seals with both hands again and prepared to release the ninjutsu again.

""Looking for death!"

Since the other party didn't want to explain his origins, I didn't bother to ask.

"Lightning escape: Thunder kill!"

Aizen Shinnosuke threw out another card with his right hand, but this time, after the card left his hand, it quickly turned into a ball of lightning and rushed straight towards the guy.

The opponent didn't expect that Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu didn't require hand seals, and he was shocked when he was in the middle of making hand seals. Then he had to withdraw the seal of the water escape ninjutsu that he had just made halfway, and instead used the substitute technique.

Aizen Shinnosuke's attack hit the wood of the opponent's substitute, and lightning raged. Just by looking at this, everyone knew that Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu was powerful.

"Hide? I'll see where you can hide!"

Aizen Shinnosuke threw a card in each of his left and right hands.

""Stealing while you can! Destroying the bridge after crossing it!"

The two cards immediately turned into two hands made of chakra and extended into the guy's body.

Soon one of the hands merged into his body, while the other returned to Aizen Shinnosuke and merged into his body.

"So that's it, it's his subordinates! I was wondering who it was, how dare they attack me in the village so openly!"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at the ninjutsu he had just received from the other party, and Aizen Shinnosuke sneered.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke stretched out both hands at the same time. A card flew out from each side and attacked the other side.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Kill! Fire Style: Fire Kill!"

A ball of lightning and a ball of fire flew out of Shinnosuke Aizen's hand and attacked the opponent at an extremely fast speed. At this moment, the people around him had already dropped their jaws. Shinnosuke Aizen could actually perform two ninjutsu with different chakra attributes at will. Apart from anything else, just this one move made Shinnosuke Aizen more powerful than a Chunin.

""Substitution Technique!"

Seeing this, the other party wanted to use the Substitution Technique to escape. However, as he finished the seal, nothing happened. As he was confused, the Thunder Kill and Fire Kill accurately hit him.

When the thunder and fire intersected, an explosion sounded. That guy turned into a charred corpse in front of everyone.

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