This time, not only the audience, but even the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was frightened. And the clan leaders on the high platform all looked at Aizen Shinnosuke in the middle of the venue with disbelief.

""Oh no! What is Shinnosuke doing? Why did he suddenly kill someone?"

In a corner that no one noticed, Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Tsunade were squatting there, watching the test of Shinnosuke Aizen.

Although they had no doubts about whether Shinnosuke Aizen and Minato Namikaze could pass this test, they still came as elders. However

, when they saw that Shinnosuke Aizen actually beat his test instructor in public without leaving any residue, Orochimaru and the other two were still stunned.

The villagers around were pointing at Shinnosuke Aizen for a while. At this moment, three ninjas with masks on their faces flashed in the center of the venue, and the three of them directly surrounded Shinnosuke Aizen.

"Aizen Shinnosuke! Please come with us!"

The leading ninja among the three said to Aizen Shinnosuke, with a tone that was completely unquestionable.


Looking at the three people, Aizen Shinnosuke did not resist the fact that they wanted to take him away. Because when he got the ninjutsu from that guy before, Aizen Shinnosuke already knew that this scene would happen.

Coincidentally, he also wanted to ask Sarutobi Hiruzen how this guy became the Hokage? He actually allowed such a guy to mix in with the assessment instructors he arranged.

This means that the guy's target is himself. What if it is Minato or other children, what will Sarutobi Hiruzen do?

""Let's go! There's something interesting to watch!"

In the corner, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with interest. Then he turned around and walked directly to the Hokage building.

Tsunade and Jiraiya followed him.

In the ninja school, except for Aizen Shinnosuke who was taken away, the other students passed the test, so they stayed in the school and waited for the teacher to give them forehead protectors one by one.

If there is anything different from previous years, it is probably that after the test, there is no Sandaime Hokage who talked about the will of fire.

Hokage building, inside the Hokage's office

""Hello Shinnosuke! This is the first time we have met alone. Tsunade and the others have told me about you. I also know that you are a good kid. So can I ask you, why did you kill the teacher who was responsible for your assessment just now?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in the position of Hokage and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with a scrutinizing gaze.

This made Aizen Shinnosuke angry. He didn't believe it. How could Sarutobi Hiruzen not know the identity of that guy? From the fact that the three Anbu appeared so quickly, it showed that Sarutobi Hiruzen was paying attention.

As a result, this guy actually interrogated himself now? What did he think of him? A traitor?

"Humph! Hiruzen, what nonsense are you talking to him about! He is only ten years old now? He seems to be in the fourth grade? A fourth-grade kid with such a strong murderous heart at such a young age, he might become a traitor in the future!

In my opinion, we should just lock him up in the Anbu and let the interrogation team question him thoroughly!"

On the sofa on the other side, Konoha Elder Council's elder Koharu Utane glanced at Shinnosuke Aizen standing opposite Hiruzen Sarutobi and snorted coldly.

Hearing the voice, Shinnosuke Aizen turned his head and looked at Koharu Utane who was pretending to drink tea, and directly scolded him:

"The Hokage didn't say anything, why are you talking, you idiot?......Was the person I just killed your mistress?"


Tsunade, who had just entered the room, almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

"You guy......"

"Hey, Shinnosuke, what's wrong with you? Elder Koharu is an elder of Konoha after all. You hurt her three times with just one sentence. What are you going to do?"

Just as Utane Koharu was about to speak, Tsunade immediately put on a serious expression and stared at Utane Koharu. At the same time, she spoke to Aizen Shinnosuke, and after she finished speaking.

Tsunade looked at Utane Koharu whose face turned ashen, and she felt so happy.

In the past, Utane Koharu relied on her status as an elder and a senior to give her a cold shoulder. Now that she has such a good opportunity, if she doesn't add insult to injury, then she is still Tsunade?

""Okay! Tsunade, you too, stop messing around!"

Jiraiya noticed that Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was not right, and hurriedly pulled Tsunade over.

Orochimaru took this opportunity to step forward and stood next to Aizen Shinnosuke.


""Orochimaru, what's wrong? Is it possible? Do you have something to say?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled a heavy puff of white smoke and said to Orochimaru with a serious expression.

"Yes, teacher, I have something I want to ask Shinnosuke!"

"Ask! I also want to hear what he said."

After getting permission, Orochimaru turned his head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Shinnosuke, my question is the same as the Hokage's. Why did you kill that guy? What evidence do you have?"

Hearing the content of Orochimaru's question, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned slightly.

Although Orochimaru said that the first part of his question was the same as his, because of the addition of the last sentence, the content to be expressed was different.

What he wanted to ask was why Aizen Shinnosuke killed that guy, while Orochimaru asked, what evidence did Aizen Shinnosuke have to kill that guy!

Two different questions, but the results brought about are different.

"It's because of this!"

Sure enough, under Orochimaru's question, Aizen Shinnosuke took out a card.

"Tsk, you can take out a card as evidence? If I remember correctly, the thing you used to release ninjutsu seems to be this, right? Then do I have reason to suspect that this so-called evidence in your hand is actually something you made up?"

Utane Koharu stretched her neck. She thought that Aizen Shinnosuke could produce some decisive evidence. But when she saw that Aizen Shinnosuke actually took out a card, Utane Koharu snorted coldly.

"Let me see!"

Unlike Utatane Koharu, Orochimaru, who knew the strangeness of Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu, was very curious about what kind of thing could make Aizen Shinnosuke kill him.

Orochimaru took the card from Aizen Shinnosuke's hand and saw a tongue on it. On the tongue, there were some marks.

""The Seal of the Tongue-Eradication?"

Orochimaru's eyes shone, and then he handed the card in his hand to Sarutobi Hiruzen. Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and took the card from Orochimaru's hand, and looked at it carefully for a few times, confirming that it was the Seal of the Tongue-Eradication.

"Shinnosuke, how did you know this ninjutsu?"

The Tongue Slaying Seal, this is the secret technique that Danzo planted in the Root Organization. Sarutobi Hiruzen knew about this. Not only him, but even Orochimaru knew about it.

However, it stands to reason that a junior like Aizen Shinnosuke should not know this news. How come?......

"I'm sorry, because I've been living in the Rope Tree House during this period. So every time Mito-san taught Kushina to learn the seal technique, I would listen from the side. Unfortunately, Mito-san once mentioned the seal of the root of tongue troubles!"Aizome

Shinnosuke looked directly at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said expressionlessly

"Yeah......Lord Mito!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart sank again.

"Hiruzen! This is simply slander! Now that the ninja has been killed by him, not even ashes are left, so he can say whatever he wants. Humph, taking advantage of Danzo's absence, you guys dare to let him take the blame? You really have no respect for your elders! Lawless!"

Seeing that the matter was about to be concluded, Utane Koharu spoke up hurriedly.

She would not allow anyone to slander their small group. Even if it was really done by Danzo, it was not Orochimaru's turn to talk to Shinnosuke Aizen who had just graduated!

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