Aizen Shinnosuke and the other two traveled very quickly, and it didn't take them long to get back home.


As soon as they stepped into the house, Nawaki and Namikaze Minato shouted.

But at this moment, the house was dead silent, and there was no response at all.

"At this time, the ninja school should have been over by now, right? Why hasn't Kushina come back yet?"

Noseki stood in the yard with some doubts, holding his head with his hands, and asked uncertainly.

Aizen Shinnosuke first looked around the yard, then walked quickly to the porch and directly opened the door of the house.

""Hua La~"

The sound of the wooden door opening was amplified in this silent environment, but Aizen Shinnosuke's attention was on the ground.

"This is......"

Namikaze Minato walked forward in disbelief and picked up the strand of red hair from the ground.

"Ha, it seems that someone really came to visit our house!"

Aizen Shinnosuke had a gloomy face. He never expected that the guys from the Hidden Cloud Village would come so quickly. Tsunade and the others had just left the village gate, and the guys from the Hidden Cloud Village dared to kidnap Kushina.


Aizen Shinnosuke gave the order, and Namikaze Minato and Nawaki followed him.

The three of them ran out from the backyard and headed towards the direction of the Land of Lightning.

"Shinnosuke, how can you be sure it's this way?" Nawaki was a little confused. Aizen Shinnosuke seemed to know who the other party was. Without saying a word, he led them to chase in this direction.

"Ah, just a little trick!"

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't bother to explain to Nawaki. He kept moving at the same speed, and even slightly sped up.

The three of them moved between the trees, and soon they found a group of ninjas. The one tied in the middle was Uzumaki Kushina.

"You really got it right, Shinnosuke. Look at their clothes.......They are indeed from Kumogakure!"

Rope Tree squatted on the tree and looked at the ninjas below.

"but......Why didn't they just run with Kushina? Wouldn't that be faster? Why did these guys choose to walk slowly?"

On the other side, Minato Namikaze looked at Shinnosuke Aizen in confusion. Normally, kidnapping people should be very anxious, right? Why did these Kumo ninjas walk leisurely?

"What? They're walking slower, and you're not happy, right?"

Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and looked at Namikaze Minato, wondering what was going on in this guy's mind.

"Hehehe, sorry, sorry. This is of course the best way!"

Namikaze Minato laughed awkwardly, and then he realized that what he said just now seemed a little wrong

"There are seven people in total, all seven of them are jonin. With such strength, they can directly destroy any small ninja village. They are naturally fearless. Do you think everyone is Shimura Danzo? Lost 27 jonin in a sneak attack?"

Aizen Shinnosuke stared at Namikaze Minato. It was hard to believe that this guy in the anime actually rescued Kushina from these guys at the age of twelve.

"What should we do? Should we start now?"

Namikaze Minato didn't know why Aizen Shinnosuke looked at him so strangely, but now he knew that this was not the time to dwell on it. He looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and asked

"Rope Tree and I will start right away, and try to harass them. Minato, you are fast, take Kushina and go as soon as possible!"

Aizen Shinnosuke said to Namikaze Minato and Rope Tree, and Namikaze Minato and Namikaze Minato nodded. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke took the lead and rushed towards the other side.

"Fire Kill!"

In mid-air, Aizen Shinnosuke threw the card in his hand.

The card flew directly towards the cloud ninja below. The cloud ninja who noticed the movement turned around and saw a card flying towards him.

Although he didn't know what the card was, the cloud ninja jumped away out of vigilance.


The Fire Kill Card was stuck directly into the ground. Before the Cloud Ninjas could breathe a sigh of relief, the card suddenly exploded. The dust produced by the explosion directly obscured the sight of the Cloud Ninjas.

""Enemy attack! Watch out for the little girl from the Uzumaki clan!"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja team responded quickly. He waved his hand to disperse the dust in front of him and spoke to the rest of the team.

However, what he didn't realize was that in the first second when the smoke filled the air, a yellow-haired guy had already appeared. He hugged Kushina and took her away with a jump.


Kushina looked at the guy holding her and almost cried.

"Damn it!"

The noise coming from above naturally attracted the attention of the Cloud Ninja leader. Looking at the man and woman flying in the air, he began to make hand seals with his hands.

"Lightning Escape......"

"Don't even think about it! Thunder Kill!"

The Cloud Ninja leader had just finished half of the seal when he suddenly found another card coming at him.


The Cloud Ninja leader already knew that this card was dangerous, so how could he let it attack him like this? The Cloud Ninja leader raised his hand and threw out two kunai, knocking the card flying to the ground

"team leader......"

The rest of the Kumo Ninja finally came to their senses at this time, and all gathered around their captain, their eyes fell on Aizen Shinnosuke on the tree.

"Humph, the guys from Konoha are really useless. They actually sent a bunch of kids like you to stop us?"

The leader glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke, and then a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

""Water Style: Water Wave!"

Just as the leader of the Cloud Ninja was speaking, another voice rang out.

As the water style spread towards the Cloud Ninja, the Thunder Kill Card that was just knocked down by the Cloud Ninja leader was inserted into the ground and began to release lightning.

Combined with the water style released by Rope Tree, the power of the lightning was directly increased several times. The Cloud Ninja ninjas were very alert. As soon as they saw that something was wrong, they jumped onto the tree and avoided the attack.

"Damn it, what should Shinnosuke do now?"

Seeing that his ninjutsu didn't work, Nawaki jumped to the side of Aizen Shinnosuke, holding a kunai in his hand and asked Aizen Shinnosuke

"Pay attention to your own safety, don't be too far away from me!"

Looking at the seven aggressive Kumo Ninja jonin, Aizen Shinnosuke was also a little excited at the moment.

Of course, the excitement here is not a good mood. Although Aizen Shinnosuke's comprehensive strength has now reached the level of a special jonin. But that is only a special jonin. Compared with the jonin, there is still some gap.

Moreover, there are seven jonin here. No matter how strong he is, he is not a match for seven people. Not to mention, he is carrying a burden here.

"Another brat! Konoha is really left with no one!"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja snorted coldly, and then commanded the other Cloud Ninjas to attack Aizen Shinnosuke and Rope Tree.

"Rope Tree! Watch out for yourself!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shouted at Rope Tree again, and then instead of retreating, he took the initiative to rush forward to meet a Cloud Ninja


The kunai in Aizen Shinnosuke's hand collided with the kunai in the opponent's hand. The sharp metal sound echoed in the forest due to the collision of the two kunai.

"Oh, boy......You're really strong!"

The Cloud Ninja on the opposite side looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and grinned at him. Then he increased the strength of his arm. As the opponent's strength increased, Aizen Shinnosuke's brows suddenly frowned deeper and deeper. The next moment, Aizen Shinnosuke turned to the side and used the turning action to unload the opponent's strength. Taking advantage of the momentum of unloading the force, he jumped back to a relatively safe position.

"Damn, I haven't grown up. My body is still too weak as a child, and I can't even compete with him in strength!"

Shinnosuke Aizen looked at his right hand, because the two of them had used too much force in the fight just now. Shinnosuke Aizen's right hand was already trembling slightly at this moment. Obviously, Shinnosuke Aizen couldn't even compete with the opponent in strength like before.

On the other side, Nawaki's condition was not very good either. He didn't have the same plug-in as Shinnosuke Aizen, so in the confrontation with the Cloud Ninja, he was more embarrassed than Shinnosuke Aizen.

At this moment, Nawaki's clothes had been cut open with several large holes.

This was because he dodged quickly, otherwise, those holes in the clothes would have appeared on Nawaki's body.

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