"Shinnosuke! We are back!"

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke was thinking about how to escape, a voice suddenly came from behind. It turned out that after Minato Namikaze untied Kushina, he rushed back with Kushina.

The arrival of the two attracted the attention of the Kumo Ninja, and Nawaki took advantage of the opportunity when the other party's attention was distracted. After escaping from the other party with a jump, he returned directly to Aizen Shinnosuke.

On the other side, Minato Namikaze and Kushina also came to Aizen Shinnosuke one after another.

"Are all the people here? Just you four little brats?"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja team came up from behind, looking at Aizen Shinnosuke and the other three with a sneer on his face.

"Lightning Release: Thundercloud!"

One of the Cloud Ninjas formed seals with both hands. Then, a large dark cloud began to gather above the heads of Aizen Shinnosuke and the other three.

""Go! We can't deal with these guys!"

Looking at the thunderclouds above his head, Aizen Shinnosuke led Rope Tree and the other two and ran towards Konoha.

Aizen Shinnosuke no longer had the intention to fight the other side, although the guy on the other side was a ninja from the Cloud Ninja. But the other side was right, the four of them were just little kids.

If they fought hard, they would definitely not be able to beat these seven jonin.

"Bastard! You released such a large-scale ninjutsu, are you afraid that the people of Konoha don't know?"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja looked at the fleeing Aizen Shinnosuke and the other four, and was not in a hurry. Instead, he raised his hand to hit the guy who just released the ninjutsu, and after a brief sermon, he led the others to chase after Aizen Shinnosuke and the others.

"What the hell, in the anime, how did Minato Namikaze save Kushina from them as easily as cutting melons and vegetables?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at the seven people chasing after him and couldn't understand.

"Shinnosuke, you called me?"

When Minato Namikaze heard Aizen Shinnosuke calling his name, he increased his speed a little, and then came to Aizen Shinnosuke and asked

"I didn't call you! Run for your life!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head at Namikaze Minato and said.

Behind them, the seven jonin were still chasing them. If they continued like this, they would be caught sooner or later before Aizen Shinnosuke and his men could reach Konoha.


Aizen Shinnosuke flipped his hands, and four cards appeared in his hands.

Two Thunder Kills and two Fire Kills, all four cards were thrown back by Aizen Shinnosuke, hoping to delay the speed of the Cloud Ninjas.

But after the explosion, the seven Cloud Ninjas did not have any wounds on their bodies. Even their clothes were not stained with dust.

"Is that old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen fucking dead? Doesn’t he usually like to use the crystal ball to peek at Konoha? Why doesn’t he fucking look at it now? When I pass this level, I will settle all the old scores with him!"

Seeing that the Cloud Ninja behind him was not hurt and even did not slow down, Aizen Shinnosuke could no longer bear it and cursed directly at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

However, what Aizen Shinnosuke did not notice was that behind him, the expressions of Namikaze Minato and the other two became very interesting at this moment because of what Aizen Shinnosuke said.

""Lightning Release: Thunder Binding!"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning descended from the sky and struck Aizen Shinnosuke. At the critical moment, Aizen Shinnosuke played a flash card with his backhand, thus avoiding the opponent's attack.


The Cloud Ninja who was performing the ninjutsu saw that his ninjutsu had no effect on Aizen Shinnosuke, and his eyes widened in fear.

The leader of the Cloud Ninja also noticed this, and for a moment, he saw Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes shining.

"Attention! In addition to the little girl from the Uzumaki clan, tie up that brat too!"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke who was still running for his life, his eyes full of greed. Aizen Shinnosuke naturally knew everything about what was going on behind him. When Aizen Shinnosuke knew that this group of Cloud Ninjas had actually plotted against him, he was furious.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique!"

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke and his men were concentrating on escaping, and the Cloud Ninjas were intent on catching Aizen Shinnosuke and his men, suddenly, a fire style attack came from the forest nearby, heading straight for the Cloud Ninjas.


Faced with the sudden attack of ninjutsu, the Cloud Ninja guys were caught off guard and were blocked by the fire escape.

"Not good!"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja team suddenly felt depressed. He and the others were only focused on chasing those little ghosts. They completely forgot that they were actually not far from Konoha.

""Ninjas from the Cloud Ninja?"

A dozen figures jumped out from the side, and the backs of their clothes were all embroidered with ping-pong paddles. These guys were all from the Uchiha clan.

The leader was none other than Uchiha Fugaku.

"Fugaku? Why are you here?"

Seeing that it was his family, Aizen Shinnosuke finally stopped to rest. He leaned against the tree trunk and panted, and asked Uchiha Fugaku

"We noticed the explosion while we were patrolling, so we rushed over to take a look. We didn't expect it was you. And you were being chased by these Kumo Ninja guys!"

Uchiha Fugaku came to Aizen Shinnosuke and asked

"What's going on with them? Why are the Kumo Ninja guys chasing you?"

"These guys came to capture Kushina. They probably wanted to get the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique from her, but we discovered them. After rescuing Kushina, they wanted to take her back!"

After listening to Aizen Shinnosuke's explanation, Uchiha Fugaku nodded.

"So that's how it is, then kill them all!"

Don't think that Uchiha Fugaku and Aizen Shinnosuke are not arrogant when they talk, and they even smile at the common people of Konoha. But you have to know that Uchiha Fugaku is the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

Not everyone has a good face for Uchiha Fugaku.

"Wait a minute!"

The Uchiha clan members nearby were about to take action when they heard the order from their young clan leader, but Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly spoke up and stopped Uchiha Fugaku.

"What happened to Shinnosuke? You don't want to let them go, do you?"

Uchiha Fugaku looked like he had seen a ghost at this moment, but it wasn't because he was mentally retarded. It was mainly because their Sandaime-sama operated in this way. After the First Ninja World War, although Konoha won, as the victorious country, their village actually gave away a lot of things. Those were all orders from Sarutobi Hiruzen, under the euphemism of making friends with the other party in case the other party comes to fight them next time.

Looking at Uchiha Fugaku's expression as if he had seen a ghost, Aizen Shinnosuke quickly waved his hand.

"I'm not that dead monkey who asks your people to hold their breath. I will personally kill them one by one! You have been chasing me for so long, I will be sorry for myself if I don't do it myself!"

Hearing Aizen Shinnosuke's request, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly smiled. Then he waved to the Uchiha clan members beside him, indicating that they should hold their breath!

The next moment, the Uchiha people suddenly turned into hungry wolves and pounced on the seven"pitiful" Cloud Ninjas. These guys in the Uchiha Guard Team suffered a lot of anger every day. They just lacked an object to vent their anger, and this group of Cloud Ninjas was simply a timely help!

Within a few minutes, the seven Cloud Ninjas who were really left with only one breath were thrown in front of Aizen Shinnosuke.

"you......If you kill us, Lord Raikage will not let you go!"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja was already breathing more than breathing in, but he still spoke to Aizen Shinnosuke stubbornly.


Under the gaze of others, Aizen Shinnosuke slapped the face of the leader of the Kumo Ninja.

This sudden scene stunned not only the Kumo Ninja, but also Uchiha Fugaku and the others.

"The Raikage won't let me go? That's really funny! Do you think I will let him go? Doesn't he like to arrest people? It's okay, I'll go to your Hidden Cloud Village to arrest people after a while!"

Shinnosuke Aizen smiled as he spoke, but the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Then, Shinnosuke Aizen stretched out his hand and pulled out the katana from Uchiha Fugaku's back, and cut off the head of the leader of the Cloud Ninja with one stroke. Shinnosuke Aizen didn't let go of the other six Cloud Ninjas, and killed them all with one stroke.

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