[Name: Aizen Shinnosuke

Overall strength: Special Jonin

Cards: Kill, Flash, Thunder Kill, Fire Kill, Snatch, Demolish the Bridge, Peach

Exchange Points: 3972]

After dealing with the seven Kumogakure Jonin, Aizen Shinnosuke immediately checked his exchange points.

A total of 3972 points, in addition to 100 points given to him by the Genin he killed during the graduation examination. In this way, a Kumogakure Jonin gave him 500 exchange points, which is not bad. In this way, he can now exchange cards three times in total.

"Exchange the card!"

Aizen Shinnosuke did not save it, and exchanged it for a new card immediately. After this battle, Aizen Shinnosuke found that his offensive means were still too few, not enough! The most important thing was that he lacked some means of group attack.

【Congratulations, you have obtained: Southern Barbarian Invasion, Out of Nothing, Happy and Forgetful]

After the exchange was successful, Aizen Shinnosuke did not look at the effects of the three cards for the time being. Instead, Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and asked Uchiha Fugaku's men to carry the heads of the seven people. Then Aizen Shinnosuke took the lead, and a group of more than a dozen people walked directly towards the Hokage Building.

"Aizen Shinnosuke, isn't this a good thing for us to do?"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the Konoha villagers who were avoiding them, and asked Aizen Shinnosuke with a worried look on his face.

On this section of the road to the Hokage Building, the villagers of Konoha looked at the Uchiha clan who were holding seven heads with their eyes open. Those

Konoha villagers who even dared to argue with the Uchiha clan in the past, this time all became turtles, and began to hide from them from a distance.

However, when Aizen Shinnosuke and others walked away. The villagers began to wonder what happened. How dare the Uchiha people carry heads and flaunt them in the city.

So, they all followed carefully, in groups of three or five, and finally gathered into a large group, following Aizen Shinnosuke and others, and a group of people walked towards the Hokage Building.

"Not good? Wrong, this is great! I want to see what our Sandaime was doing when we were attacked!"

Aizen Shinnosuke had a gloomy face, but the terrified expression of the ninja next to him led people directly into the Hokage Building


The door of the Hokage's office was kicked open by Aizen Shinnosuke from the outside, and Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other two who were in a meeting in the room were immediately startled.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other two looked up in confusion, and then saw Aizen Shinnosuke walking in with a dozen Uchiha clan ninjas.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan was holding seven heads that were still dripping with blood.


Koharu Utane was nearly frightened to death when she saw this cruel scene.

After all, she hadn't seen such a bloody scene for a long time since she became an elder of Konoha. The heads of those people looked like they died with their eyes open, and blood was still dripping from them!

"Shinnosuke? What are you doing?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, Namikaze Minato, Nawaki, Kushina and the group of Uchiha clan guys who came in. He didn't know what these guys were doing by breaking into his office with seven heads in their hands.

"Sandaime, you are the Hokage of Konoha, right?"

Aizen Shinnosuke did not directly answer Sarutobi Hiruzen's question, but instead asked him


Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little confused about what Aizen Shinnosuke was going to say, but he still nodded to Aizen Shinnosuke and answered

"Okay, you admit that you are the Hokage, and I also admit that you are the Hokage. Then I would like to ask! Why! Our Konoha is so big!

Under your leadership, the ninjas of Kumogakure actually broke through the barrier and broke into Konoha silently? Why did they go straight to the clan territory of the Senju clan, and why did they actually capture Kushina so openly?

Or why, we have already turned the world upside down in that forest. The noise was so loud that even the Uchiha people found out, and you three.

You still have the nerve to say that you are the Hokage! You say that you are the elders of Konoha! But you don’t know anything, and you are even holding a meeting behind closed doors? What kind of meeting are you holding?

If we hadn’t come now, you probably wouldn’t even know that the ninjas of Kumogakure had broken in before, right?" He asked several questions in a row. Not only Sarutobi Hiruzen, but even the two elders who were thicker than the city walls couldn't stand it.

He could answer any of these questions. But after answering, he would definitely be criticized by many people.


"Shinnosuke, I'm sorry. My attention is focused on the front line, so......"

"The front line? What's so good about the front line that's worth your attention? Are you thinking about the front line, or about Elder Danzo Shimura?

What? Are you thinking about how to wash off the blame for his mistakes that led to the deaths of our Konoha ninjas?"

Faced with Sarutobi Hiruzen's explanation, Aizen Shinnosuke had no intention of letting him go. He said before that if he survived, he would settle all the old and new grudges.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, this old bastard, wouldn't he think that after the incident where Danzo Shimura, the Root Ninja, tried to kill him, he would just swallow his anger and pretend that he knew nothing? As early as when he was being chased by the Cloud Ninja, Aizen Shinnosuke wanted to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen. Now he was just pointing at his nose and scolding him, Sarutobi...���Sarutobi Hiruzen should be thankful that Aizen Shinnosuke is not strong enough now.

But Aizen Shinnosuke swore that when he has the strength, he will definitely beat Sarutobi Hiruzen so hard that his mother won't recognize him.

On the other hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't expect that Aizen Shinnosuke would be so bold. He dared to openly slander him, the Hokage, and the elders of Konoha.

In addition, up to now, he hasn't even figured out what happened.

"Shinnosuke, I think you should give me some time, at least......"

"Ha, that is to say. Several of us kids were chased by seven Kumo-ninja jonin in Konoha, but you, the Hokage, didn't know anything? You don't know anything! Then what kind of Hokage are you?

I want to ask you, even if all the people in our village have been killed by people from other villages, and their bodies have become stinking, you, the Hokage, still don't know anything?"

Aizen Shinnosuke jumped in and used his ultimate skill. In an instant, everyone in the room looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a bad expression. Sarutobi Hiruzen's own expression was not much better. He squinted slightly and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke.

He admitted that at that moment he really wanted to kill him.

"If this wasn't Konoha......"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's secret hatred

"How dare you! You guys broke into the Hokage's office, are you trying to force him to abdicate? And you, Aizen Shinnosuke! You actually dared to join the Uchiha clan in speaking rudely to the Hokage, do you believe it?......"

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen was losing, Utane Koharu quickly spoke up, trying to divert the attention of others.

Her plan was indeed successful. As she spoke, the dozen or so people from the Uchiha clan in the Hokage's office, who already looked unhappy, looked even uglier.

Some of them even had bad tempers and had already opened their Sharingan. In their pupils, under their blood-red eyes, the magatama kept spinning.

"Shut up! You idiot! I tell you, I just got my life back, thanks to the Uchiha clan you mentioned! As for you, ha, sorry, I'm not targeting you.

At first, I had a very good impression of Hokage and the elders, but now it seems... Some people really can't be trusted. I'll ask you, Hokage, has the last incident been concluded?

You didn't even give me an explanation for that incident! Now the ninjas from Kumogakure have broken into our Senju clan! It's the first time, the second time, but not the third time, right? Next time, will you really want me to die to be happy!

I will tell Grandma Mito and Tsunade about this matter truthfully. As for the rest, I'm still young and it's hard to say. You can explain the rest to Grandma Mito and Tsunade yourself!

It's better to explain why Tsunade and the others left as soon as they left. The people from Kumogakure entered the door right after, and they were able to capture Kushina without any harm, and even we caught her back, but you, the Hokage, still don't know anything!"

Aizen Shinnosuke was really furious. It had only been less than two months since he went there. What was the result? In just two months, he had already encountered two assassination attempts.

Please, he was just a newly graduated Genin, not a Hokage, OK? Moreover, even if he was a Hokage, he had not been assassinated once in these two months, right?

Following Aizen Shinnosuke's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little guilty for a moment. He almost forgot that the child standing in front of him was the child who understood his Will of Fire the most at the beginning.

Why on earth was this?......So that the two of them have become like this? The child who he thought could become the cornerstone of Konoha, now has so much resentment towards him?

Suddenly, Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to speak.

But Aizen Shinnosuke would not give him the chance to speak. Aizen Shinnosuke turned around, took the head of the leader of the Cloud Ninja from the hand of one of the Uchiha clan members and threw it in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke took the rope tree and the others away.

Seeing this, the other Uchiha people also threw the heads in their hands in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others. Then, they followed Aizen Shinnosuke and the others and left.

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen almost wanted to speak. But until Aizen Shinnosuke and the others left, Sarutobi Hiruzen still didn't say a word.

Beside him, the expressions of Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En. They were blue and purple, as if they had eaten a dead rat.

"Who can tell me! What on earth is going on?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a long sigh, then slammed the table and roared. As Sarutobi Hiruzen roared, an Anbu appeared in front of him.

"Tell me! Tell me from beginning to end, what is going on?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was so angry that he threw the information at the head of the Anbu and yelled at him.

"Hokage-sama, this is it......."

Afterwards, the ANBU guy simply told Sarutobi Hiruzen everything that had just happened. After hearing it, Sarutobi Hiruzen was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Didn't I send the Anbu to watch Kushina? Why did the Kumogakure break in? And kidnap Kushina?"

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