"Hokage-sama, the Anbu's attention is now focused on Mito-sama, so......"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was so angry that he was almost speechless. Uzumaki Mito was arranged to live somewhere else because of his old age and frailty. In order to prevent the Nine-Tails from suddenly going berserk and causing trouble for Konoha, this order was given by Sarutobi Hiruzen himself. Unexpectedly

, his order actually opened the door for the Kumogakure Ninja.

The guys from the Hidden Cloud Village actually took advantage of this opportunity to run to Konoha and forcibly take Kushina away.

"Damn it! Check it out! There is a spy from Kumogakure mixed in the Anbu! Check it out! Don’t let any suspicious one go!" For such a confidential matter, the only people who know about it are the ninjas in the Anbu. Apart from the people in the Anbu, it can’t be him, Koharu Utatane, or Tsunade who spread the news, right? If we check it out like this, the result will be obvious, right?

There is a spy from Kumogakure mixed in his Anbu!

Such a thing is a great shame for him as the Hokage!

At the same time, on the other side, after Aizen Shinnosuke and the others left the Hokage building...

"Shinnosuke, you just did that, the Hokage won't cause trouble for you, right?"

Although Uchiha Fugaku felt that Aizen Shinnosuke was really happy when he scolded the Hokage just now, but after the fun, there is a price to pay. Aizen Shinnosuke actually said that about the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen just now, Uchiha Fugaku felt that it was possible that they would not see Aizen Shinnosuke tomorrow.

"Oh, unless our Sandaime is really brainless, he would attack me at this time!"

Aizen Shinnosuke sneered, not taking Sarutobi Hiruzen seriously at all.

"Because of Shimura Danzo's incident at the front, the Hokage is now too busy to clean up his mess. As a result, Konoha, where he is personally in charge, even allowed people from Kumogakure to get in.

In this case, if Sarutobi Hiruzen chooses to attack me, he will really be courting death. Think about those families close to the barrier. It was Kushina who was abducted today. What about next time? Will the ninjas from other villages sneak in and assassinate them one by one while they are asleep?

Right now, Sarutobi Hiruzen has a headache. Moreover, he has to find a way to appease Grandma Mito and Sister Tsunade! In the coming period of time......Some of them he can bear!"

"No way, Shinnosuke, are you really going to tell my grandmother and my sister about us?"

Rope Tree looked at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Why not? Orochimaru and his team just left this afternoon, right? Then we were chased by the Hidden Cloud Village. Why didn't you tell us about this? You should have a summoning beast that can contact Tsunade, right? Take it out quickly, and we will write a letter to tell them!"


Under the threat of Aizen Shinnosuke, Rope Tree used hand seals to summon a slug the size of his forearm.

"Is it Rope Tree? What do you want to talk to me about?"

The voice of the little slug that Rope Tree channeled was soft and pleasant to hear.

In response to the slug's question, Rope Tree put his hands together and said to the slug:

"Mr. Slug, please help us deliver a letter to my sister later!"

"Deliver the letter, OK!"

The slug nodded and did not refuse.

Aizen Shinnosuke was writing furiously, tearfully accusing Sarutobi Hiruzen of inaction, and recounted the original story with exaggeration.

"Here, Mr. Slug, please help me!"

Although the slug summoned by the Rope Tree is small, Aizen Shinnosuke knows that even this small one was separated from the big slug in the Wet Bone Forest.

After handing the letter to the slug, the slug nodded and disappeared with a"bang", leaving only a pile of smoke on the ground.

"Shinnosuke, is this a bad thing? After all, the war is about to start......."

Rope Tree was still a little worried. Compared with Konoha, his own affairs were really not that important. If he delayed Konoha's important affairs, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

""Okay, don't worry! Hasn't the fight started yet? I was planning to call Tsunade back before the fight started. Otherwise, I wouldn't have said that in the Hokage's office before."

Aizen Shinnosuke patted Nawase's shoulder and calmed his frightened heart. It was early in the morning.

This was the most sleepy time of the day. The two Konoha ninjas on duty at the Konoha gate just yawned. Suddenly, they found that a pile of smoke and dust was actually attacking Konoha.

""Oh no! Enemy attack!"

Looking at the huge smoke, the ninja on duty thought that the ninja from the Sand Village of the Wind Country was attacking.

As the enemy gradually approached Konoha, the ninja on duty found that the person coming was Tsunade who had just left the village with the large group this afternoon.

""Lady Tsunade?"

The ninja on duty called out Tsunade's name uncertainly. He was a little confused. Why did Lady Tsunade return to the village now?

""Get out of here! Don't bother me! I don't have time to deal with you!"

Tsunade looked disheveled after a long raid. Her clothes were covered in dust, and she looked haggard.

This afternoon, after receiving the news from the slug, she wanted to come back right away. However, they still needed to take a large force to the front.

If she left suddenly, it would cause unnecessary chaos. Therefore, Tsunade could only suppress her sadness and anxiety. After leading the large force to the front, she only had time to say something to Orochimaru. Then she rushed back without stopping.

Originally, Orochimaru Orochimaru wanted Tsunade to bring Danzo Shimura back with him, but she couldn't stand the fact that the old man was so slow because of his injury.

She simply abandoned Danzo Shimura and let him come back by himself. As for Tsunade herself, she forced herself to rush back as fast as she could.

Now, she has finally returned to Konoha.

After breaking into the gate of Konoha, Tsunade quickly rushed home. When she returned home and saw Nawaki sleeping on the bed with her own eyes, Tsunade, who had been holding on all the way, could no longer hold on and sat down on the ground.

"Sister Tsunade?"

After hearing the noise, Aizen Shinnosuke walked out of the room next to him. Looking at the disheveled Tsunade, he showed a surprised expression on his face.

He originally thought that no matter what happened to Tsunade, she would not be back until tomorrow. Unexpectedly, she came back now.

"It's Shinnosuke, is Nawaki okay?"

Tsunade swallowed and asked Aizen Shinnosuke while panting.

"He's fine, he's doing fine! But you, no matter how you look at it, you should be the one in trouble now!"

Aizen Shinnosuke said as he poured a glass of water for Tsunade.

Tsunade quickly took the glass of water from Aizen Shinnosuke's hand and drank it down in gulps.

"I'm fine.......I'm fine......."

After drinking, Tsunade felt that her brain was finally clear, and she murmured. After returning the cup to Aizen Shinnosuke, Tsunade sat cross-legged in front of Nawaki. Looking at her brother in his sleep, Tsunade's excited heart gradually calmed down.

Seeing this scene, Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head, then got up and ran a bath for Tsunade.

"Take a bath first!"

After putting the hot water in, Aizen Shinnosuke found that Tsunade didn't even change her posture. She was still sitting in front of Nawaki's bed in the same posture as when he left.

""Okay! Thank you!"

Tsunade nodded to Aizen Shinnosuke, then took her change of clothes and went into the bathroom.

"You are so lucky! You are so naive, but you have such a sister!"

Looking at the heartless and soundly sleeping Rope Tree, Aizen Shinnosuke smiled bitterly and shook his head. Then he stood up and walked to the kitchen to prepare food.

Considering that Tsunade must have forced herself to rush back, Aizen Shinnosuke did not cook any food with heavy oil or salt. He simply fried a few eggs and then cooked a pot of vegetable porridge. As soon as

Aizen Shinnosuke finished the meal, Tsunade just came out of the shower.

"You haven't slept yet?"

Tsunade asked Aizen Shinnosuke while wiping her hair.

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