Although Tsunade didn't know where Uchiha Fugaku got his confidence from, it was none of her business. Tsunade then waved to Uchiha Fugaku, ending the conversation.

Taking this opportunity, Aizen Shinnosuke hurriedly pulled Uchiha Fugaku aside.

"What's wrong?"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the mysterious Aizen Shinnosuke, and was a little confused. Why was Aizen Shinnosuke so mysterious?

"How are the people of your Uchiha clan doing now?"

After Aizen Shinnosuke said this, Uchiha Fugaku became even more confused. There was no need to avoid people for such a small matter, right? However, he still answered

"It's still the same as before, nothing serious. But among the villagers, the conflict between some guys and Uchiha has intensified! It was only yesterday that we held those heads and frightened them a little, otherwise, who knows what would happen!"

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded, all of this was in his memory. With the character of Uchiha, conflict is only a matter of time.

However, what Aizen Shinnosuke wants to discuss with Uchiha Fugaku now is not this matter

"When you go back later, let your Uchiha people spread the news step by step without exposing themselves. Shimura Danzo has actually been bribed by other ninja villages, so he did nothing on the front line and lost many ninjas.

The evidence is the 27 jonin who died in the battle. They are Shimura Danzo's token of surrender to other villages. He is using his own methods to weaken Konoha's strength so as to help people from other villages occupy our Konoha!"

"Aizen Shinnosuke, are you crazy?! Scolding the Hokage yesterday wasn't enough, you're also going to attack the elders?"

Uchiha Fugaku widened his eyes and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke in disbelief.

"How could you do this? Slandering the elders of Konoha is going to cause big trouble!"

"How did I slander you? Then tell me, why did the frontline suffer such a huge loss? Twenty-seven jonins, not twenty-seven pigs! They are gone just like that, not to mention the chunins and genins!"

"Impossible, Shimura Danzo is already an elder of Konoha. Why would he do this? I see, you want to use this to attack the Hokage?"

Uchiha Fugaku's brain was still very fast, and he immediately guessed that Aizen Shinnosuke actually wanted to use this to attack Sarutobi Hiruzen. Aizen Shinnosuke

's eyes turned, and he whispered to Uchiha Fugaku

"This matter is between you and me. Don't say too much, even to your own clansmen! You saw what happened yesterday. If Konoha continues to go on like this, would you still dare to stay?

People from other villages dare to break in and kidnap people. Today, they kidnapped Kushina. What about tomorrow? The people of the Uchiha clan are not necessarily less noticeable than the people of the Uzumaki clan, right?

Think about it, it's a dark night with strong winds. A group of dark-skinned strong men broke into the territory of your Uchiha clan. If they meet a man, they will gouge his eyes. If they meet a woman, they will take her back. The consequences will be.........I don't need to say more, right?"

"Shinnosuke......It's not that serious, right? We are not stupid, how can we just sit there and let them kill us?"

Uchiha Fugaku was still in shock. After all, if this kind of thing is not handled well, the whole clan will be destroyed. Moreover, their Uchiha clan is not in the marginal area. Even if the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village are willing, it will be difficult to succeed, right?

Aizen Shinnosuke did not expect that Uchiha Fugaku would be so timid in this matter. No wonder in the anime, he did not resist when he was killed by his own son.

Aizen Shinnosuke immediately looked fierce and stared at Uchiha Fugaku.

"Shinnosuke......What's wrong?"

Uchiha Fugaku noticed the change in Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little scared.

"Uchiha Mikoto, you like her, right?"

"Why are you suddenly talking about this?......You discovered all this!"

Uchiha Fugaku scratched the back of his head, looking very embarrassed.

"Let me tell you a secret. Yesterday, the group of people from Kumogakure said that if they could successfully take Kushina away yesterday, the next time, they would capture girls from other aristocratic families in Konoha.

Not too young, not too big. They wanted to be the same age as Kushina. They even said Uchiha Mikoto's name directly.

Brother, I didn't tell you this because I knew you liked Mikoto. I just wanted you to be more careful, but now.........I don't think you can accomplish anything. So I'll just tell you this directly. You should pay more attention to yourself!

I hope that when I come back next time, I won't hear the story of Uchiha Mikoto being captured by the people of Kumogakure. A little girl was taken away, and what happened next?......I think you know better than me!"

After saying this, Aizen Shinnosuke deliberately didn't look at Uchiha Fugaku. He turned around and followed Tsunade away.

Uchiha Fugaku stood there, looking at the back of Aizen Shinnosuke who was going away, his hands clenched into fists, tightly clenched. What

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't notice was that behind him, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes moved. The originally dark pupils turned blood red at this moment, and there were two small magatama spinning in them.

"Hidden Cloud Village......Naruto......"

Uchiha Fugaku snorted coldly, turned around and left

"What did you say to that Uchiha Fugaku? Why does he seem so angry?"

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't pay attention to Uchiha Fugaku, but Tsunade was paying attention.

She clearly saw that when they left just now, the guy named Uchiha Fugaku was so angry that his body was shaking.

"I just told him some 'facts'. I hope there will be a surprise when we come back next time!"

Tsunade looked at the mysterious Aizen Shinnosuke and snorted coldly. She hated people who didn't speak clearly and needed her to guess slowly. Disgusting!

The three of them returned home together. Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato had been waiting for a long time.

"Sister Tsunade!"

Seeing Tsunade, Kushina bowed her head a little embarrassedly and greeted her.

In Kushina's heart, she actually blamed herself. After all, if it weren't for her, Aizen Shinnosuke and his men wouldn't have been hunted down by the Kumo Ninja yesterday.

It was because of her that Aizen Shinnosuke and Namikaze Minato were in danger.

"Hmm! Didn't you get scared by what happened yesterday?"

Tsunade saw what the little girl was thinking, reached out and stroked her head, and said softly to comfort her.

"I'm fine,......I'm sorry, if it weren't for me......"

"Silly girl, what are you saying sorry for? You are not the one who should say sorry. They are used to being high and mighty. They have forgotten that they are also commoners. I hope this lesson can serve as a wake-up call for them!"

Tsunade comforted Kushina, looking into the distance inadvertently.

Taking advantage of this time, Aizen Shinnosuke came to Minato Namikaze.

"Minato, I and Nawaki will probably go to the front with Tsunade-san. By then, you have to be more careful. Shimura Danzo has returned, and I'm afraid he will have bad intentions towards Kushina. If you encounter any problems, go directly to Uchiha Fugaku. Although the Uchiha people don't have a good reputation among the villagers, their strength should not be underestimated!"

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