"Ah? You all are going to the front?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki. In fact, deep down, he also wanted to go to the front. After all, the three of them were together. If they were separated.........

"That's right, don't show that expression. Now it's like the three of us are carrying out different tasks. My and Nawaki's task is to go to the front line, and your task is to take good care of Kushina. Mito's grandmother's health is getting weaker day by day. She might die one day.......By then, Kushina will be the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. You must be careful to prevent anyone from plotting against her."

"I understand!"

Namikaze Minato nodded, indicating that he understood.

Although he couldn't go to the front line,......But his mission is equally important.!

Namikaze Minato turned his head and looked at Kushina beside him, his eyes became firm for a moment.

After talking to Kushina and Namikaze Minato, Tsunade brought a few people to where Uzumaki Mito was now.

This place is closer to Konoha's barrier than the Senju clan, and the place where Uzumaki Mito lives is a hollowed-out cave. Fortunately, there is a room in the cave, just like the room in Uzumaki Mito's Senju clan.

""Kushina, come here quickly and let grandma see you! Are you not hurt?"

Several people came to Uzumaki Mito. It had only been a few months since they last saw him. Uzumaki Mito had become even older. Not long ago, Uzumaki Mito was only in his sixties or seventies.

But now, no matter how Aizen Shinnosuke looked at him, Uzumaki Mito looked like a hundred-year-old man.

"Surprisingly......Is he so old?......"

Aizen Shinnosuke was a little surprised, but he also knew that Uzumaki Mito's time was really running out.

"Grandma, I will take Nawaki and Shinnosuke to the front line soon......."

Tsunade knelt in front of Uzumaki Mito's bed and spoke to her with a choked voice:

"It's okay!"

Tsunade hadn't finished her words when Mito Uzumaki interrupted her.

Mito Uzumaki's face was full of kindness. She stretched out her old hand, which looked like dry bark, and gently placed it on Tsunade's head.

"Xiao Gang, birth, aging, illness and death are human nature. Compared to others, I am already very happy! It's a pity that I, your grandma, don't have the time to see you get married and have children. Besides, you don't even have a boyfriend now.......Control your temper and be more virtuous......"


Tsunade spoke to Uzumaki Mito helplessly, thinking back to the guys around her. A cynical Jiraiya, an uninterested Orochimaru, Tsunade was really tired.

Even if she really wanted to find a partner, at least she should be given a few normal people to choose from, right?

In fact, Uzumaki Mito herself knew about this. She just couldn't let go of her eldest granddaughter.......

"Rope Tree......"

"I'm here, grandma!"

After saying this to Tsunade, Uzumaki Mito turned her head and looked at the rope tree beside her. This old lady already knew her own fate, so she wanted to take this opportunity today to finish her words at once.

"If you want to be as strong as your grandfather, you have to work harder. Exercise more and be more vigilant when encountering things. Although Shinnosuke and Minato are younger than you, they are much more stable than you. When encountering things, ask them more questions!"

"I understand!"

Nawaki nodded and agreed to what Uzumaki Mito said.

"All right, you guys go over there, I have something to talk to Shinnosuke!"

Tsunade and Nawaki were a little puzzled, because they were obviously the grandchildren of Uzumaki Mito. Why didn't they ask Aizen Shinnosuke to leave when they were talking to them?

But when it was Aizen Shinnosuke's turn, they wanted to leave?

Although a little puzzled, Tsunade and the others were very obedient and walked away. Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato also followed, leaving only Aizen Shinnosuke in front of the bed


"Mito Grandma!"

Uzumaki Mito reached out and took Aizen Shinnosuke's hand, sighing a little.

"After I leave, they will be handed over to you. They are not like you, they all have their own shortcomings. But they can all be changed. You promise grandma that you will take good care of them in the future......."Okay?"

Aizen Shinnosuke's smile froze as he looked at the dying old woman in front of him. Even at the last moment of her life, she was still worried about her grandchildren.

"Grandma Mito, I understand. Don't worry, I will take good care of them!"

"Good! Alas, it's a pity that you don't like Kushina, otherwise......"

Uzumaki Mito then began to sigh

"Grandma Mito, it's okay, Minato is also a good boy. And he and Kushina are in love, and I just treat Kushina as my sister."

Aizome Shinnosuke shook his head at Uzumaki Mito and said

"Okay, by the way. You need to pay more attention to Tsunade in the future. After all, she is not young anymore. She is already 20 years old, so there is a big gap between you two. Otherwise,......"

The worry on Uzumaki Mito's face remains

"My grandma, please don't match me up with someone randomly. You said it yourself, there's a big age gap between me and Tsunade. Besides, doesn't Lord Jiraiya like her?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Uzumaki Mito. He didn't understand why this old lady started to match me up with someone randomly today? Could it be that she really knew that Tsunade would be single for the rest of her life?


Tsunade's parents have been away since she was a child.

Not long after giving birth to Nawase, they died in the First Ninja World War.

So I raised both Tsunade and Nawase.

I know them best in this world!

Tsunade will never be with Jiraiya.

Jiraiya, don't look cynical, but he has big things in his heart!

I'm just worried.......


Grandma is too talkative.

You guys go!

Please take care of her in the future.

I'm also counting on you to take care of Rope Tree!

" After that, after talking for a while, Aizen Shinnosuke and the other two said goodbye to Uzumaki Mito and left directly, leaving Kushina and Namikaze Minato there to accompany her.

After coming out of the cave where Uzumaki Mito was, Tsunade led Aizen Shinnosuke and Rope Tree to the front line.

"Shinnosuke, what did my grandma say to you? So mysterious?"

On the way, Nawaki couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked Aizen Shinnosuke.

Hearing Nawaki's question, Tsunade also deliberately slowed down. She also wanted to hear what her grandma said to Aizen Shinnosuke, but even they couldn't listen.

Aizen Shinnosuke noticed Tsunade's actions, then looked at Nawaki, whose face was full of curiosity, and slowly spoke

"Your grandmother......No, now I have to call her grandma too. Grandma betrothed Tsunade-san to me, and told me to live a good life with Tsunade-san in the future! And let me take care of you at the same time!"



As soon as Aizen Shinnosuke said this, Tsunade and Nawaki slipped. Then, they fell from the tree.

"Aizen Shinnosuke! How dare you talk nonsense! I'll tear your mouth off!"

Getting up from the ground, Tsunade ignored the pain in her body, clenched her fists and jumped up to teach Aizen Shinnosuke a lesson.

"And me! Aizen Shinnosuke, explain it to me clearly. It's fine if I ask you to take care of me. What do you mean by letting you and my sister live a good life?"

Nawaki pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke unconvinced and asked him.

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