After a lot of fighting, Tsunade brought Aizen and Shinnosuke to the border of the Land of Fire.

"Lady Tsunade!"

"Lady Tsunade!"


When they entered the camp, everyone who saw Tsunade greeted her. Some even asked about the identities of Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki out of curiosity.

After learning that the two were Tsunade's brothers, the ninjas immediately greeted Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki.

"I'm back!"

He opened the tent and walked in. Orochimaru and Jiraiya were both inside. They were looking at the map on the table, and it was unknown what they were discussing.

"You're back, is everything ok at home?"

Jiraiya and Orochimaru looked up subconsciously when they heard the voice. When they saw Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki behind Tsunade, their faces suddenly changed.

"Tsunade? Why did you bring them here?"

Jiraiya quickly came to Tsunade's side, pulled her over, and whispered in her ear

"What are you doing? If I don't bring them here, what are you doing staying in Konoha? You don't know, I will know after I go back. These kids have made it, they actually escaped from the pursuit of seven Kumogakure jonin.

Although they have the help of the Uchiha clan guys, but I think they are also capable. So I plan to bring them to the front line to broaden their horizons, and patrol the camp every day, it's okay!"

Hearing Tsunade's words, Orochimaru smiled bitterly.

Tsunade looked back at Orochimaru who was smiling bitterly, not understanding why he had such an expression.

"If it was before, we would not object to your decision. But now, Hanzo has started a war! Not long ago, the ninjas of the Hidden Rain Village, led by Hanzo, attacked the camp of the Sand Village. Now, we have to take action too!"

"What? The war has started?"

Tsunade's eyes widened for a moment. She had never expected this. She just went home, three days back and forth? The war just broke out? And it was Hanzo who started it?

"That's right. After all, before that, Hanzo of the Salamander had just severely injured Danzo Shimura in our Konoha. Now he is naturally going to cause trouble for the Sand Village, so Jiraiya and I were so surprised that you actually brought both of them here."

"That's not right, where's Minato? Why didn't Minato come?"

Jiraiya looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki, thinking something was wrong. It wasn't until Orochimaru mentioned the word 'two' that Jiraiya realized.

His beloved apprentice, the little yellow-haired Namikaze Minato, didn't come!

"Minato is with Kushina at her grandmother's place."

As Minato Namikaze's 'good brother', Nawaki was the first to defend his brother and directly told Minato Namikaze where he was now.

"and Kushina......"

Jiraiya is not blind, he can see his apprentice's feelings for Uzumaki Kushina. But for some reason, Jiraiya still felt a little lost for a moment.

"Let's not talk about that. Since we are here, please be careful. Nawaki, you follow me. Shinnosuke, you follow Tsunade. That way, if something happens, we can protect you!"


Rope Tree and Aizen Shinnosuke nodded, and then they stood beside Orochimaru and Tsunade respectively. At first glance, they looked like two little bodyguards.

"What is the situation now?"

Tsunade was too lazy to dwell on this matter. She sat on the right side of Orochimaru and asked him.

Jiraiya took this opportunity to return to his seat.

"The ninjas from the Hidden Rain Village raided our camp before, so they probably won't come again in the short term. But it's not our style to not fight back after suffering a loss, so we have to think of a way to take the initiative!"

Orochimaru focused on the map in front of him, then pointed to a point and spoke to Tsunade and Jiraiya.

"I have sent people to find out in the past few days. There is a small group of ninjas from the Hidden Rain Village stationed here. Our first step can be to seize this place, and use it as the first step to attack the Hidden Rain Village."

Tsunade and Jiraiya had no objection to Orochimaru's order.

Behind them, Rope Tree and Aizen Shinnosuke did not say much. After all, they were just two children who had just arrived at the front line. Not to mention their little knowledge reserves, they didn't even know the simplest deployment of troops.

Since Tsunade and Jiraiya had no objection, Orochimaru immediately ordered

"Jiraiya, take two teams and take this stronghold for me as quickly as possible!"


After saying this, Jiraiya stood up and was about to walk outside.

""Teacher Orochimaru, Sister Tsunade, let me go too!"

Suddenly, Aizen Shinnosuke spoke.

His words attracted the attention of the three people.

"Stop fooling around! This is not a small matter. Stay here honestly, we don't have the energy to take care of you now!"

Orochimaru was willing to agree to Aizen Shinnosuke's request. However, before he opened his mouth, Tsunade directly denied it. Now, Orochimaru couldn't speak again.

Seeing this, Jiraiya did not stay any longer, walked out of the tent quickly, and summoned the ninjas.

Half an hour later, Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki watched Jiraiya and the two teams of ninjas going away, and Aizen Shinnosuke felt indescribable envy in his heart.

Those were all real exchange points, and they were gone just like that!

For a moment, Aizen Shinnosuke showed regret.

Seeing this, Nawaki thought that Aizen Shinnosuke was regretting that he could not go to the battlefield. He immediately patted Aizen Shinnosuke on the shoulder and said to him

"It's okay, Shinnosuke. When we are familiar with the frontline, Master and Sister will let us go to the battlefield!"

The sun shines on Rope Tree's face, and Aizen Shinnosuke turns his head to look at him. Faintly, Aizen Shinnosuke sees the light in Rope Tree's eyes.

"Master Shinichi! Master Hanzo is right. The guys from Konoha are heading towards one of our bases. But only Jiraiya left, and he only took two teams of ninjas with him!"

In a mountain cave, a ninja from the Hidden Rain Village wearing a bamboo hat jumped in front of his companions who were also wearing bamboo hats. Then he quickly walked to the leading ninja and said to him,

"It's okay, we've made a big profit with Jiraiya gone! Earlier, the spy sent a message that Tsunade has returned to Konoha, so now there is only Orochimaru left in Konoha's camp.

Everyone, you heard it, have a good rest and conserve your energy! At midnight today, we will attack Konoha's camp again! This time, we must destroy Konoha's supplies as much as possible!"

""It's Master Shinichi!" *N

The ninjas of the Hidden Rain Village answered in unison, and the sound dissipated quickly. Soon, the place returned to a dead silence, and no one noticed that here, not far from the Konoha camp, there was actually a group of Hidden Rain Village ninjas hiding.

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