Among these seven cards, in addition to the killing card and flash card mentioned above, the other cards also have their own effects.

The effects of Thunder Kill and Fire Kill are actually the same as the basic killing effect, both of which cause damage to the enemy. The only difference from the killing card is that if the killing card is a physical attack, then Thunder Kill and Fire Kill are ninjutsu attacks. Thunder Kill is Thunder Release, and Fire Kill is Fire Release. The power of these two is almost equivalent to the power of B-level ninjutsu.

Next is Stealing. The effect of Stealing is that Shinnosuke Aizen can extract a ninjutsu from the opponent. Then after Shinnosuke Aizen consumes chakra, he can directly perform this ninjutsu.

Moreover, the power of this ninjutsu is the same as the power released by the opponent, and Shinnosuke Aizen cannot enhance or weaken it.

After that is Demolishing the Bridge. The effect of Demolishing the Bridge is to"demolish" one of the opponent's ninjutsu.

However, it should be noted that both Stealing and Demolishing the Bridge have time limits, which are about half an hour, and are not permanent.

After half an hour, if you don't use the ninjutsu you stole, then that ninjutsu will disappear from you.

Similarly, after half an hour, the ninjutsu that was"demolished" by the opponent because of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge will also"return" to the opponent.

But the most awesome thing is the peach card that Aizen Shinnosuke just got not long ago.

As we all know, in the Three Kingdoms Killing, the effect of peach is to restore the target's blood. However, this effect is not ordinary awesome in the real world.

Theoretically, as long as the guy is not dead, as long as Aizen Shinnosuke plays a peach. That is, the dying will become seriously injured, the seriously injured will become slightly injured, and the slightly injured will become normal.

It can be said that as long as Aizen Shinnosuke has the peach card in his hand and has enough chakra, then in the entire battlefield, as long as Aizen Shinnosuke wants, no one can take the life of his teammates from him.

Moreover, these are only seven of the cards that Aizen Shinnosuke got. There are other cards that Aizen Shinnosuke has not obtained yet, such as Peach Garden Oath, Nanman Invasion, and Ten Thousand Arrows. Aizen Shinnosuke has not mastered these cards yet.

However, this system also has drawbacks. For example, after having this system, Aizen Shinnosuke can't learn any ninjutsu at all. Even the lowest level ninjutsu such as the Three Body Technique, Aizen Shinnosuke can't do it.

However, because of the existence of stealing. So Aizen Shinnosuke is not so regretful about not being able to learn ninjutsu.

Having said that, Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Nawaki and slowly said

"Nawaki, then tell me, can I take the exam with you guys? I think I have learned almost everything in school now, and now the only thing I can do every day is to sleep in class. If I continue to sleep, I will be exhausted."

After careful consideration, Shinnosuke Aizen finally decided to give himself an early exam.

First of all, Shinnosuke Aizen wanted to save Nawaki. After all, no matter how good the two are now, Shinnosuke Aizen can't just watch him die.

Secondly, Shinnosuke Aizen felt that his system could only play the greatest role on the battlefield. After all, this system can only get points and obtain new cards by killing people or fighting with others.

Who made Shinnosuke Aizen's ability different from that of a ninja? Although the energy used is the same as chakra. However, others use it to release ninjutsu, while Shinnosuke Aizen uses it to rub cards by hand. Shinnosuke

Aizen can't think of any benefits to continue staying in the ninja school except to let himself sleep more and gain weight.

"You want to graduate early? Is that okay? Ninja schools haven't said anything about early graduation yet, right?"

After hearing Aizen Shinnosuke's question, Rope Tree was so excited that he choked. After taking a few gulps of water, Rope Tree finally came to his senses.

"That's right, I graduated early! I don't have much to improve in school now. Next, I guess I can only continue to improve my strength after becoming a ninja."

"Yes, you are so strong, but......"

Rope Tree is very confident about Aizen Shinnosuke's ability. But he is still a little uncertain about this.......Is it possible?

"It's okay, just ask your teacher about this matter for me, and I will also go to my teacher to explain it! Anyway, the previous Hokage never said that you can't graduate early, there's no reason not to!"

Hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Nawaki nodded.

"All right, I'll ask for you then. With your strength, it's enough anyway!"

In fact, the reason why Aizen Shinnosuke has so many points to open the cards he has now is all thanks to the fighting class in the ninja school. In addition, apart from the fighting class in the school, the one who has fought against Aizen Shinnosuke the most times is Nawaki. Although the two of them were just sparring peacefully, every time they fought, Nawaki was beaten by Aizen Shinnosuke and couldn't fight back.

Especially those two hard-to-guard against ninjutsu that steals one's own ninjutsu, and the secret ninjutsu that limits one's own ninjutsu. In addition to the two powerful fire escape ninjutsu and lightning escape ninjutsu, Nawaki didn't know why Aizen Shinnosuke named those two secret ninjutsu. It's called stealing something when one has the chance and destroying the bridge after crossing it.

I don't know why the two powerful Fire Release and Lightning Release Ninjutsu of Aizen Shinnosuke are called Fire Killing and Lightning Killing, so simple and unpretentious, but if it weren't for Nawaki's quick substitution technique, he would have fallen into it several times. After the two finished their meal, they lay on the rooftop to rest for a while, and then Aizen Shinnosuke parted ways with Nawaki.

On the way back to class, Nawaki thought about it and finally turned around and walked towards the direction of his teacher's office.

On the other side, after Aizen Shinnosuke put his lunch box away, he also got up and walked to the door of the teacher's office.

"Boom boom boom......"

"Please come in!"

Hearing the voice of Yamato teacher coming from inside, Aizen Shinnosuke opened the wooden door of the office and walked in.

"Oh, it's Shinnosuke, what can I do for you?"

Yamato Gansuke, who was writing something, looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who came to find him, put down the pen in his hand, and had a faint smile on his face that all teachers have.

Although Aizen Shinnosuke slept in class every day, he was always among the top in every test. After a long time, even if Aizen Shinnosuke slept blatantly in class, no teacher cared.

Moreover, all the teachers liked him very much. After all, what's wrong with a student who doesn't cause trouble and is smart just taking a nap? If the school didn't allow it, those teachers would want to move a bed for Aizen Shinnosuke to sleep.

"Teacher Yamato, I want to ask you something. Can I apply for early graduation? You see, I have learned almost everything about the Ninja School now. I am tired of sleeping in class every day."

"Tired of sleeping? Graduating early?"

After hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Yamato Gansuke paused as he was about to drink the water.

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke, Yamato Gansuke finally did not drink the water first, but asked Aizen Shinnosuke:

"Shinnosuke, do you know what it means to graduate and become a ninja?"

The smile on Yamato Gansuke's face disappeared, and he frowned and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke. His nervous look made Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously want to laugh.

"Ahem, of course I know, but Mr. Yamato, I have thought it through! Instead of going to class and sleeping like this every day, I might as well contribute to Konoha's cause! Didn't Mr. Hokage just say this this morning? Where Konoha flies, the fire will also continue! My will of fire will no longer allow me to waste time like this!"

"Where the leaves of Konoha dance, the fire will also continue? That's a very good point. I didn't expect that you understand the will of fire so thoroughly!"

Yamato Gansuke looked at Aizen Shinnosuke standing in front of him with admiration, and even his face was full of pride. He found it hard to believe that such a child would be his student.

He must have saved the world in his previous life, so he had such a student under his command.

"Although I agree with your Will of Fire, I cannot give you a clear answer to this matter right now. How about this, I will ask the Hokage later, and after getting the definite answer from the Hokage, I will come to you again?"

Seeing that Yamato Gansuke agreed to this, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded to show that he knew it, and then he returned to the classroom, and then turned on the sleep mode in the afternoon.

On the other side, after Aizen Shinnosuke left. Yamato Gansuke originally wanted to finish what he had in his hand before going to find the Third Hokage.

However, Aizen Shinnosuke's speech about the Will of Fire just now made Yamato Gansuke really excited. After thinking about it, he couldn't help it in the end. Putting down the pen in his hand, Yamato Gansuke got up and went straight to the Hokage Building.

When Yamato Gansuke ran to the Hokage Building, he happened to run into another teacher from the Ninja School.

""Teacher Cang Ze, why are you here?"

Yamato Gansuke looked at Maria Cang Ze standing in front of him, a little confused. He remembered that Teacher Cang Ze seemed to be the teacher of this year's graduating class. She appeared here. Could it be that something went wrong with the graduation?

"Oh, it's Teacher Yamato. It's like this, just now Nawaki from our class told me that a kid named Aizen Shinnosuke wants to graduate early. I don't know much about this, so I refused at first.

But Nawaki kept begging me, saying that the kid was better than him, and I really couldn't persuade him, so I planned to come and ask the Hokage about early graduation.

So, Teacher Yamato, why are you here? I remember you are a fourth-grade teacher, right? Could it be that another kid has gotten into trouble? And you've reported it to the Hokage?"

In the classes of the Ninja School, the children of those families are powerful. Sometimes the troubles they get into are not something their teachers can handle, so they usually report it to the Hokage and let him deal with it.

Under the gaze of Maria Aozawa, Yamato Gansuke tapped the back of his head awkwardly.

"No, Mr. Cang Ze, the kid you just mentioned who wants to graduate early is from our class. His name is Aizen Shinnosuke. I don't know about this either, so I'm going to ask the Hokage!"

"So that's how it is, Mr. Yamato! That kid in your class is really amazing! If that's the case, let's go together.

Then when we go back, tell the other teachers what the Hokage said. This way, when we encounter this kind of thing in the future, we will have a way to deal with it!"

""Okay, let's go in together!"

After the two of them exchanged polite words, Yamato Gansuke and Aozawa Maria walked into the Hokage building at the same time, and after going up a staircase, they arrived at the door of the Hokage's office.

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