
In the Hokage Building, in the Hokage's office, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

In the office, Sarutobi Hiruzen was watching the news from the front.

Although he didn't know where the strength of Salamander Hanzo came from at the beginning, or whether Salamander Hanzo himself was crazy and dared to send a message to Konoha to provoke.

However, after that, Sarutobi Hiruzen also made deployments as quickly as possible. Led by his three disciples, they were stationed at the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, guarding against Salamander Hanzo's real attack on the Land of Fire.

But since then, until now. Salamander Hanzo has been silent. Look, his disciples sent news not long ago that they are ready to come back.


Speaking of which, the door of the Hokage's office was pushed open from the outside. Then, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked up and saw Yamato Gansuke and Aozawa Maria walking in together.

"Oh? It's Gansuke and Maria. You two came to see me together. Did something happen at school?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that it was two teachers who came to see him, and thought that something happened at school. Then, Yamato Gansuke spoke and asked Sarutobi Hiruzen

"That's right, Hokage-sama!"

Then, Yamato Gansuke simply told Sarutobi Hiruzen all about Aizen Shinnosuke and his request. As Yamato Gansuke talked more and more, Sarutobi Hiruzen had picked up his pipe and smoked it one puff after another.

"Is that so? Do you want to graduate early? What are the grades of Aizen Shinnosuke you mentioned?"

After listening to Yamato Gansuke's statement, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded first, and then asked Yamato Gansuke

"Don't worry, Third-generation Lord! Aizen Shinnosuke's grades. Whether it's the final exam results or the various tests during school, or even in the battle tests. His grades have always been the best! Below him is Namikaze Minato, who you asked me to pay more attention to!"

"Hmm, I see! Better than Minato? In that case, Shinnosuke has already met the requirements for graduation?" Sarutobi

Hiruzen looked at Yamato Gansuke. He himself did not expect that there was such a genius in the ninja school, who was even better than Minato!

You know, Minato was a kid favored by his disciple Jiraiya.

"Yes, according to Shinnosuke's grades, he can definitely graduate. But he is only in the fourth grade now, not yet old enough to graduate......."

"Well, if he doesn't meet the age requirement, that's not a necessary condition. This kind of thing depends on the individual. The world of genius is always difficult for ordinary people to understand. I just don't know if his ideological and academic performance are up to standard......."

""I passed the test, I passed the test!"

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen mentioning ideological achievements, Yamato Gansuke nodded quickly

"Shinnosuke told me before that Konoha is in a critical moment, and he wanted to graduate early because he didn't want to waste any more time.

And Shinnosuke also told me that he especially respects your will of fire: Where Konoha dances, the fire will also continue. So he is willing to be a fire of Konoha, burning a flame that is short-lived but can give warmth to the descendants of Konoha!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was sure that Yamato Gansuke must have given some artistic processing to such words, but you know what, these words all touched Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

Especially the sentence 'Where Konoha dances, the fire will also continue', for some reason, Sarutobi Hiruzen always felt that this sentence was very consistent with his heart. He sounded very comfortable!

"In this case, let Shinnosuke take the exam with this year's graduates! The same will be true in the future. If the individual's ability is sufficient and the thinking is acceptable, they can graduate early! At the same time, pay special attention to the tests of the children who graduate early. Don't let them off easily, but don't be too harsh! Everything will proceed normally!"


After getting the answer, Yamato Gansuke and Aozawa Maria nodded in agreement, and then under the gaze of Sarutobi Hiruzen, they left the office one after another.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the closed office door and took two more puffs of his cigarette.

"Where the leaves of Konoha dance, the fire will also continue? That's great! I didn't expect a fourth-grade child to understand the will of fire so thoroughly!"

Yamato Gansuke and Aozawa Maria then returned to the ninja school. The first thing Yamato Gansuke did was to find Aizen Shinnosuke sleeping on the table.

"Shinnosuke! Come here!"

Waked up by Minato Namikaze, Shinnosuke Aizen looked up and saw Yamato Gansuke standing at the door of the classroom calling him.

Looking at him, Shinnosuke Aizen guessed that the early graduation he had mentioned not long ago should be in place.

So Shinnosuke Aizen quickly ran to him, and sure enough, Yamato Gansuke immediately pressed Shinnosuke Aizen's arms and said to him excitedly:

"Shinnosuke, the Hokage has approved your application for early graduation! Next week, you will take the test with the graduates of this year. If you pass the test, you will become a Genin!"


Aizen Shinnosuke really didn't expect that Yamato Gansuke would be so efficient.

He had just said something at noon, and he actually gave a reply before the afternoon. Originally, Aizen Shinnosuke thought that he would have to wait until tomorrow to get a reply.

"That's right! I just asked the Hokage in person. But don't be too proud about this matter, there is still a test. Although the content of the test is to last three minutes in the hands of a Genin, I know that your strength is enough to deal with a Genin. But don't be proud, don't be complacent, if something goes wrong by then, then you can only wait until the sixth grade to graduate!"

After the joy, Yamato Gansuke then put on the appearance of a strict teacher and warned Aizen Shinnosuke. Although he knew that Aizen Shinnosuke's strength was definitely stronger than that of a Genin, just in case, if this guy made a mistake during the test because of excitement and pride, it would be over.

Therefore, normal beatings are very necessary!

""Yes! I will pay more attention, Mr. Yamato!"

Seeing that Aizen Shinnosuke nodded firmly, Yamato Gansuke let him go. After that, this afternoon until school was over, Aizen Shinnosuke rarely did not sleep in the later classes. This made the teacher who taught in the afternoon think that he might have said something wrong. To the extent that Aizen Shinnosuke did not sleep in his own class. The other students were also very curious about this matter.

And they also noticed that as soon as school was over, Aizen Shinnosuke was even the first to rush out of the school, and then left the ninja school like the wind.

Uzumaki Kushina, who originally wanted to take advantage of the afternoon school to get acquainted with Aizen Shinnosuke again, looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who was running away quickly, and her chubby little face once again turned into a pufferfish in anger.

"That guy did it on purpose! He actually avoided me!"

On the other side, Namikaze Minato looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who was leaving, and he was confused. He didn't understand why he became like this after Yamato teacher and Aizen Shinnosuke finished talking at noon. After thinking about it, Namikaze Minato turned around and walked towards the teacher's office.............

"I'm back!"

The clan land of the Senju clan, because of the arrangements of the first and second Hokage, is now rarely inhabited.

Most of the clan members have integrated into the village, and the surname Senju has been banned by the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama. After leaving the Senju clan, they can no longer use Senju as their surname.

This is why there is no surname in front of Tsunade and Nawaki's names. (When I wrote this, I suddenly felt something was wrong. In this case, Uzumaki Mito should be called Senju Mito. But for convenience, let's still call her Uzumaki Mito.)

"Kushina is back? How was your first day of school?"

Uzumaki Kushina returned home. Uzumaki Mito, who had become old, looked at Kushina with a loving face.

"Grandma Mito!"

Kushina threw down her schoolbag and threw herself directly into Uzumaki Mito's arms, saying softly

"That school......I think it's okay, it's quite interesting. But he's just a weird guy, very annoying!"

"Oh? Someone actually made you angry? Who is it? What does he look like?"

"What? Grandma Mito's focus is obviously wrong! Even though he's very handsome, he still makes me angry!"

Uzumaki Kushina lay in Uzumaki Mito's arms, twisting her body back and forth while talking, making Uzumaki Mito laugh non-stop.

"I'm back!"

Just at this moment, the voice of Rope Tree came from the door. Kushina hurriedly came out of Mito's arms, and then quickly tidied up her messy hair and clothes.

"Rope Tree is back?"

Uzumaki Mito looked at Rope Tree with the same loving expression, with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Brother Rope Tree!"

Kushina also rarely turned into a good girl, and greeted Rope Tree honestly.

"Hello, Kushina! How do you feel about your first day of school today? Are you feeling ok?"

Nawaki put down his schoolbag, then sat opposite Kushina, asking her like an older brother.

"Okay, but some people......"

""What? Someone bullied you?"

Sheng Shu frowned slightly, looking at Kushina's appearance, Sheng Shu felt that the thing he was worried about seemed to have happened.

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