In a ninja school, being bullied is common. After all, no one can tell whether there are a few troublemakers or Uchiha clan members in their class.

Troublemakers are easier to deal with, as they only bully the weak and fear the strong. But if it is an Uchiha clan member, then you will suffer a lot. Even after you graduate, as long as you are still in Konoha, those guys will come to trouble you from time to time.

It is precisely because of this that at noon today, Nawaki asked Aizen Shinnosuke to take care of Kushina, for fear that she would be bullied by others.

But now it seems that.........

Seeing Rope Tree frown, Kushina waved her hand

"She wasn't bullied! There was just a guy with a very strange temper. I looked for him several times, but I couldn't even say a few good words to him!"

After hearing that Uzumaki Kushina was not bullied, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. Then, Naruto looked at Kushina with a charming smile on his face and said to her

"Oh? Someone ignored you? Then can you tell me who it is? We will go find him tomorrow! Someone dares to mess with us, Kushina? I want to see who is so bold!"

Shengshu's words made Kushina blush. Her two palms even made afterimages, and she even shook her head at the end.

"No......No need, Brother Shengshu. I will take care of this matter! I won't bother you anymore!"

"Really not?"

Sheng Shu's eyes were full of smiles.

"Really not!"

Uzumaki Kushina nodded firmly.

"Okay, but......"Can you at least give me a name?"

Sheng Shu made a concession, so that if something happened later, he would at least have someone to look for.

"he......His name seems to be Aizen Shinnosuke. He is a strange guy in our class. The teacher doesn't care if he sleeps in class. And for some reason, when he doesn't sleep, the teacher becomes more nervous."

"Who? Aizen Shinnosuke?"

Nawaki stood up suddenly, and his movements were so fast that even Uzumaki Mito looked at him in surprise.

"Rope Tree? What's wrong? Is that child named Aizen Shinnosuke a troublemaker?"

This is the first time that Uzumaki Mito has seen his grandson Rope Tree react so much to hearing a person's name. For a moment, Uzumaki Mito was curious about the child named Aizen Shinnosuke.

In response to Uzumaki Mito's question, Rope Tree rubbed the back of his head a little embarrassedly. He sat down again and explained to Uzumaki Mito and Kushina.

"Actually, Shinnosuke is a very nice person. He is not a naughty guy!"

Kushina's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard Rope Tree actually called Aizen Shinnosuke Shinnosuke.

"Does Brother Nawaki know Shinnosuke Aizen?"

"Well, Shinnosuke and I are very good friends. We have lunch together every day, and when we have nothing to do, we also learn from each other.......I usually lose!"

Kushina pouted her round face when she heard that Aizen Shinnosuke went to have lunch with Nawaki at noon.

"I thought I was going to have lunch with him today, but Shinnosuke told me that he already had an appointment. So, it was you, Brother Nawaki!"

Nawaki really didn't know there was such a thing, and hurriedly apologized to Kushina.

Looking at the brother and sister playing around, Uzumaki Mito was full of smiles. She was originally worried that this girl would not be able to integrate into Konoha because of her previous experience, but now it seems that she was completely overthinking before.

Uzumaki Mito reached out and pulled the angry Kushina over, and reached out and touched her cheek.

"Our little girl wanted to have dinner with someone, but was rejected! Why is she so angry? Look at her bulging little face, she is so angry that she looks like a puffer fish!"

""Mito-san! I'm not a pufferfish!"

She was not angry, after all, she was the one who invited him rashly without knowing Shinnosuke's situation. No matter how she blamed him, it couldn't be blamed on Naruto and Shinnosuke.

On the side, Naruto was embarrassed. He didn't expect that he had snatched away Kushina's first friend inexplicably.

After thinking about it, Naruto said to Kushina

"How about this, bring your meal to the rooftop of the school tomorrow. Shinnosuke and I will eat there! And, let me tell you! Although Shinnosuke is the same age as you, his cooking is delicious!"When talking about the food cooked by Aizen Shinnosuke, Nawaki couldn't help swallowing his saliva. This scene was seen by Uzumaki Mito and Uzumaki Kushina.

""Okay! Then when I go there tomorrow, you can't hide from me!"

Seeing the worthless look on Rope Tree, Kushina immediately became curious about Aizen Shinnosuke's food.

How delicious must it be to make Rope Tree look like that?

Seeing that Kushina's mood had improved a lot, Uzumaki Mito immediately asked her to take a shower first. He also said that he and Rope Tree had something to say. Kushina nodded, picked up her schoolbag and left. Uzumaki Mito looked at Kushina walking away, then turned his head and just looked at Rope Tree.

Although Uzumaki Mito's smile on his face did not diminish, for some reason, Rope Tree felt inexplicable pressure.

"The child you just mentioned, Aizen Shinnosuke, is he an orphan?"

When Nawaki heard that his grandmother was asking about Shinnosuke, Nawaki subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes! Shinnosuke lives alone."

"How is his study? I just heard from Kushina that he always sleeps in the teacher's class?"

"Grandma, don't worry, Shinnosuke's grades are always the best in the grade! Everyone in the school knows about this. There is a genius in the fourth grade. Although he sleeps in class, he always gets the best score!"

Nawaki climbed to Uzumaki Mito's side and gently massaged her while saying

"You're still talking about him! You said it yourself just now, right? You always lose when competing with him! That's it, and you still want to go to the front line?"

After hearing what Uzumaki Mito said, Nawaki didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Weren't they just talking about Aizen Shinnosuke? Why did they suddenly turn to him again?

"Grandma, don't worry! I know my story, and I'm not a kid anymore! I'm already twelve years old this year!"

Nawaki threw herself into Uzumaki Mito's arms, acting like a spoiled brat like she did when she was a kid.

"Little mud monkey, you still say you are not little anymore! You are already twelve years old, but you are still acting like a spoiled child in your grandma's arms!"Uzumaki Mito stretched out her index finger and tapped Nawase's forehead, with a more kind smile on her face. At the same time, she also stretched out her hand to hug Nawase's body, just like when he was a child.

"By the way, I received a reply from your sister at noon today. They will be back soon!"


After hearing the news about his sister, Rope Tree jumped up from Mito's arms in surprise and looked at her with surprise. After seeing Uzumaki Mito nodded solemnly, Rope Tree immediately became happier.

"Then, I will tell Shinnosuke to come to our house tomorrow and ask him to cook a delicious meal to welcome my sister and her family!"

"Rope Tree! How could you bother your friend? Besides, he has his own things to do. Why would he come to your house just to cook a meal for you?"

Uzumaki Mito shook his head, thinking that his grandson was still a little too childish.

"It's okay, grandma. It just so happens that Shinnosuke wants to see his sister. I've been telling him that his sister is looking for an opportunity on the front line. Now, isn't this opportunity here?"

When Uzumaki Mito heard that Aizen Shinnosuke wanted to see Tsunade, his brows furrowed.

"He wants to see your sister? How?"

"It seems like it's for learning ninjutsu? Grandma, let me tell you, Shinnosuke's ninjutsu is very strange, he can't even use the three-body technique, he can only use some cards!

However, those cards of Shinnosuke are also quite powerful, even so, I can't beat him!"

Rope Tree muttered while speaking, without noticing at all. His grandma was actually a little absent-minded after hearing what he said.

The next day, at lunch.

Aizen Shinnosuke carried his lunch box and walked towards the rooftop as usual, but this time, Aizen Shinnosuke found that there was an extra follower behind him.

"Why are you following me?"

At the corner of the stairs, Aizen Shinnosuke stopped going up. Looking at Kushina who was also carrying a lunch box, he thought that Kushina was looking for him like yesterday.

"Humph! Who is following you? I have an appointment too!"

Kushina snorted at Aizen Shinnosuke, then passed Aizen Shinnosuke and walked in front.

Looking at Kushina walking away, Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and saw a flash of yellow light. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke shrugged helplessly.

"What is Minato hiding for?" There are not many guys in the whole school who have yellow hair and are fast. There is only one person, Minato Namikaze! So when Aizen Shinnosuke saw the yellow light, he knew that the guy was Minato.......When did Minato Namikaze develop this special habit? He likes to hide in the dark and spy on others?

Aizen Shinnosuke sighed and ignored the inexplicable Minato Namikaze. Then he went straight to the rooftop. Aizen Shinnosuke looked up and saw that Kushina was sitting next to Nawaki.

"Shinnosuke, here!"

Nawaki greeted him happily just like the gibbon yesterday.

Aizen Shinnosuke came to Nawaki with food in his hand. Before he could say anything, Nawaki couldn't wait to snatch the lunch box full of food from Aizen Shinnosuke's hand.

Then, under Kushina's equally curious gaze, Nawaki opened Aizen Shinnosuke's lunch box.

Because he was cooking for two people, Aizen Shinnosuke's lunch box was a little bigger than others. There were a lot of dishes in it. Sometimes, even Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki couldn't finish them. As the lunch box was opened, several dishes with good color, fragrance and taste appeared in front of Kushina. The little girl sniffed subconsciously, and then held back the saliva that was about to flow out.

"Brother Shengshu, these dishes are really delicious! And they look delicious!"

"I'm right, right? Shinnosuke, what's the name of the dish you cooked today?"

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