Looking at Nawaki who was waiting for him to name the dish with joy, Aizen Shinnosuke felt so tired.

"What do you care what it is? As long as it's edible, that's all! What's the matter? Do you want me to name the dishes for you?"

Aizen Shinnosuke glared at Nawase, then took up his rice and took a big bite. Nawase and Kushina looked at each other, then Nawase took the lead and took a bite of the dish with the quick-cooker.

Kushina looked at Nawase eating with great joy, and couldn't bear it anymore, so she also took up a chopstick and took a full chopstick of dishes.


At the entrance of the food, Kushina held her round little face with her eyes wide open.

"It's so delicious!"

Kushina exclaimed

"Of course, I tell you, the dishes made by Shinnosuke. You can never eat them anywhere else, these are dishes that belong to Shinnosuke alone!"

Noseki continued to pick up a piece of chopsticks, and then quickly put it into his mouth, and said to Kushina with a proud face. It was as if the one who made these dishes was not Aizen Shinnosuke but himself.

"Oh, by the way, Shinnosuke. Well, my grandma said that my sister will be back soon. Aren't you going to see her? I just want to welcome her, so I thought, why don't you come to my house on the day she comes back?"

""Okay, when?"

Aizen Shinnosuke asked Nawaki without even raising his head.


As for when Tsunade will come back, Nawaki really didn't know. When he was chatting with Uzumaki Mito yesterday, Uzumaki Mito only said that Tsunade was on her way back, but she didn't tell him exactly when.

"Four days later, Mito's grandmother said that Sister Tsunade would be back in four days!"

Fortunately, at this time, Kushina suddenly spoke up and told Aizen Shinnosuke the exact time when Tsunade would return to the village.

"Is that so? Well, I will visit you on time that day!

Aizen Shinnosuke continued to eat a mouthful of rice and said to Nawaki.

"Hehe, thank you very much! I'll have to trouble you to help me make something delicious that day!"

Nawaki looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, who looked up at him. This guy looked like a fool when he smiled. Aizen Shinnosuke glared at him unhappily. This guy didn't know and thought he was really a fool.

""Okay, okay, okay! I got it. I'll bring food with me on that day!"

Shinnosuke Aizen nodded helplessly, ending the conversation. Afterwards, the three of them concentrated on finishing the food in Shinnosuke Aizen's lunch box, and no one spoke anymore.

In this somewhat weird atmosphere, the three of them finally finished their lunch.

After packing up the lunch boxes, Nawaki went directly back to his class from the other side, while Shinnosuke Aizen and Kushina walked towards their classroom one after the other.

Just when the two were about to return to the classroom, a yellow-haired man suddenly rushed out from the stairs. Then the other party blocked Shinnosuke Aizen's way.

""Namikaze Minato! What are you doing!"

Shinnosuke Aizen was still thinking about Tsunade's imminent return, but was startled by Minato who suddenly appeared. Shinnosuke Aizen looked up and down in horror at Minato Namikaze who stopped him, and was a little confused about what this guy was thinking.

At this moment, Shinnosuke Aizen came back to his senses and subconsciously looked at Kushina who was standing behind him.

The moment Kushina Uzumaki noticed that Shinnosuke Aizen was looking at her, she thought that Shinnosuke Aizen wanted her to leave. So, after Kushina nodded and smiled awkwardly at Minato Namikaze, Kushina subconsciously shrank her body and carefully slid past the two of them.

As Kushina left, Minato Namikaze spoke to Shinnosuke Aizen

"Shinnosuke, what do you mean?"

Facing Minato Namikaze's question, this was the first time that Shinnosuke Aizen saw Minato Namikaze so angry. His delicate little face was flushed red because of anger.

Shinnosuke Aizen was really puzzled. Is Minato Namikaze's face so thin? Can it turn red just because of anger?

Shinnosuke Aizen even noticed that Minato Namikaze's eyes were a little red. If you didn't know, you would think Shinnosuke bullied him.

"Damn, it's not that serious, is it? Why are your eyes red? Are you an Uchiha?"

Looking at the pitiful Namikaze Minato, Aizen Shinnosuke felt a little disgusted for a moment. After all, no one can accept that the buddy who usually plays well with him looks at him like this.

Still red eyes? What? Is he going to cry?

"Let me make it clear first, I have no interest in Kushina. If you like her, go after her yourself and don't bother me."

Aizen Shinnosuke raised his hands, trying to use this method to tell Namikaze Minato that he and Kushina were innocent. Then, if Namikaze Minato really had this kind of stubbornness, he should save it for Kushina.

But what Aizen Shinnosuke didn't expect was that after his explanation, Namikaze Minato seemed to have heard something incredible, his eyes widened, and he pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Shinnosuke, what do you mean? I like Kushina? What's going on? First of all, I want to talk about your early graduation. What does this have to do with Kushina?"


Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Namikaze Minato and felt overwhelmed.

"No, wait a minute! You just said......Graduate early?"

"That's right! I know everything from the teacher. You applied for early graduation from the teacher! Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Looking at Minato Namikaze's serious face, who didn't seem to be lying, Aizen Shinnosuke was a little confused.

"no......this......What does my early graduation have to do with you? I'm a good student, and there's no point in staying in school, so I'll graduate naturally!"

Shinnosuke Aizen originally thought that the reason why Minato Namikaze was angry was because he and Kushina were too close, but he never expected that it was just because of his early graduation.

After talking to Minato Namikaze, Shinnosuke Aizen turned aside and was about to walk towards the classroom. But just when Shinnosuke Aizen was about to leave, Minato Namikaze grabbed Shinnosuke Aizen's arm, patted his chest and said to Shinnosuke Aizen

"How is it okay? You should know that the two of us are known as the Twin Stars of the Ninja School! Now you actually secretly applied to the teacher for early graduation without telling me?

Also, you just said that I like Kushina, what's going on? I just met her yesterday and we haven't even talked to each other for two sentences, how could I like her?"

Shit, Twin Stars of the Ninja School, what idiot gave them such a stupid name?

In addition, after hearing what Namikaze Minato said, Aizen Shinnosuke looked him up and down several times.

"What's wrong?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Aizen Shinnosuke in confusion, not knowing why he was looking at him like that.

"Let go of your hand first!"

Aizen Shinnosuke pushed away Minato Namikaze who was holding his arm, then looked at Minato Namikaze with a serious face and asked

"You really don't like Kushina?"

"Of course, why should I like her?"

"If you don't like her, you even stood up and talked to her yesterday!"

Aizen Shinnosuke really didn't believe it. Didn't they say that Minato Namikaze fell in love with Uzumaki Kushina at first sight? How could the Minato Namikaze in front of him say that he didn't like her?

"That's because I think she's very brave, daring to speak out about her dreams. She wants to be the first female Hokage of Konoha, don't you think she's amazing? But I think she just has a bad temper. I just glanced at her yesterday, and her eyes were so fierce that I almost scared myself to death."

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