"Aizen Shinnosuke! I'm back!"

Time flies, and five months have passed.

During these five months, because of the affairs of the Land of Earth, Hanzo had no time to take care of the slowly advancing Konoha. After all, not every ninja village has talents like Orochimaru. The third generation of the Land of Earth, the Tsuchikage, called Ohnoki, also launched an invasion of the Hidden Rain Village not long after knowing that Konoha attacked the Hidden Rain Village.

Unlike Konoha, Ohnoki attacked with all his strength. In this case, when the two sides were compared, Hanzo gave up Konoha temporarily and led people to stop Ohnoki.

However, Hanzo did not ignore Konoha at all. Hanzo still asked other elite jonins of the Rain Ninja to pay attention to Konoha. Once some special situations occurred, Hanzo could make arrangements in the first time. On this day, Nawaki, who was out patrolling with other teammates, returned to the camp. As soon as he returned to the camp, Nawaki ran directly to Shinnosuke Aizen.

Then, he threw a Rain Ninja forehead protector to Aizen Shinnosuke as if to ask for credit.

"This is the guy from Yuyin who I defeated myself! Hehe......Isn't it amazing?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at the proud Nawaki and the forehead protector in his hand, and glanced at him unhappily.

"You should think about how to explain to Tsunade later. She got the news before me."

"It's over!"

When he mentioned his sister, Sheng Shu's smile suddenly fell. How could he have forgotten about this matter!

"Shinnosuke, my sister is not angry, right?"

Naoki ran to Aizen Shinnosuke and looked at him with begging eyes, wanting to get some useful information from him. Aizen Shinnosuke was about to answer Naoki, but a hand quietly reached in from outside the tent and opened the curtain of the tent. Aizen Shinnosuke took a look and saw who the person was, Tsunade.

"Shinnosuke! Don't be silent! Is my sister angry or not?"

Nongshu didn't notice the movement behind him at all, and continued to ask Aizen Shinnosuke.

Tsunade naturally heard the question of Rope Tree, so she winked at Aizen Shinnosuke. Aizen Shinnosuke immediately understood, and then he looked at Rope Tree with a serious face and answered

"Nawaki, I tell you, Sister Tsunade is very angry! Before your sister came back, she had already troubled the teacher and Master Jiraiya. I guess she has received the news of your return and is coming here!"

"It's over!"

Sheng Shu was so frightened that his facial features changed.

"No! I have to find a place to hide! Shinnosuke, if my sister asks, just say I haven't been here!"

Said, Nawaki picked up his clothes and was about to run.

But when he turned around, Nawaki was frightened and stiffened.


"Take your clothes, where are you going?"

Tsunade walked into the tent with a cold face, staring at Nawase with both eyes, making Nawase feel creepy.

"hey-hey......elder sister......"

When in doubt, he showed weakness first. Nawase looked at Tsunade and thought like a fool.

However, this did not win Tsunade's mercy. She raised her hand and grabbed Nawase's ear, then roared in his ear:

""You are so brave, Nawaki! You dare to chase the enemy ninja alone! Aren't you afraid it's a trap? What if it's a trap?"

Looking at the angry Tsunade, Nawaki knew that his sister was doing this because she cared about him. So, he softened and begged for mercy from Tsunade.

However, Tsunade would not let Nawaki go so easily. She continued to hold Nawaki's ears, determined to teach Nawaki a lesson.

""Tsunade, are you busy?"

At this time, Orochimaru and Jiraiya came out of the tent together. And the one who spoke just now was Orochimaru.

After asking, Orochimaru and Jiraiya did not wait outside. Instead, they opened the curtain of the tent and walked in together.

"You two came to see me together, what's wrong?"

Tsunade was still holding Rope Tree's ears. Looking at Orochimaru and Jiraiya who came to see her together, Tsunade's heart trembled. In addition, Orochimaru and Jiraiya looked sad after entering the room, and Tsunade panicked for a moment.


After taking a deep breath, Tsunade suppressed her anxiety and said to Orochimaru

"It's okay, just tell me. I've already guessed it even if you didn't tell me!"

Looking at Tsunade who was pretending to be strong, Orochimaru didn't insist anymore and said

"The news just came from Konoha, last night......Mito-sama......Gone!"

Although Tsunade already knew what Orochimaru was going to say, when she really heard the news, her legs went weak and she almost fell to the ground.


Jiraiya hurried forward to support Tsunade and helped her to the bed beside him.

Aizen Shinnosuke came to Rope Tree, who now looked stunned. Obviously, he was also shocked by the news. Aizen

Shinnosuke didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only accompany Rope Tree like this.

"I......I need some space......I......"

After a long while, Tsunade seemed to come back to her senses. She pushed Jiraiya and spoke to him and Orochimaru. Orochimaru and the other man did not insist. Tsunade pushed them gently and they left.

In the tent, only Tsunade, Nawaki and Aizen Shinnosuke were left.

However, Aizen Shinnosuke did not stay here any longer. He looked at Tsunade and Nawaki. Finally, he patted Nawaki on the shoulder and said to Nawaki,

"I'm outside, if you need anything, just shout."

After saying that, Aizen Shinnosuke opened the curtain of the tent and walked out.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya were both staying in the main tent. They were making plans for the next attack, but as they went deeper and deeper into the hinterland of the Rain Country, it was actually difficult for them to transport supplies in.

Because the longer the battle line, the longer the team delivering supplies had to travel.

In this way, the chances of the enemy attacking their supplies increased. In the past month, the supplies shipped from Konoha have been attacked by the Rain Ninja several times.

It was precisely because of the lack of supplies that they slowed down the speed of attacking the Rain Country.

""Teacher Orochimaru! Master Jiraiya!"

Orochimaru and Jiraiya looked up when they heard the shout, and then saw Aizen Shinnosuke coming in.

"It's Shinnosuke, what's wrong? Could it be that something happened to Tsunade and the others?"

Jiraiya stood up excitedly, and then raised his foot to walk towards the tent of Aizen Shinnosuke and the others.

"No! No!"

Seeing this, Aizen Shinnosuke hurriedly stopped Jiraiya and said

"Tsunade-sama and the others are fine, but since I came here, except for the attack by the Rain Ninja on the first night, I have been following Tsunade-sama to learn.

So far, I have not even performed a patrol. So I want to join a patrol, I wonder if it is possible?"

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