"You want to join the patrol?"

Orochimaru looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, not sure what this kid was thinking.


Aizome Shinnosuke nodded and answered with determination.

However, Orochimaru looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and spoke with some concern.

"But you......"

"I'm fine, Master Orochimaru! Besides, Rope Tree has patrolled several times, so there's no reason why I can't do it!"

Orochimaru thought about it, but couldn't find a reason to refuse Aizen Shinnosuke, so he nodded. However, just as Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and was about to leave, Orochimaru reminded him.

"I can let you go on patrol, but you have to promise me that you can't be like Rope Tree. He actually went to chase the Rain Ninja alone. It's good that nothing happened. But if something happened, even if we wanted to rescue him, we wouldn't be able to get there in time!"

"I understand, Master Orochimaru!"

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded to Orochimaru, indicating that he would not do the same stupid thing as Rope Tree and chase the Rain Ninja alone.

Seeing that Aizen Shinnosuke agreed to him, Orochimaru asked him to go out on patrol with the patrol team tomorrow.

Soon it was night, and Aizen Shinnosuke, who had already slept, got up to go to the bathroom. Just as he was about to go back to sleep, he suddenly saw Tsunade drinking alone in the camp.

"Sister Tsunade, are you drinking?

Aizen Shinnosuke thought for a moment and walked towards her.

"Oh, it's Shinnosuke. Yes.......Drinking!"

Tsunade squinted her eyes and finally saw clearly who the person was. After seeing clearly, Tsunade waved her hand indifferently.

Aizen Shinnosuke sat aside and looked at Tsunade. Tsunade never drank before.

Because Tsunade said that the most important thing for a medical ninja is to have a clear mind and a pair of very stable hands. If you drink, not only will your brain become paralyzed, but it will also make people's control over their hands less precise.

So in the past, Tsunade didn't even smell alcohol, let alone drink.

But today, Tsunade actually drank for the first time. The strongest medical ninja in Konoha now used alcohol to paralyze herself.

"Sister Tsunade, there is no need for you to be so sad. This world is too dirty. If it were in the Pure Land, it might be cleaner, right? Besides, in the Pure Land, the first generation is waiting for Grandma Mito!"

After a long while, Aizen Shinnosuke finally spoke and advised Tsunade.

"Pure Land......grandfather......"

Tsunade turned her head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who was sitting not far from her, her eyes narrowed slightly again.

"Yes, the Pure Land! Don’t you think it’s beautiful? It’s a place without war and death. You can meet those who loved you when they were alive there, and they will wait for you there.

In other words, death is not terrible. Grandma Mito actually went to see the first generation, why should you be sad for her? You should be happy for her!

She can finally see her children, her husband, her parents, and her friends. The Country of Whirlpools was destroyed, right? The people there are all Grandma Mito’s clansmen. Now, Grandma Mito can finally see them!"

Shinnosuke Aizen looked at the moon in the sky and kept persuading Tsunade.

As Shinnosuke Aizen spoke more and more, the light finally reappeared in Tsunade's eyes.

Noticing this scene, Shinnosuke Aizen struck while the iron was hot and continued to say to Tsunade

"For us, the dead have indeed left us. But that's because we are still alive, living in this world. As long as we think that we will never see them again in this life, we will be sad. At the same time, we will also have a fear of death, and this fear will deepen our sadness.

But what about another angle? Death is actually more like going home for people. We are just children wandering outside, and one day, we will all go home! By then, we can see the people we love again!" At this moment, Tsunade finally got rid of her previous emotions.

Seeing this scene, Aizen Shinnosuke finally put down his worries.

For Naruto, Aizen Shinnosuke thinks that the so-called Pure Land is very good. I just don't know if the Pure Land is the same as this world? The people there really saw their loved ones.

The next day, Orochimaru and Jiraiya discovered that Tsunade, who was still immersed in sadness yesterday, actually cheered up again. Moreover, her mental state is even better than before.

"Tsunade......Are you okay?"

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade with some concern, fearing that she might have been so shocked that her personality changed drastically.

"Me? I'm fine!"

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with a strange expression, not knowing what this guy meant by strange.

Then Tsunade shrugged, turned around, and went to comfort her brother. Yesterday, she was comforted by Aizen Shinnosuke, so as a sister, she should also comfort her brother.

Looking at Tsunade who was in a good mood, Jiraiya and Orochimaru were both a little confused.

On the other side, Aizen Shinnosuke joined today's patrol team.

This patrol team is actually better called a class, because it is really composed of the Genin who just graduated this year and their team leader Jonin.

Although Aizen Shinnosuke didn't know them, they all knew Aizen Shinnosuke.

After all, during the graduation examination, Aizen Shinnosuke's reputation was too great. The first guy in the history of the Ninja School to apply for early graduation, the fourth-grade genius student-Aizen Shinnosuke

"Your name is Aizen Shinnosuke, right? Hello, I am their guiding jonin, my name is Higashiguchi Kozo!"

The guiding jonin came to Aizen Shinnosuke and stretched out his hand to him.

Aizen Shinnosuke first glanced at the hand stretched out by the other party, then looked at this guy called Higashiguchi Kozo, and finally stretched out his hand and shook his hand

"Hello, Higashiguchi Jonin, I am Aizen Shinnosuke!"

"Aizen Shinnosuke, I know you! I saw you during the assessment!"

At this moment, one of the boys ran up to Aizen Shinnosuke and, imitating Higashiguchi Kozo, stretched out his hand to Aizen Shinnosuke.

"My name is Zhou Ben Shinichi! The other two are Shimura Shimokawa and Inuzukayama!"

Compared to the one called Zhou Ben Shinichi, Aizen Shinnosuke obviously focused more on Shimura Shimokawa and Inuzukayama.

Shimura Shimokawa should be a member of Shimura Danzo's clan, and Inuzuka, the largest pet shop in Konoha is owned by their family, and Aizen Shinnosuke has an impression of their family.

"Hello, please advise me!"

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't say much, and nodded politely to Aizen Shinnosuke.

After a simple greeting, under the leadership of Higashiguchi Kozo, Aizen Shinnosuke and his four companions began to patrol along the designated route.

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