Not long after walking, Aizen Shinnosuke curiously asked Toga Kozo

"Donghe Jonin, when patrolling, do we patrol as a squad? In this way, won't we have enough manpower?"

Donghe Kosan, who was walking in front, looked back at Aizen Shinnosuke and explained to him:

"This patrol is arranged with a class going out every half an hour. In this way, there will be no shortage of manpower, and if something really happens. As long as you hold on for a while, or run directly to the camp, there is a great chance of being rescued. It has reduced casualties to the greatest extent possible, and it has trained you, a group of Genin. It is a good mission!"

After listening to Higashiguchi Kozo's explanation, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded in sudden realization.

Orochimaru and the others had never mentioned these things, so Aizen Shinnosuke naturally didn't know about them. In the main tent, Orochimaru and the others talked more about the entire battlefield.

In fact, patrolling is very boring. After all, the patrollers have to be alert and alert to the dangers that may appear at any time.

After all, this is too energy-consuming. Especially in the Rain Country, the environment is not good. It has been raining all the time, and there may be potholes on the road. You have to be careful about the surroundings and your feet, so after a while, Zhou Benshen and the other two were a little tired.

"All right! All right! Cheer up, I'm Shinnosuke, I'm younger than all of you, and I'm still holding on!"

Higashiguchi Kozo looked at his three disciples, pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke who was standing beside him and spoke to them.

Aizen Shinnosuke quickly waved his hands in response. He didn't want to be 'someone else's child', and the reason why he was so energetic was all thanks to Tsunade.

Compared to changing the bandages for the wounded in the tent, Aizen Shinnosuke felt that patrolling was more interesting. After all, he hadn't seen the scenery outside since he came to the Rain Country. Unlike

Zhou Ben Shinichi and the others, they were used to it.

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke opened his mouth and was about to explain to Zhou Ben Shinichi and the others, suddenly a kunai with an explosive tag was thrown at the feet of Aizen Shinnosuke and the others, and then an explosion occurred.

The speed was so fast that Aizen Shinnosuke only had time to cast a flash on himself.

On the other side, Higashiguchi Kozo was worthy of being a senior ninja. The first second he saw the explosive tag, he threw himself on his three disciples and used his body to help his disciples avoid the damage of the explosive tag.

"Enemy attack!"

After seeing that Aizen Shinnosuke was fine, Toguchi Kosan hurriedly pulled Zhou Benshen and the others up. Then he took out a kunai and looked around with a vigilant look.

""Tsk, you're so lucky! I didn't hurt you like this!"

Aizen Shinnosuke and the others looked in the direction where the voice came from, and saw several big men standing not far away. Judging from their clothes and forehead protectors, these guys were ninjas from the Land of Earth.

"Ninjas from the Land of Earth? Why are you attacking us? Do you want to go to war with Konoha?"At first, Toguchi Kosan was curious whether the people from Yuyin Village were crazy to attack them.

But now it seems that the attackers were not from Yuyin Village. They were ninjas from the other side, from the Land of Earth Village.

"Start a war? Hey, hey, hey, don't think so highly of yourself! Are you, Konoha, really going to go to war with our Land of Earth just because of you guys?"

"That's right! Can you please stop thinking too highly of yourselves?"


Facing Higashiguchi Kozo's warning, the ninjas from the Land of Earth clearly didn't take it seriously at all. When Aizen Shinnosuke saw their arrogant attitude, his mouth curled up slightly.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!"

After laughing, one of the ninjas from the Land of Earth began to make hand seals with his hands. Then, a dragon head rose from the ground, and from the dragon's mouth, it began to spit out stones and attacked Aizen Shinnosuke and the others.

"Earth escape technique: Earth Flow Wall!"

Facing the attack from the Iwagakure ninja, Toguchi Kozo immediately formed a seal and then raised a huge earth wall in front of everyone to resist the attack from the opposite side. The earth dragon bullet from the opposite side hit Toguchi Kozo's earth flow wall, causing a huge vibration, which was felt by Aizen Shinnosuke and others behind the earth flow wall.

"No! There are some ninjas with the strength of a jonin among the guys on the opposite side. We are no match for them. Shinichi, take everyone and run! I will buy you some time!"

Dongguchi Gusan said as he jumped out from behind the earthen wall, made seals with both hands and rushed towards the Iwagakure ninja.

"Let's go! Let's go find someone!"

Zhou Benshen said, and took Shimura Xiahe and Inuzukayama to leave. However, Zhou Benshen noticed that Aizen Shinnosuke did not move.

"Shinnosuke! Hurry up!"

Zhou Benzhen looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and shouted to him anxiously.

"You go first, Higashiguchi Jonin alone can't hold back all the Iwagakure on the opposite side. I'll stay here to help him, you guys hurry up and find someone!"

As he said that, Aizen Shinnosuke also rushed out

"Aizen Shinnosuke!"

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke rushing over, Zhou Benzhen stretched out his hand to stop him. But before he stretched out his hand, Aizen Shinnosuke had already rushed out.

"Damn it! Let's go! Let's go!"

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke running away, Zhou Benshen led the other two and ran straight away.


Aizen Shinnosuke used the technique of stealing the Earth Dragon Bullet on the Iwagakure who had previously used the Earth Dragon Bullet.

However, the Iwagakure saw a hand made of chakra actually reaching into his body. Not only him, but the other Iwagakure also thought it was some powerful ninjutsu, and they were all very nervous.

""Takashi, are you okay?"

His companions looked at the Iwagakure named Takashi with concern.

"It's ok, I don't have any other feelings......"

"Hey, that kid! What's wrong with your ninjutsu?"

Seeing Long said that he was fine, out of caution, the Iwagakure ninja pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke and asked

"Shinnosuke? Why didn't you leave?"

Touguchi Kosan looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who appeared beside him, his face horrified.

Why didn't this kid leave with Shinichi and the others? If something happened, even if he could run away, how would he explain it to Orochimaru?

Touguchi Kosan knew that Aizen Shinnosuke was Orochimaru's disciple. Moreover, Aizen Shinnosuke had a good relationship with Jiraiya and Tsunade.

"Earth escape: Earth Dragon Bullet!"

Aizen Shinnosuke first released the Earth Dragon Bullet he had just obtained towards Iwagakure. While Iwagakure was dodging, he spoke to Higashiguchi Kozo

"Higashiguchi Jonin, you don't think that you alone can stop them, do you?"

"That's not something you, a Genin, can participate in! The weakest on the other side are Chunins......."

"Genin? Chunin? I didn't say that, my strength is only Genin! Higashiguchi Jonin, pay attention!" Aizen

Shinnosuke smiled slightly, then took out a new card.

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