The Land of Rain, the Hidden Rain Village.

The office that originally belonged to Hanzo Salamander is now the meeting room for Orochimaru and his team.

Orochimaru looked at the news that was spreading wildly in the ninja world recently, and was very worried. On the side, Tsunade looked at the news about Aizen Shinnosuke insulting the name of the Land of Rain, and her fists were crackling with anger.

"Slander! This is blatant slander! When did Aizen Shinnosuke say anything about the Daimyo of the Land of Rain? Who on earth is the idiot who spread this news?"

Tsunade threw the information in her hand aside and slammed the table in protest.

"The most important thing now is not who said it, but the fact that the whole ninja world knows about Aizen Shinnosuke and the Daimyo of the Land of Rain. Moreover, it seems that the teacher has also been called by the Daimyo of our Land of Fire. I am afraid......"

Next to Tsunade, Jiraiya sighed and picked up the information that Tsunade had just thrown away.

"Shinnosuke, what do you think about this matter?"

While Tsunade and Jiraiya were talking to each other, Orochimaru turned to Aizen Shinnosuke who was sitting on the other side and asked. Aizen

Shinnosuke looked up at Orochimaru, then lowered his head again and wiped the ancient ingot knife in his hand with concentration.

"There is no need to think about it, this news must have come from our Elder Danzo!"

"Who? Shimura Danzo?"

Tsunade turned her head sharply and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, her eyes emitting dangerous red light, as if she was going to eat Shimura Danzo in the next moment.

"Oh? Why? Do you have any evidence? How can you be so sure that this was done by Elder Danzo?"

Orochimaru looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with interest. He didn't understand where Aizen Shinnosuke got the news from. He insisted that this news was spread by Shimura Danzo.

"I don't need evidence! Just a suspicion is enough!"

Aizome Shinnosuke put the ancient ingot sword on his waist, and at the same time, Nawaki pushed the door open and walked in.

"Shinnosuke, I have prepared everything you asked me to prepare!"

Nawaki came in holding a set of clothes, and the attention of Orochimaru and the other two was immediately attracted.

"Nawaki, what did Shinnosuke ask you to prepare?

Tsunade walked to Nawaki curiously and started to look through the things in Nawaki's arms.

"Clothes? Shinnosuke, why did you ask Nawaki to prepare clothes for you?"

"Clothes are meant to be worn, of course!"

Aizen Shinnosuke snatched the clothes from Tsunade's hand, and then went to the next room to change clothes.

Tsunade looked at the back of Aizen Shinnosuke leaving, and her face began to become solemn.

"Shinnosuke has changed!"

"After all, you grow up! Everyone changes, Tsunade!"

Orochimaru sat in his seat, looking through the information about the Hidden Rain Village while responding to Tsunade.

Although Konoha sent a message for them to leave, it did not say that they must leave immediately. Moreover, the current Sandaime Hokage was taken away by the Daimyoji of the Land of Fire, so it would not be a big deal for them to stay for a while!

"Orochimaru! I'm not talking about whether he grows up or not! I can feel that Shinnosuke is gradually becoming different from before. He is fierce and bloodthirsty. Hanzo kills with a word. If this continues, I'm afraid he will........."

Tsunade's voice immediately attracted the attention of Orochimaru and the other two. Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Rope Tree looked at each other, and then Rope Tree spoke to Tsunade

"Sister, Shinnosuke is not as serious as you said, right? You see, apart from the incident with Hanzo, Shinnosuke didn't do anything exciting! He is still a good boy!"

As soon as Rope Tree finished speaking, Shinnosuke Aizen came out with his clothes changed.

The clothes Shinnosuke Aizen asked Rope Tree to prepare were based on the clothes that Obito wore on the night of the red moon. At the same time, Shinnosuke Aizen also prepared a mask of the same style as Obito.

However, his mask had two holes, revealing the two eyes of Shinnosuke Aizen.

"So handsome! Shinnosuke, you are wearing so many clothes. What are you going to do?"

Noseki came to Aizen Shinnosuke, circled around Aizen Shinnosuke a few times, and said to Aizen Shinnosuke in an excited tone

"Ah, I'm going to kill that stupid Daimyo from the Land of Rain!"

Aizen Shinnosuke spoke in a very calm tone, as if he was just going out to buy something.

"Aizen Shinnosuke!"

Tsunade screamed and rushed directly to Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Tsunade pushed Aizen Shinnosuke against the wall and questioned him with a serious expression.

"Of course I know, don't worry, I'm still very sober!"

Aizen Shinnosuke's tone was still calm, but for some reason, Tsunade felt that her mood began to become irritable.

"That's a daimyo! Not an enemy!"

"How can we not be enemies? I am from the Land of Fire, and he is the daimyo of the Land of Rain. No matter how you look at it, there is no relationship between him and me, right?"

"No, no, no, that's not what Shinnosuke said!"

Jiraiya also realized that something was wrong, and he quickly got up from the sofa. He came to Aizen Shinnosuke's side and joined the team that tried to persuade Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Shinnosuke, you have to know that the daimyo is the leader of a country. His status is lofty. It’s okay if you don’t have awe, but you must not do such a stupid thing!"

Orochimaru also walked to the side of Aizen Shinnosuke at this time, and he was different from Tsunade and Jiraiya. Orochimaru just looked at Aizen Shinnosuke like this, and after a long time, he finally spoke

"Shinnosuke, why did you kill the daimyo?"

""Orochimaru!" Jiraiya is here���He was still trying to persuade Aizen Shinnosuke, but when he got to Orochimaru, he actually asked Shinnosuke if he wanted to kill the daimyo? The first time Aizen Shinnosuke heard Orochimaru's voice, he looked up at Orochimaru and said calmly.

"We lost many of our companions and spent a lot of supplies to defeat Hanzo and occupy the Hidden Rain Village. Now, just because of a word from that so-called stupid daimyo, we have to withdraw?

What has our previous actions become? A joke? Or are we ninjas a joke that can be manipulated at will in the eyes of those daimyo?

Even if we have the power to destroy the world, we still have to listen to the orders of an ordinary person?"

"Shinnosuke! Do you know what the consequences will be after you attack the daimyo? Even if it is a war and the enemy ninja kidnaps our daimyo, we must provide him with good food and drink.

And after the war is over, we must send the enemy back intact. In addition, if the daimyo is angry, those ninjas who kidnapped him before will even have to commit seppuku to apologize!

Do you know what your status will be in the ninja world if you really kill the daimyo? At that time, the entire ninja world will hunt you down! Aren't you.........Self-destruction? What good will it do you? I don't see any benefit except a bunch of unfavorable consequences for you!"

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