Orochimaru's eyes were still fixed on Aizen Shinnosuke, and his words were not full of blame like Tsunade's. Or like Jiraiya, who kept persuading.

Orochimaru's words to Aizen Shinnosuke completely put the outcome of this matter in front of Aizen Shinnosuke. Then......It's up to him to choose.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Orochimaru deeply, and finally turned and left under their gaze.

"Benefits? The death of the daimyo is the biggest benefit to me! As for the disadvantages you mentioned, teacher......All the unfavorable factors in this world are caused by the lack of ability of the parties involved!

Even if they are hunted down, so what? Those who are not afraid of death can come! I want to see where they get the courage from......."

"Crazy! Crazy! All crazy!"

Tsunade punched the wall beside her and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke's back as he walked away. She didn't know why her brother had become like this.

Jiraiya also frowned and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, then took a step forward, ready to stop Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Let him go!"

But as soon as Jiraiya moved, Orochimaru reached out and stopped Jiraiya

"Orochimaru, you are still stopping me at this time?"

"Why can't I stop you? Didn't you stop me from killing the Salamander Hanzo before?"

Then, Orochimaru looked up in the direction where Aizen Shinnosuke was walking.

"‘All the disadvantages in this world are caused by the lack of ability of the parties involved. 'Do you think you can really stop Aizen Shinnosuke from saying this?

Even if you stop him this time, what about the next time? How many times can you stop him? Let him go, I seem to......Found the wind that can blow the ninja world!"

"Feng? I think he's going crazy! Orochimaru! I shouldn't have let him become your disciple in the first place. Look at what he has done to Aizen Shinnosuke. He's gone crazy!"

After venting her anger at Orochimaru, Tsunade simply carried the rope tree and left.

Orochimaru was in too much danger now, and Tsunade was no longer confident in leaving her brother to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru didn't say much about this. What he was most concerned about now was Aizen Shinnosuke.

After a day of traveling, on the morning of the second day, Aizen Shinnosuke had already reached the capital of the Rain Country. It was called the capital, but in fact it was just a larger town.

The architectural style here was the same as that of the Hidden Rain Village, and the pedestrians on the road also wore bamboo hats.

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't stay on the street for too long. He found a hotel and moved in. It was not until the moon rose that Shinnosuke Aizen, who had rested for a day, left the inn.

The place where the daimyo of the Land of Rain is located is easy to recognize. The most prosperous place in the town is the daimyo's home.

Shinnosuke Aizen jumped over the wall of the daimyo's house with a light jump, and then Shinnosuke Aizen began to explore the daimyo's mansion.

Before officially taking action against the daimyo, he had to at least investigate the daimyo's mansion clearly. He kept searching until two or three o'clock in the morning, which was the time when people were most tired. Shinnosuke Aizen, who had been hiding in the dark, finally came out.

He held the ancient ingot sword in his hand and walked in the daimyo's mansion as if no one was around.


Such a swaggering action was naturally discovered by the ninjas from the daimyo's mansion within three minutes.

In an instant, Aizen Shinnosuke was surrounded by more than a dozen ninjas wearing forehead protectors from the Hidden Rain Village.

""You cunning fellow, tell me what you are here for!"

The leading ninja pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke, and the other rain-gakure ninjas also drew their weapons. As long as Aizen Shinnosuke made any unnecessary movements, they would attack him directly.

"Are you asking me?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked around at the ninjas around him, and then his eyes fell on the guy in the lead.

Seeing that the newcomer was not cooperating at all, the ninjas of Yuyin frowned immediately.



Yu Yin just opened his mouth to continue talking, but the next second, he saw the guy who wrapped himself tightly and wore a tiger mask on his face, actually rushed directly in front of him.

Moreover, the weapon in the other party's hand pierced his body.


"You've talked too much!"

Aizen Shinnosuke casually pulled out the ancient ingot sword, and then kicked the rain-ghost flying backwards.

The ability of the Three Kingdoms Killer card was too obvious, so Aizen Shinnosuke used the ability of Wu Hou Qi Men. Just now, Aizen Shinnosuke used the Xun word spell to speed up his speed.

"kill him!"

"Get rid of him!"

As Aizen Shinnosuke took action, the other Rain Village finally came to their senses. Some of them even shouted loudly, reminding their companions and the guards guarding the Daimyo.

"It's so noisy......"

Aizen Shinnosuke twisted his neck and took a deep breath.

As he finished breathing, Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes became firm.

"Come on!"

Aizen Shinnosuke used the ancient ingot sword in his hand to the extreme, and almost every few strikes would take the life of a Rain Ninja.

Those guys, under Aizen Shinnosuke's attack, were no match for Rope Tree.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique!"

"Earth escape·Tulong spear!"

"Wind Style: Vacuum Ball!"

"Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique!"


Seeing that they couldn't deal with Aizen Shinnosuke in close combat, the ninjas of Yuyin all began to use ninjutsu. Various ninjutsu attacked Aizen Shinnosuke from different directions.


Aizen Shinnosuke casually swung the ancient ingot sword in his hand, shaking off the blood that had not yet coagulated on the sword.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke stomped his left foot on the ground twice.

""Kun Zi· Earth River Wheel!"

The earth shook, and a giant snake made entirely of stone rose from the ground. It surrounded Aizen Shinnosuke and directly blocked all the ninjutsu of the Rain Hidden Ninjutsu.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

The ninja of Yuyin looked at the huge rock snake and was almost devastated.......


Suddenly, a voice came from behind one of the Rain Hidden Guardians.

The Rain Hidden Guardian didn't even react yet, he felt pain in his body, and finally fell to the ground.

The same thing happened to the remaining Rain Hidden Guardians, who were killed one after another by Aizen Shinnosuke.

The endless screams resounded over the daimyo's mansion.

At this moment, the daimyo of the Rain Country was curled up, shivering in his quilt.

Suddenly, the screams finally stopped, and the daimyo of the Rain Country paused. He pricked up his ears and listened for a long time, making sure that there was no sound, and then he slowly crawled out of the quilt.

As soon as he came out, he saw a pair of feet appear in his sight.

The daimyo of the Rain Country subconsciously raised his head, and saw a guy in black clothes and a mask standing in front of him.


The daimyo of the Rain Country screamed and fell backwards.

"You are the daimyo of the Rain Kingdom, right?"

"Don't kill me! I can give you whatever you want! Power? Money or beauty, I can give you everything, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

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