The daimyo of the Land of Rain knelt down like a dog in front of Aizen Shinnosuke. The high and mighty figure who had once questioned Konoha was no longer there, and he was humbled to the dust.

"Power? Money? Beauty?"

Aizen Shinnosuke kicked him over, and the knife in his hand pointed directly at the heart of the Lord of the Rain Country.

"It seems that this is all you can do. What do you think?......Will I need those things?"

"You are so bold!"

As if he knew that Aizen Shinnosuke would not let him go, the Daimyo of the Land of Rain suddenly became tough. He even reached out and directly moved Aizen Shinnosuke's knife away.

Then, the Daimyo of the Land of Rain got up from the ground. While standing up straight, he sorted out his clothes.

"I am the daimyo! I don't believe that you, a villain who dares not even show your face, actually dare to kill me! Now, I order you to tell me which country you are from! I want to question the daimyo of your country, whether he wants to cause a war in the whole world!"

Aizen Shinnosuke really didn't expect that this guy's brain was not ordinary bad. In this situation, he actually thought that the title of the daimyo on his head was useful.


Aizen Shinnosuke cleanly cut off one of the daimyo's arms directly, out of the body's protection mechanism. When the arm fell to the ground, the daimyo of the Rain Country hadn't even come back to his senses.

Until Aizen Shinnosuke raised his hand to remove his other hand, the daimyo of the Rain Country suddenly screamed. His right palm covered the broken part of his left arm, and the whole person knelt on the ground screaming.

"Ah!!! Ah!!! You......Damn you bastard! You lowly bug! How dare you......"

The daimyo of the Land of Rain cursed Aizen Shinnosuke. As a pampered daimyo, getting injured or even catching a cold was a minor issue.

But now, one of his arms was chopped off.......It was cut off

"You dare to kill me? Do you really dare to kill me? If you kill me, there will be no place for you in the whole ninja world! Even if you are a ninja, the whole ninja world will issue a wanted warrant for you! You can't escape, you can't escape!!!"

Looking at the Daimyo of Rain Country who was kneeling on the ground and barking like a dog, Aizen Shinnosuke just found it funny. He raised his hand and cut off one of the Daimyo of Rain Country's arms again.

With a burst of severe pain, the Daimyo of Rain Country screamed again.

Then Aizen Shinnosuke squatted in front of the Daimyo of Rain Country and raised his hand to remove the mask on his face.

The Daimyo of Rain Country looked at the guy in front of him. He looked like he was only in his teens. A teenager actually got rid of the guards around him like cutting melons and vegetables.

Even just now, he actually knelt in front of him?

The Daimyo of Rain Country had red bloodshot in his eyes. If you didn't know, you would think he had opened his Sharingan.

"So young, you......That guy is Aizen Shinnosuke, right?! The Konoha ninja who killed the Salamander Hanzo?!"

Although it was a question, the Lord of the Land of Rain said it with certainty.

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded in surprise and said

"Well, you have a very flexible mind. It seems that you, the great master, are not just a fool who knows nothing!"

"Ah......Ha ha......Hahaha......"

I don't know why the Daimyo of the Rain Country suddenly started laughing wildly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"I admit that you are very powerful. But you are still very young. You have exposed yourself like this. I didn't know how to arrest you at first......."

Looking at the Lord of the Rain Country who was talking to himself, Aizen Shinnosuke put the mask in his arms, then grabbed a handful of hair on the Lord of the Rain Country's head, dragged him out of the room, and threw him on the ground casually.

"You mean them, right? I showed my face, and you said my name. They can spread the news here, and then other daimyos will be afraid of me, a guy who dares to kill even daimyos. Thus, they will force the ninjas of their villages to join forces against me, right?"

The daimyo of the Rain Country raised his head and found that all the people in his house were standing in the yard in front of his house. Their expressions were dumbfounded, and they were controlled at a glance.

"You guy......"

The Daimyo of the Land of Rain turned his head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke. Because he had lost both hands, he could only wriggle on the ground like a maggot.

"This matter has nothing to do with them! You can't......cannot......"

"Hey, hey, hey, you're making me look like a villain when you say that!"

Aizen Shinnosuke stepped on the back of the Daimyo of the Land of Rain. For some reason, Aizen Shinnosuke couldn't help but reveal a very 'kind' smile on his face.

"Then, let's make a bet! Let's point out a person together. If we both point to the same person, I will send him away. If not, I can only say sorry to you!"

As he said this, Aizen Shinnosuke picked up the Daimyo of the Land of Rain from the ground. Then, looking at him

"Considering that you have no hands, then count them!"

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke clapped his hands, and the people below consciously stood in a five-by-five square.

"game......Let's begin!"

Aizen Shinnosuke and the Daimyo of the Land of Rain spoke almost at the same time.



""Oh, hoo!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head in disappointment, and then under the gaze of the Daimyo of the Land of Rain, Aizen Shinnosuke casually threw out something like a card, and then the two men's heads were cut off.

"You devil......"

The Daimyo of the Land of Rain bit his back teeth and looked at Shinnosuke, his eyes wide open as if they were about to bulge out in the next second.

""Go on?"

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't care at all. He even wanted to laugh.



""Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pity!"

Two more people were killed, and Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head with regret.

Seeing that four people had died so quickly, the Daimyo of the Land of Rain finally forced himself to calm down. He knew that if he was dominated by his emotions again, no one in the entire yard would survive.

Then, the Daimyo of the Land of Rain took several deep breaths in succession. However, he was a little dizzy due to excessive blood loss. However, he still forced himself to focus all his attention on the bet with Aizen Shinnosuke.

"So......Keep going. 2, 4!"

"2, 4!"

The Daimyo of the Land of Rain opened his mouth in excitement the moment he heard it. His bet was right, Aizen Shinnosuke really said the person in the first position. At this moment, the Daimyo of the Land of Rain was so happy that he almost fainted. Because the person in the 2nd and 4th position was his son. He was the next Daimyo of the Land of Rain, so he could save his son.

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