"It's all thanks to the effect of the ninjutsu. If we really talk about healing ability, I can't catch up with you, Sister Tsunade!"

"Are you still being modest?"

Tsunade grabbed Aizen Shinnosuke and rubbed his head hard several times.

"Well, since you are fine, Jiraiya, let's go!"

Orochimaru looked at Tsunade and Aizen Shinnosuke fighting, and then said

""Okay, let's go!"

Jiraiya nodded after hearing what Orochimaru said. Aizen Shinnosuke helped Tsunade up, and the four of them left the cave together. The four people who wanted to leave inevitably passed by the battlefield where Aizen Shinnosuke and the Iwagakure ninja had fought before. Looking at the charred bodies, Tsunade frowned and turned to look at Aizen Shinnosuke

"Did you do all this?"


Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and explained:

"My......I learned a new ninjutsu and wanted to test its power. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. The Iwagakure ninjas were still attacking you at the time. They were completely unprepared for my attack.

In the end, this is what happened!"

Hearing that Aizen Shinnosuke didn't do this on purpose, Tsunade couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She was just afraid that Aizen Shinnosuke would become a cruel and bloodthirsty person. If that happened, she didn't know how to face her brother in the future.

But what Tsunade didn't notice was that behind her, Orochimaru looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with a strange look.

The meaning contained in it was enough to make Aizen Shinnosuke feel a chill on his back. Without the pursuit of the ninja, the four of them slowly headed towards Konoha. Anyway, Aizen Shinnosuke also said that the Konoha ninjas and Rope Tree had returned to the border of the Land of Fire.

After walking for a long time, the four finally came to a place that looked like a town.

The reason why I say it looked like a town is that there was no one here at all.

All they saw was a scene of desolation. Obviously, this place had been attacked.

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke and the other four were sitting down to eat and rest, Jiraiya's eyes suddenly became sharp. He suddenly stood up, and then shouted at the stone pillar not far away.

"Come out!"

Looking at Jiraiya's actions, Aizen Shinnosuke and the other two also looked at the stone pillar behind them.

Under the gaze of the four people, a dirty little girl trembled and walked out.


Seeing the person coming, Aizen Shinnosuke couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Shinnosuke, do you know him?"

Tsunade glanced at the little girl opposite, and then her eyes fell on Aizen Shinnosuke. Even Orochimaru and Jiraiya were the same.

Facing the gazes of the three, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded without concealing his feelings.

"Yes, the reason why I was able to find you so quickly was because she pointed me in the direction!"

As he said that, Aizen Shinnosuke waved to Konan.

Konan looked at the other party waving at her, and although she didn't want to go over, she was afraid that the person opposite her would���The guy hit him again just like last time.

Xiaonan had no choice but to walk towards the four people carefully.

When she got closer, Tsunade suddenly pulled Xiaonan in front of her. Looking at this dirty and skinny girl, Tsunade's face showed pity.

"Are you hungry? Here!"

Tsunade wiped Xiaonan's face with her hand, and then handed the biscuits in her hand to Xiaonan.

Looking at the biscuits in front of her, Xiaonan did not reach out to take them, but looked directly at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Why are you looking at me? If you want to eat, take it!"

Noticing Konan's gaze, Aizen Shinnosuke was a little surprised.

After hearing Aizen Shinnosuke speak, Konan reached out to take the biscuit. However, Konan did not dare to take more, and only took one.

After getting it, Konan couldn't wait to put it in his mouth.

A biscuit that was half the size of an adult's palm, Konan stuffed it into his mouth directly. Then, he covered his mouth with his palm and began to chew.

Obviously, Konan was starving.

"your parents......"

Looking at the pitiful Xiaonan, Aizen Shinnosuke finally couldn't help but asked her

"quilt......Killed by a ninja!"

Faced with Aizen Shinnosuke's question, Konan's voice was a little weak. If you don't listen carefully, you might even think she was just crying.

"Ninja? Do you know which country they are from?"

To be honest, I was a little nervous when I heard that they were killed by ninjas. Because he remembered that Nagato's parents seemed to be killed by Konoha's ninjas.

I just don't know if there was any accident with Nagato's parents this time. If possible,......

Aizen Shinnosuke thought of Uzumaki Kushina who was staying in Konoha, and wanted to find some clan members for her, so that she wouldn't be too lonely.

"It was a ninja from Yugakure. My father was just a businessman. However, he was killed by a ninja from Yugakure for his goods.......Even my mother......"

Hearing that it was not the ninjas of Konoha who did the evil, Aizen Shinnosuke finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you want to kill him?"

However, just when Aizen Shinnosuke was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Orochimaru suddenly took out a kunai beside him, his eyes fell on Konan, and he said

""Teacher, what are you talking about?"

Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Orochimaru in surprise.

Orochimaru noticed Aizen Shinnosuke's gaze and explained:

"You know it yourself, life in this world is very difficult, even we can lose our lives if we are not careful. She is just a little girl, she probably won’t live long, right?

You saw it just now, she is alone, she can’t even eat. So, in order to reduce her pain, it’s better to kill her!"

As he said, Orochimaru moved his body and was about to take action. However, just as he moved, Jiraiya suddenly reached out and grabbed Orochimaru.


Jiraiya stared at Orochimaru with a serious face again, and this time, Jiraiya also glared at Aizen Shinnosuke

"Jiraiya, don't look at me like that."

Orochimaru glared back at Jiraiya, then turned his head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke

"Shinnosuke, you speak. I think you are the same as me in some ways. Anyway, we are both stained with blood, so whose blood is not blood?"

Shinnosuke Aizen never expected that what he said to Orochimaru would come back to him in this form. For a moment, Shinnosuke Aizen smiled bitterly.

However, Shinnosuke Aizen still shook his head at Orochimaru's suggestion.

"No, teacher, I think......She is someone who can be cultivated!"

As he said this, Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes fell on Konan. The little girl was being watched by so many people, and her small body couldn't help but tremble.

"Cultivate? Shinnosuke, you don't want to?"

Orochimaru frowned and stared at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Ah, after all, there are still many things to do in the future. No matter what, I have to train some subordinates, right? I think she is a good seedling!"

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