
However, just as Aizen Shinnosuke finished speaking, Jiraiya spoke again and denied Aizen Shinnosuke.

For a moment, the other three people's eyes all fell on Jiraiya. Whether it was Aizen Shinnosuke, Orochimaru, or Tsunade, the three of them wanted to know what Jiraiya was thinking.

"Shinnosuke, this is the Hidden Rain Village. You want to train her, are you going to bring her back to the village?"

Jiraiya stood in front of Aizen Shinnosuke and asked him with a serious face.

"Why not?"

Faced with Jiraiya's question, Aizen Shinnosuke did not answer immediately. Instead, Aizen Shinnosuke asked Jiraiya

"Of course not! She is not from Konoha, what if she causes harm to Konoha?"

Aizen Shinnosuke frowned and looked at Jiraiya, his eyes full of doubts.

Under Jiraiya's gaze, Aizen Shinnosuke pulled Konan over. Then he reached out and pushed the hair off her face, revealing Konan's pretty face.

"You said she is a threat to Konoha?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Konan and questioned Jiraiya in a puzzled tone.

Jiraiya was about to continue speaking, but Aizen Shinnosuke took the lead and continued to speak.

"When you said this, did you think about it, Jiraiya-sama? Would you rather say that a little girl who can't even afford to eat now will harm Konoha, rather than condemn those guys who are doing evil in Konoha?

Have you forgotten that your teachers once attacked me? Have you forgotten that they also spread the news that I insulted the Daimyo?"

"Shinnosuke, those things are......"

"What are they all?"

Shinnosuke Aizen and Jiraiya were facing each other.

Shinnosuke Aizen really didn't know what was going on with Jiraiya's brain. You said he did everything for Konoha. Damn, some of the things he did were incomprehensible.

For example, when he stopped Orochimaru from attacking Hanzo of the Salamander, both sides were fighting to the death, but Jiraiya actually stopped his own people.

In addition, Shinnosuke Aizen remembered that in the anime, Jiraiya's ideal was to make the world peaceful. However, because of the deception of a certain old toad, Jiraiya actually pinned this kind of thing on an illusory prophecy.

Shinnosuke Aizen seriously suspected that Jiraiya was just fooled by that old toad.

Shinnosuke Aizen looked at Jiraiya again, then turned around and said

"Before you persuade me, think about how you can excuse your teacher. Before that, you are not qualified to persuade me!"

After that, Aizen Shinnosuke came to Xiaonan and said to her

"Do you want to go with me or stay here?"

Aizen Shinnosuke and the others didn't avoid Xiaonan when they spoke, so Xiaonan saw everything that happened just now.

She knew that if she followed the boy in front of her, her future life would not necessarily be better.

But if she didn't leave, she might starve to death here soon.

"I......With you......"

Konan spoke timidly, standing obediently beside Aizen Shinnosuke.

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded. Then he turned to Orochimaru and the other two and said:

"In this case, let's hurry up and go back to the village as soon as possible!"

On the way, no one said anything. Especially Jiraiya, he kept paying attention to Aizen Shinnosuke and the little girl named Konan, and he wanted to say something several times but stopped.

But in the end, he shut up with an ugly face.

After walking for a while, the five people were about to leave the Rain Country. During a break, Konan, who left the team to deal with life events, actually brought back another child.

"Xiaonan, who is he?"

Tsunade looked at Xiaonan and asked.

As Aizen Shinnosuke's sister, Tsunade approved of most of what Aizen Shinnosuke wanted to do. Since Aizen Shinnosuke said he wanted to train Xiaonan, Tsunade naturally treated her as her own.

In addition, Tsunade was the only woman besides Xiaonan. During this period of time, the relationship between the two was also growing rapidly.

"I just saw him fainted on the ground, and then I brought him here."

Aizome Shinnosuke looked at the child brought back by Konan, half of his face was covered by his hair. Moreover, his hair was red. With such obvious features, Aizen Shinnosuke recognized who this guy was at the first time.

The survivor of the Uzumaki clan living in the Hidden Rain Village - Nagato

""Hey, kid! What's your name?"

Although Aizen Shinnosuke knew the other person's name, he couldn't show it directly. So, Aizen Shinnosuke asked him directly.

"My name is......"Nagato!"

Nagato gave everyone the impression that he was even more shy than Konan. Especially when Nagato was talking, he hid behind Konan with only half of his head exposed. Not to mention, half of his head was covered by his hair.

"Where are your parents?"

Tsunade asked

"them......They were all killed by ninjas. I escaped!"

When Nagato mentioned his parents, he suddenly became depressed.

Aizen Shinnosuke and the others looked at each other, and then Aizen Shinnosuke asked

"Do you know which country's ninjas killed your parents?"

Because all the ninjas of Konoha had withdrawn, Aizen Shinnosuke thought it was not the ninjas of Konoha. But what if it was? Nagato was appointed by Uchiha Madara. Who knows, it was the ninjas of Konoha controlled by Uchiha Madara who attacked Nagato's family?


I know they are ninjas from the Land of Earth. Their forehead guards are stone patterns!���The door opened, and Aizen Shinnosuke finally let go of his worries.

As long as it wasn't a ninja from Konoha, he could take this guy back.

This was the Samsara Eye, and Aizen Shinnosuke was an idiot to let it show. He, Aizen Shinnosuke, was not Jiraiya, who would leave such a powerful thing behind and not care about it.

"Do you want to join our Konoha? There is a little girl with the same hair color as you in our village. Maybe you are from the same family!"

Hearing Aizen Shinnosuke say that there is someone with the same hair color as him in Konoha, Nagato suddenly became excited. After all, he lost his parents not long ago. If he can find his clan members, it would be a good thing.

"I......"Is it okay?"

However, he still looked more timid than Konan. Aizen Shinnosuke waved his hand and said

"Then follow us!"

Since then, the original three-member team of Jiraiya. Except for Yahiko, whose whereabouts are still unknown, the other two have been taken in by Aizen Shinnosuke.

Before leaving the Land of Rain, Aizen Shinnosuke stood on the border and looked at this country where it rains all year round.

It is unknown when they will come again. I hope that without Konan and Nagato, Yahiko can grow up normally!

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