Aizen Shinnosuke and his party arrived at the camp of Konoha at the border. At the entrance of the camp, Nawaki was already waiting there. When he saw Tsunade for the first time, Nawaki smiled and ran towards Tsunade happily.


Sheng Shu threw himself into Tsunade's arms, and Tsunade also looked at her brother with joy.

"Are you okay?"

After a simple hug, Tsunade immediately looked up and down at Nawaki, fearing that he was injured.

"I'm fine, everyone is taking good care of me!"

Looking at Tsunade who looked nervous, Rope Tree shook his head to reassure Tsunade.

"I'm glad you're okay!"

Tsunade heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that Rope Tree was fine.

""Master, Brother Jiraiya, Shinnosuke! Who are they?"

After greeting Tsunade, Rope Tree turned his attention to the people behind him. However, when Rope Tree saw the two people following Aizen Shinnosuke, he showed doubt on his face.

"Oh, this is the war orphan we met on the way back."

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't say much about Nagato and Konan, but simply explained their identities.


Rope Tree didn't think anything of it, and smiled and greeted Nagato and Konan.

Unlike Rope Tree, Nagato and Konan were still quite shy, and the two of them nodded to Rope Tree in a very restrained manner, which was considered a greeting.

"Oh, Master. Konoha sent back a message that the Hokage called us back!"

Speaking of this, Rope Tree suddenly remembered that when they returned to the camp, someone had been waiting here for a long time. And the purpose of the other party's coming was very direct, that is, to find Orochimaru and the others and ask them to return to the village.

"The Hokage called us back? Do you know why?"

Hearing the Hokage calling them back, Orochimaru immediately became alert and asked Rope Tree.

Hearing Orochimaru's question, Rope Tree recalled for a moment and then spoke.

"It seems that the Sand Village has started a war with us, so the Hokage asked us to go back!"

"Sand Village?"

Orochimaru and the other two looked at each other. They didn't expect that they had just ended the war with the Rock Village. On the other side, the people from the Sand Village attacked again.

"Then go back directly, this matter cannot be sloppy!"

Jiraiya stood up and spoke to Orochimaru and Tsunade

""Okay, I'll make the arrangements!"

Orochimaru left immediately. Tsunade led Konan away, and as for Nagato, Aizen Shinnosuke handed him over to Nawase and asked Nawase to take him to change his clothes.

"Master Jiraiya!"

Just as Jiraiya was about to leave, Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly spoke and called him

"Shinnosuke, what's up?" Jiraiya was actually dissatisfied with Aizen Shinnosuke bringing people back to the village, because he couldn't be sure whether the two would be dissatisfied with Konoha in the future, or......Do something that will harm Konoha.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Jiraiya and said

"Master Jiraiya, are you still looking for the child of prophecy?"

With just one sentence, Jiraiya's expression changed drastically. He stared at Aizen Shinnosuke, looking at Aizen Shinnosuke's calm eyes, Jiraiya spoke

"How do you know this?"

Jiraiya has never told anyone about the Child of Prophecy. Because he himself is not sure whether the so-called Child of Prophecy really exists.

"How I know this, I won't bother you to find out. However, I have something to talk to you about."

"What do you want to talk about?"

Jiraiya turned around and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, his expression was indescribably serious.

"Jiraiya-sama feels that the existence of the child of prophecy......What exactly does it bring?"

"Since you know the Son of Prophecy, you should also know that what the Son of Prophecy brings is true peace!"

"Oh, true peace?"

Looking at Jiraiya who was so confident, Aizen Shinnosuke just felt funny. Such a person actually had his heart tied to the so-called prophecy.

"Lord Jiraiya, prophecy or not. How can you be sure that this is true? The ninja world has been fighting for hundreds and thousands of years from the Warring States Period to the present, and it has gained true peace just because of a so-called child of prophecy?

If this is really the case? Then isn't he more powerful than the Sage of Six Paths? What even the Sage of Six Paths couldn't do, he, the child of prophecy, actually did it?"

But Shinnosuke Aizen remembered that Boruto had been released before he traveled through time. Although Shinnosuke Aizen had never seen it, he thought that there would be no less fighting in it.

True peace? It's all a joke!


Jiraiya wanted to refute Aizen Shinnosuke, but after thinking carefully, he felt that what Aizen Shinnosuke said made sense. Even the Six Paths Sage couldn't do it, a vague child of prophecy......Is it really possible?

"But the big toad fairy said......"

"A toad is a toad, I don't deny it. That old man has some tricks, but! Master Jiraiya, you can't not know that. A person's life cannot be determined by a so-called prophecy.

If that's the case? Then why should we participate in the Ninja World War? Since the so-called child of prophecy will eventually bring peace, why don't we just sit at home and wait for a while?

But, if we really do that? I guess before the child of prophecy comes, our Konoha would have been eaten up by the other four countries, right? Just like the Whirlpool Country back then!"

"Aizen Shinnosuke, you......"

Jiraiya looked at Aizen Shinnosuke. Today was definitely a very shocking day for him. Because for the first time, someone denied the so-called prophecy.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Jiraiya and finally said

"Lord Jiraiya, I know you care about the world. However, if those who care about the world are like you, and only pin their dreams on the so-called child of prophecy. Then, even if you really have the power to change the world, in the end, you will still accomplish nothing!

The past is irreversible, but the future can be changed. This is the creed I have always believed in. I believe that with my own efforts, even the difficult future will change because of my hands.

Instead of pinning the so-called hope on some child of prophecy!"

After that, Aizen Shinnosuke turned and left. Jiraiya was left alone, standing in the same place.

Myoboku Mountain, where the Great Toad Sage is. The

Great Toad Sage, who was still asleep, suddenly woke up, as if it had seen something horrible. The whole frog held the armrest of the seat, gasping for breath.

""Master, what's wrong with you?"

This was the first time that Shenzuo saw the Great Toad Immortal show such an expression, and he immediately stepped forward and asked with concern.

"I see the future changing......The child of prophecy will no longer matter......Or rather, the Son of Prophecy himself has changed!"

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