"The child of prophecy? Is that the child of prophecy that little Jiraiya is looking for?"

On the other side, Shima Sage also jumped to the side of the Great Toad Sage and spoke.

"That's right, the child of prophecy hasn't been born yet. But just now, I saw the future change, even the child of prophecy has changed!"

"But, if he is the child of prophecy, why would he change?"

Senjin Fukasaku was a little confused. If he is the child of prophecy, then logically speaking, shouldn't he be fixed? Why would he change?

"I can't figure it out either, Fukasaku, get Jiraiya here!"

As the Great Toad Sage gave the order, Fukasaku nodded immediately. Then, Fukasaku raised his hand and performed the reverse summoning technique, and began to summon Jiraiya.

At the Konoha camp, Orochimaru and others had just arranged the camp. Everyone was about to leave, when Jiraiya, who was standing next to Tsunade, suddenly changed his expression.

"Jiraiya? What's wrong?"

Tsunade noticed that Jiraiya's expression had changed, and immediately asked with concern.

"You guys go first, the big toad sage is looking for me!"

Tsunade curled her lips when she heard that the toads from Myoboku Mountain were looking for Jiraiya. To be honest, Tsunade didn't like those toads very much. They looked disgusting with their bumps!

After saying something to Orochimaru, Jiraiya suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke with a bang.

Looking at the place where Jiraiya disappeared, Aizen Shinnosuke's mouth curled up unconsciously.

It seems......The future has really changed!

"Little Jiraiya!"

Looking at Jiraiya who appeared, Fukasaku Sage jumped to his side.

""Senjin Fukasaku, what does the Great Toad Sage want to see me for?"

Jiraiya looked at the Sage Fukasaku and prayed unconsciously in his heart that the Great Toad Sage was not looking for him for the thing he wanted.

"I don't know either, but this time the big toad fairy was very strange. I have never seen the big toad fairy wake up from a dream before!"


Jiraiya frowned immediately. He actually respected the Great Toad Sage who slept for 366 days out of 365 days a year.

Now when he heard that he had woken up from his dream, Jiraiya felt a big hole in his heart.

Jiraiya carried Fukasaku Sage on his shoulders and quickly came to the Great Toad Sage.

After coming to the Great Toad Sage, Jiraiya was surprised to find that the Great Toad Sage did not look like he was in a bad state of mind as before. The

Great Toad Sage sat upright in his position like a frog, and his frog face looked very solemn.

"Big Toad Immortal!"

"Yes, it's Jiraiya!"

Seeing the newcomer, the Great Toad Sage nodded. Then, without saying anything else, the Great Toad Sage looked directly at Jiraiya and asked

"Jiraiya, have any strange things happened in your ninja world recently?"

"Strange thing?"

Jiraiya looked up at the big toad sage, not understanding why he would ask that.

However, Jiraiya thought about it and said

"We recently had the Second Ninja World War.......Is this a strange thing?"


Hearing that war had broken out in the Ninja World again, the Great Toad Sage's heart suddenly sank. Then, he looked at Jiraiya and continued to ask:

"Do you know a ninja holding a halberd?"

"Holding a halberd?"

"Yes, his ninjutsu is a bit strange, and I have never seen any of it. Moreover, the power of his weapons is also quite impressive!"

When Jiraiya heard the Great Toad Sage say that his ninjutsu was a bit strange, the image of Aizen Shinnosuke appeared in his mind subconsciously. The only guy he knew who had ninjutsu that was different from ordinary people was Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Oh? It seems you really know him?"

Seeing Jiraiya's expression, the Great Toad Sage immediately understood. Jiraiya, this guy, actually knew that person.

"this......I don't know if it's him I'm talking about, but the weapon he used was a strange-looking knife, not the halberd you mentioned."

"Strange shaped knife......Yes, he does have more than one weapon!"

The big toad immortal nodded and said with certainty

"Jiraiya, the prophecy has changed. The child of prophecy is no longer the child of prophecy.......Do you understand what I mean?"


Jiraiya was so shocked that he collapsed on the ground, his eyes wide open, looking at the big toad sage in disbelief.

He couldn't believe that in the future......It has actually changed. Even the child of prophecy that he had been looking for in the ninja world has changed.

Jiraiya is not a fool. Combined with what the Great Toad Sage said before, Aizen Shinnosuke. In addition, now that the Great Toad Sage specifically said that the child of prophecy has changed.

Jiraiya is sure that the original child of prophecy has become Aizen Shinnosuke. He, Aizen Shinnosuke, has actually become the new child of prophecy.

"So, Great Toad Sage, can I ask this new child of prophecy what kind of future he will bring us?"

Hearing Jiraiya's question, the Great Toad Sage looked satisfied. He knew that Jiraiya was already clear about what he had just said.

However, hearing Jiraiya's question, the Great Toad Sage shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Jiraiya, even I can't see the future he brings. However, you have to pay attention to this. His road to the future is full of killing. You have to stop him at the right time, but also support him!"

Jiraiya looked at the big toad sage with some doubts. He didn't understand. Since it was full of killing, shouldn't he strongly demand to stop it? Why, should he support it?

"Big Toad Immortal, this matter......"

Jiraiya was about to speak, but he saw the big toad sage slumped back to his seat. Then, he waved his hand to interrupt what Jiraiya was about to say.

"Jiraiya, that's all I can say. But next time you can bring the other person along. I want to meet him!"


As Jiraiya answered, the Great Toad Sage on the seat fell into a deep sleep again the next second.

Jiraiya looked at the sleeping Great Toad Sage and sighed helplessly.

However, the result this time was generally good. At least, he knew who the child of prophecy was now. He didn't have to run around the ninja world like before.

In addition......Jiraiya was surprised that the Great Toad Sage had been awake for so long this time.

After leaving the Great Toad Sage's residence, Jiraiya ran into the two Sages, Fukasaku and Shima, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Little Jiraiya, how did your talk with the master go?"

Shima Sennin came directly to Jiraiya's shoulder and asked

"Be careful with your words! You can't talk nonsense about the master's affairs!"

"Humph, you just sleep every day, and you're so mysterious when you talk!"

Senren Shima looked at Senren Fukasaku who was speaking for the Great Toad Sage and snorted coldly. But soon he turned his head to look at Jiraiya and said with a smile:

"But you came just in time, Jiraiya-chan. We're about to have dinner. Why don't you stay and eat with us?"

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