This question not only surprised this ninja, but also the medical ninja who had just treated him and the pharmacist Nono who brought Aizen Shinnosuke and the others over, all looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Especially the medical ninja, who pounced directly on the ninja and examined him several times.

"real......Is it just like that?"

Nakamura Kohei couldn't believe it. He had been rescuing the ninja for half a day, but the other party just took out a card and threw it away. Is it just like that?

The next second, Nakamura Kohei pounced in front of Aizen Shinnosuke like a hungry tiger.

"What kind of jutsu is this? What kind of medical jutsu is this? Can I learn it? Can we learn it?"

""Xingping! Calm down!"

Aizen Shinnosuke was frightened by this guy's behavior, but Tsunade recovered quickly and pulled up Nakamura Xingping who was kneeling in front of Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Master Tsunade, this is......This is......"

"I know, but I'm sorry. This is his personal ability, we can't learn it!"


After hearing Tsunade's words, Nakamura Xingping sighed with regret.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, as if he was looking at some rare treasure.

"What a pity! If everyone could learn this kind of ninjutsu,......"

"Don't be greedy! Tell me, what's going on here!"

Tsunade reached out and patted Nakamura Xingping's shoulder, and asked.

Although the pharmacist Nono had already given a rough introduction just now, it was still rough after all, and the real situation still needed to be asked to the person in charge here.

"Oh, now most of us here are poisoned. A few are seriously injured, and even fewer are like him, who are both seriously injured and poisoned......."

Seeing the other party talking about him, the poisoned guy scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

However, no one paid much attention.

"In that case, Shinnosuke, let's do it together like we did in the Land of Rain, shall we? In this case, we can do it faster!"

Tsunade said to Aizen Shinnosuke, and she subconsciously thought of the scene when they rescued people in the Land of Rain.

But this time, Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head and took out a card that Tsunade had never seen before.

【Peach Garden Oath: Consume a certain amount of chakra and release it to designated people around, restoring a certain amount of injuries to everyone】

"No need, Tsunade-sister. Based on the last accident, I have developed a new card!"

Aizen Shinnosuke asked the pharmacist Nono,"Is the place we just walked through the tents where all the injured people live?"

"Yes!" Pharmacist Nono nodded:"From the very beginning tent to this tent now, all of our injured companions are inside!"

Hearing this, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded. Then everyone saw Aizen Shinnosuke waving his hand and throwing the card in his hand into the air. The next moment, countless green lights flew out from the card.

Under the gaze of everyone, those green lights autonomously found the injured ninjas. Then, the green light merged into the bodies of those people. No matter how serious the injuries were, the poisoned ones were detoxified, the minor injuries became uninjured, and the serious injuries became minor injuries. In just this one move

, most of the ninjas were rescued. After all, as mentioned before, most of the guys here are poisoned. If you are really seriously injured, you usually can't survive the battlefield. So, in just this one move, the entire camp was filled with people.

All the injured ninjas were treated.

The camp that was full of wailing just now was now so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard. But it didn't last for a few seconds, and the next second, there was a thunderous cheer.

The strange phenomenon here was reported to Hatake Sakumo and Kato Dan as early as when the green lights appeared. Hearing that something strange had happened in the camp for the wounded, the two of them were stunned.

As a result, when they rushed over, they heard thunderous cheers.

Then came the ninjas who rushed out of the tents. Hatake Sakumo and Kato Dan stood on the road. Seeing the ninjas constantly rushing out of the tents, they were both stunned for a moment.

"That's Youshu. Wasn't he poisoned and dying soon? Why is he so alive and kicking now?"

"That's right, look at that, Xinfeng was brought back from the battlefield by me. But isn't he still full of energy now?"


Hearing the voices of the people behind him, Hatake Sakumo suddenly felt that this matter was not simple. The next second, he thought of Tsunade who had just arrived at the front line.

Naturally, he thought that this was done by Tsunade. After all, apart from her, who else in Konoha has such powerful medical ninjutsu?

Hatake Sakumo himself really didn't expect that Tsunade's achievements in medical ninjutsu would be so impressive. How long have they been here? More than half an hour? As a result, they cured all the wounded of hundreds of people?

On the other side, Tsunade and the others were also shocked. Especially Tsunade, after noticing the situation outside, she took Aizen Shinnosuke in her arms.

"Shinnosuke, you are such a genius! I didn't expect your cards to be so powerful, you even have group healing ninjutsu!"

Shinnosuke Aizen was buried deep in the ravine and almost suffocated to death.

At the moment Tsunade let go, Shinnosuke Aizen hurriedly stepped back. I didn't expect that he could bear the pain of the rope tree.

Shinnosuke Aizen's actions did not attract the attention of others, because Hatake Sakumo came in.

"Tsunade! You are really amazing, I never thought your medical ninjutsu has reached such a level! It seems that we, Konoha, will definitely win this battle!"

Facing Hatake Sakumo's generous praise as soon as he entered the door, Tsunade was immediately embarrassed:"Sakumo-sama, you are wrong, it is not me who treats everyone, but him!"

As she said, Tsunade pulled Aizen Shinnosuke to the front


Hatake Sakumo looked at the teenaged Aizen Shinnosuke with a look of disbelief on his face.

Seeing this, Nakamura Okihei quickly moved to Hatake Sakumo's side, and then roughly introduced the specific situation to Hatake Sakumo!

"Oh? Strange cards? Medical ninjutsu for group treatment?"

After listening to Nakamura Kohei's explanation, Hatake Sakumo became interested. He stretched out his hand to Aizen Shinnosuke and said,"Can you let me see your cards? The kind that was used for treatment just now!"

Facing Hatake Sakumo's question, Aizen Shinnosuke turned his wrist, and the card of Peach Garden Oath appeared in Aizen Shinnosuke's hand.

However, it was different from the beginning. At this moment, the face of the Peach Garden Oath was dark, giving people the intuitive feeling that it could not be used now!

That's right, the cooling time was 24 hours. Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head when he heard such a cooling time, it was too long!

"Is this the card? Peach Garden Oath? What does this have to do with healing?"

Hatake Sakumo glanced at the card that Aizen Shinnosuke handed to him. He looked it up and down several times, but he really couldn't figure out what was so special about this card.

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