Hatake Sakumo carefully read it several times, and finally found that he really couldn't understand anything, so he simply returned the card to Aizen Shinnosuke.

"No matter what, your ninjutsu has helped us a lot! Thank you!"

Hatake Sakumo said as he reached out and patted Aizen Shinnosuke on the shoulder.

"You are too kind, Lord Sakumo!" Aizen Shinnosuke smiled modestly, and then said:"No matter what, I am a ninja of Konoha, and these are what I should do!"

"Hmm!" Hatake Sakumo nodded:"It seems that not only your ninjutsu, but also your awareness is very high!"

After praising Aizen Shinnosuke again, Hatake Sakumo suddenly remembered something and asked Aizen Shinnosuke:

"By the way, Duan just told me, you also captured Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law?"


Hatake Sakumo put his arm around Aizen Shinnosuke's shoulders and walked to the side while asking

"Did you bring them back to exchange them for Sunagakure's withdrawal? But I tell you, Chiyo���It is true that he is the elder of Sand Village, but the Kazekage still makes the final decision. I don't think......The Kazekage of the Sand Village would give up such a good opportunity.

And who knows, the other party might take this opportunity to greatly mobilize the fighting spirit of the Sand Village......."

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Hatake Sakumo. He didn't believe that Hatake Sakumo, a veteran of the battlefield, couldn't see through his little tricks.

But, since he saw through it. Why did Hatake Sakumo still say that to himself?

As if noticing the expression on Aizen Shinnosuke's face, Hatake Sakumo sighed and said,"That's right. After all, you just graduated not long ago, so naturally you can't see these things clearly.

In fact, I already know what you're thinking, but you have to understand. First of all, Chiyo is the elder of the Sand Village, and secondly, she is a mother. Although losing a son is very cruel for a mother, for a war, this small loss is acceptable!"

"No way?"

Aizen Shinnosuke was stunned. He really didn't believe it. A mother would actually give up her son.

"There is no question of whether or not. If I were there, I would have killed those two people directly. But now......After all, they are your captives, that's why I'm telling you this!"

"If that's the case......"Aizen Shinnosuke asked:"Why didn't Tsunade and the others tell me before? Even Brother Duan didn't remind me!" Aizen Shinnosuke is not a saint. He will not be able to do it because of his momentary softness towards the so-called character.

Although Aizen Shinnosuke admires the ability of the character Scorpion, it is a war after all. What he needs to do now is to survive. Only after surviving will he be qualified to be soft-hearted.

"estimate......They just think you are still young, so they don't want to tell you these things! In fact, if possible, I don't want to talk to you about these things!"

Hatake Sakumo looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and sighed again.

""Okay, I have something else to do. If you have any questions, come to the command room and find me!"

After that, Hatake Sakumo turned and left.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Hatake Sakumo's figure going away, and the whole person was silent. After a long time, Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and walked back in the direction he came from.

"What? What did Lord Sakumo say to you? You don't seem to be in a very good mood!"

Not long after walking, a familiar voice sounded in his ears. Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously turned his head and saw that it was Tsunade.

"Sister Tsunade......"

Tsunade patted Aizen Shinnosuke on the arm and said happily:"Cheer up, you are a hero in the camp now, why are you looking so sad?"

Looking at the smiling Tsunade, Aizen Shinnosuke really couldn't be happy. He took a deep breath, and then asked Tsunade:"Sister Tsunade, did you know a long time ago that Chiyo and others in the Sand Village would not give up the battle with Konoha for their son?"

Hearing Aizen Shinnosuke's question, the smile on Tsunade's face froze

"Lord Sakumo told you that, right?"


"Then I won't hide it from you, that's right......I knew it a long time ago!"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Tsunade, who was very single, with an expression of incomprehension.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have to bring them here. I could even hit the momentum of the Sand Village in advance!"

Aizen Shinnosuke was full of complaints, but just when he was venting, Tsunade held him down.


Tsunade looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, the whole person was so serious

"Your idea is good from the outset, and no one can say for sure. Chiyo is really a person who puts the village first. Everything needs to be tested before we can draw a conclusion!"

"That is to say......Have you reached a conclusion?"

Aizen Shinnosuke's doubts deepened. He had always been with Tsunade. But how come it seemed that he knew nothing now?

Tsunade took back her hand that was on Aizen Shinnosuke's arm, sighed and said

"Do you still remember the message that Kato Dan sent back to the front line after we resolved the Sunagakure surprise attack?"

"It was at that time......"

"That's right, at that time, Kato Dan and I had already let Lord Sakumo spread the news that Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law were captured by us. Just now, Kato Dan told me personally that

Chiyo had"abandoned" her son and daughter-in-law, and in the name of revenge for them, it greatly mobilized the fighting spirit of the Sand Village ninjas! It is estimated that the Sand Village will attack us soon!"

"Is that so?......"

It turned out that while they were still on their way, the news had already spread from the front line. It was ridiculous that he thought Chiyo didn't know the news here.

"But it's okay. Although the fighting spirit of the Sand Village ninjas has been mobilized, it's just a little trouble. Your decision has still dealt a great blow to Chiyo."

Tsunade patted Aizen Shinnosuke's arm again, then turned and left.

Aizen Shinnosuke stood there for a while, and finally turned around and walked towards the tent where Chiyo's son Iki was imprisoned.

"Shinnosuke! Why are you here? Are you alone?"The ones who were in charge of guarding Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law, Iki and Jungyue, were Uchiha Fugaku and the two brothers Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi of the Hyuga family.

Uchiha Fugaku was very surprised when he saw Aizen Shinnosuke. According to his thoughts, shouldn't Aizen Shinnosuke be surrounded by people in the camp now? Why did he appear here?

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