"Sister Tsunade, are you there?"

Aizen Shinnosuke shouted to the outside of Tsunade's tent.

"If you have anything to say, come in and tell me. You are yelling so loudly outside, are you calling for the soul?"

Not long after, an impatient voice came from the tent.

"Hey, Sister Tsunade?"

Aizen Shinnosuke first poked half of his head in, and after confirming that Tsunade was not busy with anything, Aizen Shinnosuke opened the curtain of the tent and walked in.

""Tell me what you want from me?"

Tsunade glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke and put down the cup in her hand.

Aizen Shinnosuke quickly ran to Tsunade and took out the male and female double-edged sword.

"I'm here to show you something good, Sister Tsunade!"

Said Aizen Shinnosuke, handing the two swords in his hand to Tsunade

"Isn't this the weapon you used to fight the Sand Ninja before? What are you showing me?"

Looking at the two weapons lying on the table, Tsunade still remembered them.

"I want to give these two weapons to you, sister!"

Aizen Shinnosuke did not hesitate and directly stated the purpose of his visit this time.

"Give it to me?"

Tsunade looked at Aizen Shinnosuke in confusion, then shook her head.

""Forget it, I don't have any use for any weapon. And I see you're pretty good at it, so you should keep it for yourself!"

Seeing Tsunade's refusal, Aizen Shinnosuke hurriedly handed the double-edged sword to Tsunade. Then he said,"Sister Tsunade, don't rush to refuse, you can try it first!"

As he said that, Aizen Shinnosuke kept stuffing the sword into Tsunade's arms.

Unable to persuade Aizen Shinnosuke, Tsunade impatiently stretched out her hand to take the double-edged sword. Then she turned it around twice, as Tsunade was really not used to it.

So, Tsunade still shook her head.

"Forget it, I'm still used to using my fists. Weapons or something......It's really not suitable for me!"

Tsunade was still talking, and Aizen Shinnosuke had already equipped himself with the rattan armor. Then, he waved to Tsunade.

"Come, try to chop me!"

Tsunade looked at the strange Aizen Shinnosuke and turned her head in confusion.

"Cut you? Are you crazy?"

Faced with Tsunade's question, Aizen Shinnosuke did not answer. He just kept shouting, asking Tsunade to look at him.

Seeing Aizen Shinnosuke so anxious, Tsunade immediately showed a malicious smile on her face:"You asked me to cut it, I'm sorry!"

Before the voice fell, a sword light flashed.

The clothes on Aizen Shinnosuke's body were directly cut in half. Suddenly, Aizen Shinnosuke and Tsunade were stunned.

"Damn, why did my clothes get cut?"

"This thing......Can it actually restore chakra?"

At this moment, Tsunade's eyes couldn't help but shine. Tsunade held the male and female double-edged sword tightly in her hand. Before Aizen Shinnosuke could react, Tsunade attacked Aizen Shinnosuke's body again.

"Damn it!"

The sword flashed.

Fortunately, Aizen Shinnosuke noticed it this time and reached out to protect his pants. Otherwise, his innocence would be ruined.

"Can chakra really be restored?"

Feeling that her chakra had recovered a little, Tsunade's smile became even wider.

In this world, no one has enough chakra. Otherwise, ninjutsu like Yin Seal would not have been developed.

But now, Tsunade felt that as long as this weapon was in her hand, her own chakra would be as much as she wanted.

"Shinnosuke, what's going on?"

Tsunade put the sword back on the table and asked Aizen Shinnosuke

"The male and female double-edged sword can restore the user's chakra when the user attacks the opposite sex."

Aizome Shinnosuke took out new clothes from the scroll he carried with him and put them on while explaining to Tsunade

"Attack the opposite sex? Can chakra only be restored when attacking the opposite sex?"

"Otherwise, why do you think it is called the Male and Female Double Sword?"

After putting on his clothes, Aizen Shinnosuke returned to Tsunade.

Tsunade glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke and asked,"Why did you give this weapon to me? It's the same to me with or without a weapon, and compared to weapons, I still prefer to use my fists!"

In response, Aizen Shinnosuke waved his hand indifferently.

"You are not the only one who has it. Before you come, I first found Lord Sakumo and gave him a weapon that can ignore any armor. I gave you this weapon to enhance your strength. After all, most of the powerful ninjas in the ninja world are male ninjas. This is a natural advantage for you, Sister Tsunade!"

""Okay then!"

After thinking for a while, perhaps feeling that what Aizen Shinnosuke said made sense, Tsunade nodded and accepted the weapon.

"This weapon is a little inconvenient to carry around, so it can be turned into a card."

As he spoke, Aizen Shinnosuke stretched out his hand and pressed the double-edged sword on the table. A puff of white smoke dispersed, and the weapon on the table disappeared, replaced by a palm-sized card. The card showed the two swords just now, and the words"Double-edged Sword" were written on the picture. On the back of the card were the three artistic words"Three Kingdoms Killing"

"Three Kingdoms? What is this?"

Tsunade looked at the three words 'Three Kingdoms' on the back of the card and asked Aizen Shinnosuke curiously.


Hearing Tsunade's question, Aizen Shinnosuke was embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter! You must keep this!"

Said, Aizen Shinnosuke grabbed Tsunade's hand with his backhand, and held the card of the male and female double-edged sword tightly in Tsunade's hand.

"this thing......What would happen if I lost it?"

Putting the cards in her hand, Tsunade thought of something and asked Aizen Shinnosuke

""Oh, it's nothing."

Facing Tsunade's question, Aizen Shinnosuke waved his hand casually.

"Each of these weapons is directly bound to me. Unless I agree, let alone the cards. Even if they really get the weapon, they can't use it!"

"Can't use it? Even if it's used as a normal weapon, it can't be used? Your weapon is sharper than ordinary weapons. Even if it's used as an ordinary weapon, it's still a killer!"

Just now when Tsunade was testing it, she found that this weapon is very powerful even if it's used as an ordinary weapon. It's far from being able to resist ordinary weapons.

"That's right!

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded and said

"I can sense who is using each weapon. Once I find that the person using it is not the one I designated, the weapon will be taken back immediately."

After hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Tsunade finally put down her worries.

"That's fine!"

Then, Tsunade sat back in her chair and asked Aizen Shinnosuke

"So what's next? Who are you going to go to?"

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