Hearing Tsunade's question, Aizen Shinnosuke smiled and sat opposite Tsunade.

"That’s all, I’m here to find Sister Tsunade. I’m not going anywhere else!"

Looking at the grinning Aizen Shinnosuke, Tsunade glared at him unhappily.

"Come to think of it, there is something I haven't asked you yet!"

Since the war started, they have been either fighting or on their way to fight every day. Even when they returned to the village, they still had to face those three disgusting guys.

Tsunade was exhausted every day.

Until today, Tsunade finally remembered something that had been bothering him.

""Sister Tsunade, ask!"

Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously moved closer to Tsunade. Under his gaze, Tsunade asked

"When you were fighting the Rain Ninja, you used Wood Release......Right?"

Hearing this, Aizen Shinnosuke immediately understood.

Wood Release.

That is something that every Konoha person is thinking about, because when it comes to Wood Release, not only Konoha, but everyone in the ninja world will subconsciously think of Konoha's first Hokage, Senju Hashirama.

"that......Strictly speaking......It can't be considered Wood Release!"

Aizen Shinnosuke was still very conservative about this matter. After all, Xunzi Xiangtan Merit, strictly speaking, is not the same thing as Wood Release.

"It's not Wood Release? Then what about those pillars at that time?"

This matter has always been a thorn in Tsunade's heart.

Wood Release......

Konoha with Wood Release and Konoha without Wood Release are not the same thing!

"That's just the effect of my other equipment. It's not a real ninjutsu!"

After hearing Aizen Shinnosuke say that the ninjutsu was the effect of his equipment, Tsunade suddenly grabbed Aizen Shinnosuke's hand and asked

"What equipment? Can I use it?"


When Aizen Shinnosuke heard Tsunade's question, his brain subconsciously paused for a moment. Then he thought about it.

"It can be used, but it requires some additional knowledge......"

"As long as it works, it's fine!"

Tsunade didn't take Aizen Shinnosuke's words about 'other knowledge' seriously.

"Let me try it!"


Shinnosuke Aizen's eyes widened suddenly. Use it now. If people in the camp knew about this, what would be the difference between that and announcing it to the world?

Tsunade thought about it and felt that this matter really couldn't be rushed.

Immediately, Tsunade sat back in her seat:"Let's wait until night and find a place where there is no one. Let me try!"

In the following time, Tsunade felt that she was living a year in a day.

At the same time, she was a little excited. That's Wood Release, although Shinnosuke Aizen said it wasn't. But how could it not be?

No matter how you look at it, that ninjutsu is Wood Release for sure!

Soon, it was night.

Just after dinner, Tsunade found Shinnosuke Aizen. In the puzzled eyes of Shinnosuke Aizen, Tsunade carried Shinnosuke Aizen and rushed directly into the woods.

"Sister Tsunade, I know you are anxious. But don't be anxious yet, at least we have to report it, right?"

"No need, I have already told Lord Sakumo when we were having dinner. I told him that I would bring you here to experiment with new ninjutsu, and he has agreed!"

After hearing Tsunade say that she had already reported to Hatake Sakumo, what else could Aizen Shinnosuke say?

Running to a deserted place, Tsunade let go and threw Aizen Shinnosuke to the ground

"I say, can't we be gentler?"

Aizen Shinnosuke stood up from the ground, holding his painful buttocks. On the other side, Tsunade couldn't wait any longer.

""Quick! Give me your equipment!"

Tsunade stretched out her hand and said to Aizen Shinnosuke impatiently.

Seeing Tsunade so anxious, Aizen Shinnosuke could understand. After all, that was her grandfather's ability. If she hadn't been afraid of attracting attention during the day, Tsunade would have robbed it.

While thinking, Aizen Shinnosuke threw a card to Tsunade. The card merged into Tsunade's body, and suddenly, a bunch of strange abilities were poured into Tsunade's mind.

At this moment, Tsunade finally understood why Aizen Shinnosuke said during the day that the ninjutsu he performed was not strictly speaking a wood escape.

"Qimen opens!"

Tsunade stamped her left foot on the ground twice quickly and continuously, and after determining the center palace, Tsunade raised her index and middle fingers of her right hand and then raised them up.

"Xunzi·Xiangtan Merit!"

Under Tsunade's control, the southwest pillar broke out of the ground and began to grow according to Tsunade's wishes.

"This is......"The Wood Release that day!"

Tsunade came to the pillars, stretched out her hand and touched the newly grown pillars, and sighed in her heart.

However, while sighing, Tsunade also confirmed one thing. This ninjutsu is indeed not Wood Release. Or rather, this is not the Wood Release that they think it is.

Sighing, Tsunade returned to the side of Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Take the equipment back, you are right. This is not Wood Release!"

Under Tsunade's regretful gaze, Aizen Shinnosuke took the Bagua Formation back from Tsunade.

However, looking at the lost Tsunade, Aizen Shinnosuke thought for a while and said:"Sister Tsunade, you don't have to be so lost. Every generation has its own way."

"Although Wood Release is very powerful, it is not what we need now! The Wood Release of the First Generation established the village for us. What we need to do is to use our own strength to protect Konoha.

Instead of just focusing on Wood Release, what is the point of the First Generation establishing the village?"

After hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Tsunade thought about it and found that it made some sense.

At this moment, Tsunade didn't feel that bad. Perhaps, Tsunade didn't feel bad at the beginning, she was more unwilling.

"Okay, I'm not that fragile!"

Tsunade snapped her finger and slammed her head on Aizen Shinnosuke's forehead, and said nonchalantly

"It's just Wood Release, what you said just now makes sense. We really shouldn't focus on the Wood Release that has disappeared long ago. Let's go! It's time to go back!"

Tsunade said as she sat in the front and led Aizen Shinnosuke towards the camp.

Just as the two of them were talking and laughing as they rushed towards the camp, suddenly there were explosions from the direction of the camp.

Tsunade and Aizen Shinnosuke looked solemn, and Aizen Shinnosuke spoke at the same time:"Are the people from Sunagakure crazy? They actually launched a night attack?"

Tsunade didn't seem surprised by this.

"This was obviously ordered by the old woman named Chiyo from Sand Village. After all, it was no secret that we were at the front line. There were many poisoned ninjas in the Konoha camp.

If I was allowed to treat them, it would definitely be bad news for Sand Village. So, whether it was to stop me from treating them or for the sake of the two Sand Village ninjas you captured, a night attack was the best choice for Sand Village!"

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