Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 157 - The figure of the moon

"White Night, what do you think needs to be added."

The third generation of Hokage was still very satisfied with the performance before Baiye, and when the other party stopped, he asked again.

"Three generations of grandpa, I can think of that."

In fact, Bai Ye still had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he was not ready to continue talking.

I feel that these reasons are sufficient at the moment, and if you say it again, it will be a little superfluous. Don't accidentally say something that shouldn't be said to be funny.

For the time being, Bai Ye’s highlights are still linked to folklore, so it doesn’t seem strange to know these things Ye Ye.

According to what I have heard, in fact, they have all heard of the three generations of Hokage, but it is difficult for normal people to make associations in this regard.

The main reason for sending someone to check is to see if there are any detailed records in the books.

You should know that these messy legends have many different versions in the folk.

And there is a more important purpose, which is to see if there is any record in the book, and whether there are any weaknesses in this so-called monster.

"In this case, you can take a good rest these days."

The three generations of Hokage saw that their goals had been achieved, and they didn't want to leave more white nights.In the next words, he is going to discuss some details with Danzo and others, and these aspects are not suitable for the white night.

It's not that the three generations of Hokage don't have enough trust in Bai Ye, but that some things must be done step by step, and if it is too much, it is easy to backfire.

Bai Ye heard the three generations of Hokage say so, and after a resignation, he immediately went off.

Although the four people inside did not deliberately target him, Bai Ye's inner pressure was still not small.

After all, he can only be regarded as a small soldier, but he stays in the same room with the four highest-ranking national leaders.

The third generation of Hokage is better, and the number of meetings is relatively large, so there is no special impact.

And the other three, two of them are old and stubborn, and some of them will be troublesome if you don't pleasing to your eyes.

The last one is even more old-fashioned. On the surface, he may not say anything, but behind his back, he is probably wondering how to play the black hand.

However, Bai Ye thinks that his performance just now is not bad, not to mention kindness, at least the other party should not be hostile.

"Do you think that the Ninja Beast lying on Bai Ye's head is a bit strange."

After Bai Ye left here, Men Yan suddenly raised the issue of Xiao Si.

"A dog with three heads, everyone will find it weird."

Xiaochun gave Menyan a speechlessly, and when no one else was around, her character seemed to be more active than before.(Read more @ four of them are not only the highest status of Konoha, but also the disciples of the second generation of Hokage.

In private, there is no need to be as serious as usual, and there is no need to deliberately maintain your external image.

"I'm not talking about appearance, don't you think that even the breath is a little weird?"

Menyan still looked very serious, still looking down to recall the situation of the junior.

"Isn't that little guy's teacher Dashemaru? The psychic beast's style is a bit weird and nothing to care about. Let's quickly discuss the countermeasures against Wuyin Village."

Danzo has no interest in discussing things about Bai Ye. He still has some more important things to do after the meeting, so he doesn't want to waste time on this.


"Teacher Jilaiya, shall we not go back to the village for the New Year?"

In a small town in the country of Kawa noi, Yue carried a big package and followed Jilaiya quickly.

During the time she followed Jilaiya, she could feel that her experience had grown by leaps and bounds.

For various emergencies, many solutions can be quickly thought of.

Unlike some time ago, the scope of activities was limited, and the tasks performed were not difficult.It is almost equivalent to encountering a bottleneck, and many aspects of skills cannot be improved quickly.

"Yue, I told you that ninjas must be able to endure loneliness. You've been homesick after less than half a year after we came out."

Jilaiya said very nicely, but his eyes kept peeking at various beauties.

Especially after discovering the bathhouse in this town, his eyes shone straight out, and his legs and feet unconsciously walked in that direction.

"It was clear that I had a vacation!"

Yue pouting her little mouth and reluctantly followed Jilaiya to the bathhouse.

She followed Jilai and practiced everywhere. Of course, she was very happy to be able to improve her strength quickly, and she felt that she would not be too far away from Bai Ye again.

But after coming out for a long time, there is some desire in my heart instinctively, wanting to go back to see my relatives and partners.

Especially when the Chinese New Year is coming soon, Yue thinks that the chances of meeting Baiye and Swift when she is back at this time will be greater.

"Hmph, don't you say that Yue, deception is also a compulsory course for a ninja."

Jilai also showed a mean smile, and he didn't let up on this aspect.

Of course, Ji Lai would do this for his reasons, otherwise he wouldn't behave as if he was bullying a little girl.

Since the end of World War II, the Ninja world has ushered in a relatively gentle period of development on the surface, and there will be no major battles for the time being.However, Jilai can also feel that in the recent period, there has been a solemn atmosphere in various places.

It seems that all the villages are almost recuperating, and all kinds of small conflicts between each other are constant, and only a key figure has come out to completely detonate the war.

During the war, Ji Lai had to do many dangerous tasks, and then he would not be able to continue to teach Yue in such a leisurely manner as he does now.

Therefore, Jilai has also specially raised the intensity of the teaching plan to a higher level, and the holidays and other things have also been directly deleted.

"But why didn't I know that peeping in the women's bathhouse still has to be a lesson!!!"

Yue looked at Ji Laiya who was lying on the fence, she couldn't help feeling very headache, and she deliberately shouted loudly.

Then there were screams in the female bathhouse, and several tubs flew over Jiraiya's face.

Jilai, who was smashed and thrown all over his head, also had Venus in his eyes, and there were two bloodstains in his flushed nose.

When Yue first followed Jiraiya, she thought everything about the other party was so perfect, she was worthy of the name of Sannin.

But since she accidentally discovered that her teacher was actually conducting a peeping activity, she suddenly felt that the whole worldview had collapsed.

Especially at that time, Ji Lai also still had a month to worry about, saying that she was completely uninterested in her bean sprouts, so she would never peek at her.

This has directly trampled on the minefield of Yue, causing her to rush over to sabotage every time she has to peep at Ji Lai Ya.

Jilai didn't care much about it either, but rather enjoyed it a bit.

Occasionally, he hides special secrets, so as to test the insight of the school month to what point.

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