Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 158 - Little gambler

"big big big!"

A six or seven-year-old girl followed a lady who appeared to be in her twenties, shouting loudly at the gaming table.

"Open! One, two, three, six o'clock!"

The dealer flipped the dice cup, but what appeared was a number that the two of them didn't want to see at all.

"You bastard hurry up and say, are you out of a thousand! How could it be possible to lose forty-nine in a row with my old mother's luck!"

After the little girl lost so many hands, her mentality completely collapsed, and finally she could no longer suppress her heart.

With a light touch on his toes, he easily jumped to the top of the gaming table, and stretched out his left hand to yank towards the collar of the man who opened the cup.

With the loud noise of "Bang", the dealer's head was heavily smashed onto the dice, and his forehead was directly cracked.

"Ah!!! Are you stupid!? Don't you want to copy the guys and kill them! It's nothing to raise your rubbish!"

This seemingly innocent dealer, I didn't expect to be the leader of this group.

Except for being a little dazed at the beginning, he immediately reacted and commanded the little brothers who were still stupefied to draw out weapons to save themselves.

"Swift, stop making trouble, and quickly slip away..."

The person who spoke was Tsunade who took Swift to practice, and she grabbed Swift by the back of the collar and walked out."what!!!"

Then there was another scream, it turned out that Swift was still pulling the collar of the dealer and didn't let go.

And she wasn't in the mood to take care of each other specially, so that this person dragged the floor along the way, bumped and bumped, and was tortured so miserably.

At this time, Tsunade was leading the front, followed by a large number of casino personnel chasing by dudes.

After she chose a certain road and turned a turn, a silent figure appeared not far in front.

"Master Tsunade, did you take Swift to the casino again!"

Not long ago, Silent was choosing ingredients to prepare dinner, but when she turned around, she found that Tsunade and Swift had disappeared.

I immediately understood that these two people must have done nothing good, after all, this situation is not the first time that this has happened.

"Tsunade-sama, don't run away. It's fine if you don't learn well. Why take Swift with you!"

Silent was so irritated by Tsunade's actions that the other party actually ignored her presence and ran away from her side.

But Mute immediately felt that the current scene seemed a bit familiar, and there was always an uneasy feeling in his heart.

"Go! Go and save Big Brother and come back!"

"Brothers! Quickly hack these scumbags to death! How dare to make trouble on our site! I am afraid that we have never heard of our name in Longtou Town!"

Sure enough, Silent immediately heard various shouts coming from behind him, and could even feel a slight vibration on the ground.(Read more @ that, she forced her mind, pretending that she didn't know anything, and turned her body to the right by a ninety-degree angle, preparing to sneak into the nearby store.

"Don't let that guy, I just saw that she and the stinky lady are in the same group!"

Then there was another word, which quickly penetrated from the silent right ear, making her stiff involuntarily.

"Tsunade-sama, wait for me~"

Silent let out a weak groan, and ran towards Tsunade's direction with a sad face.

When the angle of view is zoomed to the maximum, you can see that there is a woman leading a girl in the forefront, and the girl is dragging a man around.

And there was another girl in the middle, showing a crying expression, followed desperately behind.

At the end, there were a bunch of big men, chasing them fiercely with weapons, as if they were going to shred the corpses of the people in front of them.

After a long time, as Tsunade consciously went around, he finally managed to get rid of the gang completely.

"Hoo~hu~ Tsunade... Your lord... you... in the future... can you... don't... be... like this..."

In a dark alley, Silent bowed his body, resting his hands on his lap, and was strenuously accusing Tsunade of his behavior.

"Silent, you can't talk nonsense, this time Swift provoked everything."

Tsunade looked up at the sky speechlessly, and every time he encountered this situation, he had to blame Swift.Although Tsunade would lose every bet, she was at best trying to get away with it.

And Swift's gambling products are much worse, every time they lose red-eye, they will explode, causing them to often run around.

As for Swift's cheating artifact, it was banned by Tsunade, because it would be boring to gamble otherwise.

"Tsunade-sama, you know that sister Swift is being falsely accused. How could she have done such a thing because she is so cute.

And every time you secretly take her to the casino, what if you become like you in the future. "

Silent rubbed his face against Swift's small face, showing a satisfied expression on his face.

"I'm so..."

Seeing Swift blinking his eyes innocently, Tsunade vowed in his heart that he would never take the other person next time.

The fact is that whenever he arrives in a new town, Tsunade can't help but take Swift to look for casinos everywhere.

In the past few months, this scene has become their commonplace.

Of course, Tsunade didn't just take Swift to play in casinos everywhere.

Every day, she sets up a practice plan for Swift and Silent, so that the two can quickly grasp some medical points.

At the same time, I did not forget to do evasion training for them, which is similar to the training that Sakura will receive in the future.

Regarding the strange power technique and the Yin Seal, Tsunade hadn't thought of teaching it yet, thinking that the two of them could not learn such high-end things with their current abilities.Mute and even the next four wars, there is no way to master the housekeeping skills of these two Tsunade.

Different from Zilaiyi and Dashewan, Tsunade also has the special identity of Swift because of his fear of blood.

During this period of time, she didn't take the two of them to perform any tasks, just wandering around casually.

Regarding the matter of returning to the village during the New Year, Tsunade’s thoughts are different from those of Jilai, but the final decision is still the same.

Because of Swift's identity, Tsunade deliberately erased traces of his actions along the way.

She has repeatedly told Swift about this technique, thinking that this kind of thing is more meaningful than learning medical ninjutsu.

This time I did not choose to go back to the village to prevent the exposure of my trajectory, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.


"Ah~ so boring~ these two guys really haven't come back."

In the white night in the village, he was lying on the river in the third exercise field. When he was resting, he did not forget to continue to strengthen his control of Chakra.

Tomorrow is about to usher in the new year, which means that the possibility of being able to confirm his teammate's return is almost completely zero.

Bai Ye held a scroll in his hand and tossed it casually. What was sealed in it was the soul-wasting tea given to him in front of Huang Quan. Now I don't know when Yue and Swift can drink it.

Regarding soul awakening tea, during the white night, there was a special way to secretly let other friends drink some without knowing it.

He believes that in this way, the speed of his own partners should be further improved, and the upper limit of strength in the future should also be higher than in the original book.

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