Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 201 - adversity

"You can't help but value me too much..."

Bai Ye didn't know what to say at this time. The strength he showed was obviously not the strongest one, so he was spotted inexplicably.

For Shinji, after seeing Shiroya's performance in the preliminaries, he specially used the power of the Kitashima family to investigate.

He found that Bai Ye was often injured in the group stage.

In theory, normal people would die early for a long time, but Bai Ye is still alive and well, which made Shinji highly appraise Bai Ye's resilience.

Bai Ye didn't expect that the culprit would be to release the water to exercise his performance.

"I think you must still have hidden strength. You learned this fighting method from Mitsui's family in the past six months.

Then you can't learn everything before, why not use it together. "

In addition to the body's ability to recover, Shinji also had a vague intuition, feeling that Bai Ye might be the strongest among the thirty-two people.

Especially the other party used what they have learned in the past six months to easily abolish his right hand.

Shinji firmly believed in his own judgment, feeling that the other party could even easily destroy his left hand.

For this question, Bai Ye didn't seem to want to answer very much. After blocking the drill for so long, he was finally ready to act.First, Bai Ye's body tilted slightly to the left, and then the Zanpaku Sword also turned, and slashed towards Shinji against the side of the drill.

Because of the unique structure, the lethality of this drill bit's sideways is not low, even higher than the front end, causing the Zanpaku knife to be cut off directly.

Shinji saw the Zanpaku Sword that was hacking at him, but did not dodge, but grabbed it with his right hand.

There is no special color on the Zanpaku Sword at present, so Shinji is confident that his modified right hand will be able to resist it.

And at the same time Shiroya cut over, Shinji was also pushing his drill bit, even though he seemed to be attacking the empty place.

Seeing that Shinji was about to grab the blade of the Zanpakuto, Shiraya suddenly squatted.

Let the tip of the knife rub the lower part of the opponent's hand, and then continue to cut towards the body.

Bai Ye didn't believe that Shinji would really transform his body into a puppet like the scorpion.

Shinji's mouth rose slightly as the drill brushed Shiroya's right shoulder.

Bai Ye secretly said a bad cry in her heart, and found that she might have been careless, this drill bit might also have other forms.

But this time Bai Ye guessed wrong. The drill bit itself hasn't changed, but the speed has been directly increased by a notch.

In addition to its special shape, the surrounding air becomes sharper, as if it is showing wind.

In the air, the clothes on Bai Ye's right shoulder were directly torn into pieces, and the flesh seemed to have been cut by thousands of knives, quickly disappearing layer by layer.(Read more @ Ye, whose escape action was slow by half a beat, suffered a heavy blow for the first time.

"No wonder this guy dare not use it to other people..."

Bai Ye, who quickly opened the distance between the two sides, glanced at his injured right shoulder, and he could see his bones in this place where there was not much flesh.

This is still the case without being hit head-on, and it feels a bit like the effect of Naruto Wind Dun's Shuriken burst, which can instantly expand the range of attack.

This extremely dangerous weapon is really easy to cause casualties when dealing with other people.

Especially the Iron Kingdom itself is in a relatively peaceful period, plus it also rejects ninjutsu, but there is no such thing as a medical ninja.

Therefore, the level of medical care in the Iron Kingdom has remained at a relatively primitive period, and it is only suitable for the treatment of ordinary stab wounds.

Even if it does not cause death, the probability that the right hand will be directly abolished is still very high.

And after Shinji stepped away in the white night, his body dashed inexplicably in the direction of the drill's finger.

It shows that this thing still has a powerful advancing effect, and Shinji is currently unable to effectively control it.

As a result, there is a high possibility of accidents in human use, so it has been sealed up after being developed by the other party.

"Sure enough, this kind of injury should be nothing to you."Shinji saw that Bai Ye was obviously seriously injured and still maintained a calm face, and he became more affirmed of the other party's ability to recover.

Being able to ignore this pain without expression does not mean that the willpower is extremely firm, but that the body has become accustomed to being injured.

According to various circumstances, Shinji believes that Shiraya is undoubtedly the latter.

"It's really annoying, or else just give up..."

Facing this kind of guy with amazing destructive power and capable of super high movement speed, Bai Ye only felt very tricky.

If you use Bamen Dunjia, you will undoubtedly need to drive to the wound or dome at least in order to be flat or catch up with you in terms of speed.

But this is not easy to hide compared to the first three doors, and it will be easily exposed after use.

Especially when Mifune already knew the identity of White Night, she definitely knew the general ability of the opponent.

And when the initial solution is performed, the shape of the sword will change, and it is easier to recognize than Bamen Dunjia.

"Teacher Oshemaru, how do I feel that Bai Ye is about to lose..."

Seeing that Bai Ye was suddenly severely injured, Hong Dou felt nervous for a moment, but he was not too worried.

She knew best about Bai Ye's current recovery ability, except for Da She Wan and Xiao Si.

But the current situation looks very unfavorable for Bai Ye.Hongdou also knows that many abilities of Baiye cannot be used, and the original speed advantage has also been transformed into a disadvantage. It feels like there is no turning over.

"Who calls him arrogant, but he can break through himself even better in adversity."

Da She Maru is also not very optimistic that Bai Ye can win, and he does not feel his advantage at all.

This has been out of the swordsmanship competition, Shinji actually only needs to choose to crush it head-on.

Unless Bai Ye currently hides a hand, any tricks that can reverse the situation are useless.

Otherwise, I really can only count on something that I have learned temporarily under pressure.

It's just too low in terms of probability. Whether it's ninjutsu or swordsmanship, it takes a lot of energy to research.

"It's really out of play. I lost in the first round. It's too miserable."

Although Hongdou did not expect Bai Ye to be restricted, he could easily win the championship.

But I didn't expect to fall in the first round, and the opponent is not that kind of championship favorite.

The hottest candidate for the championship was heard from the conversations of passers-by when the red bean was shopping.

The relationship that Shinji has always deliberately used without all his strength is indeed impossible to be mentioned.

However, both sides showed their strength to the public in this game. Whoever wins will become the dark horse.

Of course, even if Shinji wins, he won't necessarily use his full strength in the subsequent games.

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