Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 202 - Knife off

"I can only try to make Crescent Sky Chong stick to the knife again..."

During the period of White Night, the main energy was spent on this, and there was no hidden trick that some people had guessed.

He felt that if he could successfully strike an effective blow with this, he might be able to destroy the balance of the drill bit.

However, Bai Ye was currently unable to use it for a short time after suffering a serious injury to his right shoulder.

If you want to use your left hand to perform unskilled moves, the success rate will only be lowered by another level.

"Is this another trick? Do you look down on me?"

Shinji couldn't help feeling a little annoyed when he saw Shiraya posing in this pose again.

From the bottom of his heart, he really thought that Bai Ye would use other tricks, but he felt very unhappy when he saw that the other party had destroyed his right hand with the move just now.

It seems to be saying, to deal with you, I only need to use this trick.

Bai Ye closed her eyes altogether this time, and it seemed to outsiders that she thought the other party was too noisy.

But in fact, it is to be able to succeed with the left hand, selectively filtering out the distracting thoughts that shouldn't be there.


Shinji also exhaled a suffocating breath, not planning to think so much.

After aiming the drill at Bai Ye, he strayed slightly, preparing to use all his strength to hit the opponent.He chose a slightly biased angle, mainly because he was afraid that Bai Ye would not be able to resist it. He didn't want someone to die under his own hands.

The time for the two to charge up this time was much longer than usual.

The audience held their breath at this moment, and their mood became tense together.

"Jane Crescent Moon Chong!"


Shinji's figure directly disappeared from the eyes of most people, and a powerful storm ran through the audience.

Bai Ye opened his eyes at the same time, looking like he waved in the air.

Then the whole figure was drowned in the dust that Shinji lifted up.

"What the hell, the quality of this land is too bad, you can't see anything."

"Which one of the two won, did anyone see the picture clearly?"

The picture was lost at a critical time, and the audience was completely noisy, all talking about who won.

In terms of proportions, more people support White Night.

Not only is it because of Shiraya's reputation as the "Undead God of War" before, but Shinji does not look like a samurai at all.

As a result, many people feel indifferent to him. Only some children feel so handsome that they support him.

"Teacher Oshamaru, do you see who won?"(Read more @ bean just felt that Shinji's figure had just disappeared, and everything suddenly ended invisible.

I couldn't help feeling tense inside, wondering what happened to Bai Ye.

The ninjas in the surrounding villages also pricked their ears, and there is no strong presence among them.

The scene that flashed by at that moment was similarly unclear, and everyone was very curious about it.

"White night's knife is broken."

After Oshe Maru pondered for a while, then he said what he had just seen.

"Did you lose..."

After hearing the news, red bean's face was full of entanglement.

She had never thought that in their generation, the two known as the strongest with Kakashi would actually fall in the first round.

"Wait? The knife actually broke? Then what should I do after Bai Ye?"

At the beginning, Red Bean thought about the game completely, but after a while, he realized that Zanpai Dao broke.

"Swords have the ability to heal themselves, don't you know? I remember that I should have told you before."

"Ah, I'm not trying to ease the atmosphere..."

Hongdou didn't remember whether Dashewan had talked about it, but it would be better to treat it as if he did. Who would let the other party be his teacher?As the smoke slowly dissipated, Bai Ye's figure appeared first.

I saw that his right half of his body was covered with dense wounds, and the samurai clothes he was wearing had been completely torn.

He was half kneeling there, relying on only half of the Zan Po Dao to support his body.

"I can't look back anymore..."

After Shinji's figure was also revealed, Mifune couldn't help but murmured.

He is actually very pleased that the opponent can have such a strong strength.

However, the road has gone astray, and it is destined to be farther and farther away from the Iron Country in the future.

"Ahem, it's as powerful as I thought..."

Shinji couldn't help coughing twice, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a long hole in the clothes on his chest.

Although there is no wound under this opening, there is also a trace of bruise.

Just as the two passed by, Shiraya's sword slashed onto Shinji's drill.

In the white night brewing the failure of the move, the Zan Po Dao broke directly, and the broken half of the blade did not know where it fell in the field.

However, Shiroya leaned on the remaining half of the blade, still slashing out a stab at Shinji, and successfully hit the opponent's body.

However, due to the fracture of the blade, most of the power was dissipated, and only minor injuries were caused to Shinji.And although Bai Ye himself didn't completely eat Shinji's move head-on, his body was still extensively damaged, and his expression was a bit trance at this time.

The person hiding in the dark squeezed a cold sweat, wondering if Bai Ye was still unable to hold on, and felt that it would be better if he should go out to stop it just now.

At the same time, they secretly said bad luck in their hearts, and they will be arranged to protect this battle from unexpected situations.

There has been a precedent once before. If there is something bad in Bai Ye, the situation that makes them come out is absolutely very big.

"As I said, it doesn't make much sense to use this trick again. What's more ridiculous is that it failed."

Shinji came to Shiroya from the edge of the field, and said these words as if mockingly.

Although he should have won at this time, he still felt a little unhappy, and he always felt that Bai Ye didn't try his best.

"In this world, there are still many things you can't help but..."

Bai Ye shook his somewhat bewildered head, and glanced at the direction where Mifune was.

If Zhanyue was used to cast Crescent Moon Sky Chong, Bai Ye was sure to cut the drill in half directly.

Or if the simplified version of Crescent Moon Sky Chong was successfully attached to the Zanpaku Knife, it should also have a significant impact.

So that you don’t lose yourself as ugly as you are now.

"this is..."

Bai Ye suddenly shook her head fiercely again, trying to dispel the hallucinations in front of her.

I don't know if it was because of excessive blood loss, a figure appeared inexplicably in front of Bai Ye's eyes, and it looked a little illusory.

He was squatting in front of Bai Ye, reaching out a little hand to stroke his cheek.

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